steps on great wall of China

Not sure if this works for me. I think it would better if wider and also if it was taken as a portrait orientation

There is another shot of it mike

unrepaired part

Half way up ( taken from ski lift) to wall

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For me the only one that works is the wide shot of the wall, the others lack a focal point or a reason for taking the photo that someone that wasn't there will understand. For example the last one of the cable cars is, to me, just that 2 non descript cable cars, but I'm sure you took it for a reason.

The wall shot works as you get what you are looking at and the sheer scale of the wall as it disappears off into the background. The wall also naturally draws your eye in and through the photo.

None are bad shots, they just lack a subject or story.
Just try going up and down this many times let alone into one of the watch towers to the end , it ain't easy believe me.

Remember There are very few westerners that would even get the chance to get views like this either because of cost of travel or even getting the right tour company and guide, let alone going to where we went

Looking down to the top of a watch tower through the cloud ( please ignore dark bit it was part of the next tower got in the picture )
Oh we walked all the way in that wall shot till we got the the notice to stop people going further on.
We must have been a few thousand feet up I guess but not sure

wife and guide a few feet ahead

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thanks for posting these that 2nd shot really gives a sense of scale. incredible bit of construction:cool:
Dyslexia reigns. Nice shots btw, even non subject shots will bring back fond memories in the years to come.
Apparently, from the Great Wall of China you can see space.

in reality that is not so,
John we went with a company called Oriental Travel based in London. Not only was the trip well organised but even down to getting the visa for us was done within a week. We sent our passports to them for it. own driver -own car -own tour guides - internal flights everything was spot on
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