Stephen Carson's 365

----- Day 12 -----

I'm an Archer!

I wanted to get a shot of me with my bow and after trying lots of different poses I couldn't get the shot I wanted of me at full draw in the confined space I have here so I had to settle with this shot. When the weather improves I'll try and see about getting some shots of me outside with the bow shooting at some of the more scenic places around here.

Thanks! I think i've taken more self portraits in the last 2 weeks than i've ever taken before :p
----- Day 13 -----

A shot from the R/C racing last night, I was busy all day preparing the car as I was modifying it to take a different type of battery.

Qualified 3rd in the A and finished 3rd overall so a good night overall, the result should have me move up to 2nd in the league.
Ugh, buggies, that takes me back. Cat spikes on a polished floor takes me further back again!
Gone lipo then have you?
Looks like Spektrum too by the antenna, all the toys.
That's not my car, I haven't quite figured out how to take pictures of me driving while driving :p

I drive a tamiya trf501x myself, I run lipo in it too although I'm still on 40mhz! Nice and old school though, running CAT's on polished wood with schumacher full spikes :p
----- Day 14 ----- woohoo 2 weeks!

The weather outside was ok today, nothing special but the light didnt seem to be hitting anywhere right then when walking past the BT building I got reminded of a shot I took about 3 years ago when I got my first camera a Konica Minolta Dimage Z5!

The lighting was similar so I thought I would go for another moody shot of that beautiful BT building.
wow, I just found this - some amazing shots in here. Loving it!
----- Day 15 -----

Absolutely terrible weather here today, could barely leave the house so later on with still no shot idea's I headed out with a friend and we took some shots of him driving a long. Hardly revolutionary stuff but it's the first time I've ever done this type of a shot. It's made vastly harder by the state of Northern Ireland's roads :(
Yeah they where, that was actually an industrial estate we were cursing along at about 10mph when I took the shot.
----- Day 16 -----

A shot from the local pool hall here! I had intended to try taking loads of different shots, unfortunately I started playing pool and forgot about other shots until the end of the game so this was the shot of me losing :D
----- Day 17 -----

I had plans, then archery was cancelled so I was stuck with no plan for today and no light outside. As archery was cancelled I decided to do some work on my rc car for thursday night, I decided I could just take a few shots of the RC car for todays picture.

----- Day 18 -----

Sorry another bit of a grab shot, I have been working on a remote trigger for my flashgun today though so I hope to have a go at some archery shots sometime later.
Like the pool shot, I will have to get one soon, there's a table in the office!
Are they steel pinions? Thought you'd me using something much lighter!
These are all my buggy pinions, I do have lighter larger ones for the tc. I think in this shot there is 10 from 15 to 25, the actual raft of pinions is larger than the shot shows!
----- Day 19 -----

Another horrible day out there, that's not mist in the distance it's rain :( ISO800 during the day :(
Looks like a good day for black & white photography. :D

Yeah the colour images are just a horrible blue colour :p
----- Day 18 -----

Sorry another bit of a grab shot, I have been working on a remote trigger for my flashgun today though so I hope to have a go at some archery shots sometime later.

Bloody hell....that's a complicated flash remote! :D

Good pics over the last few days here :)
----- Day 20 -----

Another shot from the RC racing (does it show it takes up quite a bit of my life, I'm racing on Saturday as well!)
----- Day 21 ----- woot 3 weeks!

I guess a lot of people wont really understand why this shot is quite hard to take as aesthetically it's not that great but it's a shot I've been wanting to have a go at for some time. It's pretty much on the limit of what the 300mm lens can do really without trekking away out far to get away from light pollution and getting a tracking mount.

This is 160 shots taken from my back garden then stacked. This was my first attempt at processing this type of shot and it is very very different from any other type I've done so I'm sure I'll get a better shot out of the raw files at some point when I learn more about the actual PP for this type of shot.
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It's Orion's nebula!
Liking the RC car shots most be pretty hard panning them, the Orions Nebula shot is really good too might have to learn how to do that :)

----- Day 22 -----

One of those days...

At the R/C racing you get 3 qualifying heats in which your best time is counted, I managed to retire from all 3 so I got placed in the bottom final and got to drone around doing loads more laps than the next person. Oh well at least I got a good run in the final and would of qualified in the B or C final, it doesn't make that much difference as I'm not contesting the championship so really am just getting used to the car.
Ahh TC's on carpet, a different ball game.
You're making me miss it, well, I do anyway.
I'm gutted now.

How have i missed this one!

Cracking shots so far, and now i've subscribed to the thread i can keep tabs on it ;)

Ahh TC's on carpet, a different ball game.
You're making me miss it, well, I do anyway.
I'm gutted now.

Will this onboard video help :p (I had to coast around as any sort of corner speed and the car rolled! I'm trying to figure out a way to mount a better camera on that wont cause it to roll for next time.)


How have i missed this one!

Cracking shots so far, and now i've subscribed to the thread i can keep tabs on it ;)


I'm a ninja :p

----- Day 23 -----

A bit of a hectic day without much chance to take shots, I grabbed a few from of my RC, excuse the dust it's yet to be rebuilt after a days running!
Haha, I bought a tiny camera off ebay, about £30, it transmits to a receiver that you can record off. The camera is smaller than the 9v battery that powers it and I servo taped it to the inside of the roof, pointing through the windscreen.
I remember using one of those years ago on my buggy and driving from the monitor :D

I'm ideally looking for something that will take in lots of light and give me a good resolution video output, unfortunately that all points to heavy equipment :p
----- Day 24 -----

My nephew Grant, I was babysitting him for a while today.