Steve Jobs, former head of US computer giant Apple, dies

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Everyone? Really? Sorry, but much as I admire what the man achieved we're verging on Princess Diana levels of ridiculousness now.

I think you need to sharpen your axe mate, your relentlessness to grind it is bordering on trollism

Oh and the tagline change was my request
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Saying 'RIP Steve Jobs' or 'Isn't it odd how the initials of what killed him are PC?' makes no difference in the world, nor do the billion other mentions on forums, facebook, twitter or other media site.

What means even less is when people post it on every forum they are on, twitter and their facebook page.

If he meant something to you or affected your life in a big way, do something. Give money to a charity that he supported or to a cancer charity. Rather than wasting time typing drivel on a forum that achieves nothing apart from people seeing "you care", do something meaningful. If every 'i' user gave £1 for each product they use, how much money would they raise for charity????

The deaths of soldiers around the world are 100% more important and people should remember them, but in the real world that does matter, where people have to put more effort in than hitting 10 keys, this is where you see real people caring and you see 'Help for Heroes' stickers on cars. i have never and will never see a RIP Winehouse, Jacko or Jobs sticker on a car.
I think you need to sharpen your axe mate, your relentlessness to grind it is bordering on trollism


Oh and the tagline change was my request

Honestly? And you admit to that publicly? :LOL:
Honestly? And you admit to that publicly? :LOL:

yup. I found it disrespectful to have the tagline I had as I have some human decency and requested a change. The mods accommodated and still added some of their humour without the disrespectful steve jobs part.
Dale_d3100 said:
The deaths of soldiers around the world are 100% more important and people should remember them, but in the real world that does matter, where people have to put more effort in than hitting 10 keys, this is where you see real people caring and you see 'Help for Heroes' stickers on cars. i have never and will never see a RIP Winehouse, Jacko or Jobs sticker on a car.

goes without saying, I buy my poppy every year and I do my minutes silence etc etc. I give blood, im on the organ transfer list and give to charities where i can. I haves nothing but the full amount of respect for those who give their lives for the rest of us.

HOWEVER that has squat to do with paying respects for Steve jobs.

This thread has been ruined now by the bickering of a few. Time the mods called a halt to it.
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Job's didn't "change the world" or invent a cure for some life-threatening disease, he marketed computers and phones.

Well yes, yes he did. Not just in the pedantic sense that we all change the world in everything we do, but in real terms. In a world that is run by technology, how can you say that one of the pioneers, inventors and innovators of technology didn't change the world? just because he didn't create a cure for a disease doesn't mean he didn't change the world?

Anyways marketing is a massive part, if i came up for a cure for HIV tomorrow yet had not way of communicating it what would it matter? I genuinely don't understand how u get the impact of what he did??

The deaths of soldiers around the world are 100% more important

Personally i disagree, Jobs didn't sign up to get cancer, its not like he made a choice knowing the risks. Im not saying soldiers aren't brave, and shouldn't be commemorated, but its a completely different story, plus very few (if any) individual soldiers will have had anywhere near the impact that steve jobs had! Plus why can we commiserate both the death of soldiers and the death of a great man???

yup. I found it disrespectful to have the tagline I had as I have some human decency and requested a change. The mods accommodated and still added some of their humour without the disrespectful steve jobs part.

As long as you're happy (y)

Allow me to anonymously quote a recently submitted RTM / Post report.

Someone shut these two up, it's got very boring..

The deaths of soldiers around the world are 100% more important

No. They signed up for the job knowing the risks, so if they die in duty they knew what they were doing. IN a way they are like Amy Winehouse they do something knowing it could kill them, but still chose to do it.

See how easy it is to be controversial!
goes without saying, I buy my poppy every year and I do my minutes silence etc etc. I give blood, im on the organ transfer list and give to charities where i can. I haves nothing but the full amount of respect for those who give their lives for the rest of us.

HOWEVER that has squat to do with paying respects for Steve jobs.

This thread has been ruined now by the bickering of a few. Time the mods called a halt to it.

hear hear
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I don't think Graham's post was distasteful, it was just a bit leftfield - I got it but I'm sure others who didn't know about the lost prototype may have seen it as a wierd, skewed view and one that wasn't quite befitting the general feeling....

As I've said elsewhere, he was no saint but he was very, very good at what he did and made the company he worked for/owned into something that (probably) many could never have foreseen back in the days when they were knocking out crappy Performas and making black all-in-ones. But that said, it isn't like we've just lost a member of our families.

Massive shame that he came a cropper of cancer and that he died in what many would see as his prime (physically and professionally). The saddest thing is that he died, full stop. But let's not for one minute think that his death is more (or less) important than the deaths of others that have succumbed to that terrible disease. It's not. It's just a shame.....
I don't think Graham's post was distasteful, it was just a bit leftfield - I got it but I'm sure others who didn't know about the lost prototype may have seen it as a wierd, skewed view and one that wasn't quite befitting the general feeling....

As I've said elsewhere, he was no saint but he was very, very good at what he did and made the company he worked for/owned into something that (probably) many could never have foreseen back in the days when they were knocking out crappy Performas and making black all-in-ones. But that said, it isn't like we've just lost a member of our families.

Massive shame that he came a cropper of cancer and that he died in what many would see as his prime (physically and professionally). The saddest thing is that he died, full stop. But let's not for one minute think that his death is more (or less) important than the deaths of others that have succumbed to that terrible disease. It's not. It's just a shame.....

....and on that very appropriate and poignant note, it is time to say the final goodbye to Mr Jobs and close the door on his next room.

Thankyou all.
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