Steve Jobs, former head of US computer giant Apple, dies

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He is in pain no more, RIP Steve Jobs, you leave behind a wonderful legacy.
A sad loss to the tech industry , he must have known he didn't have long when he stepped down .
Such a talented guy with such technical vision who in my opinion changed the tech world. Just reading he was in his third round of cancer treatment.... sad news.
The world lost an incredible creative businessman tonight. Thanks Steve.
That's a sad loss... RIP Steve Jobs... But what a legacy to have left behind...
Yes, sad day indeed and so young. A true entrepreneur.
That's the second person I've woke up and found out they were dead via the medium of Facebook. The last was bin laden.
yes very sad for the apple family i can imagine Rip Stevie boy. I wonder how this will impact future products, I also hope current products wont go up in price.
My radio comes on to wake me up in the morning and I just heard about Steve's death. Sad news, that's certainly woken me up.

I guess we can think of the iPhone 4s launch as a tribute.
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doing it as you posted :)
yes very sad for the apple family i can imagine Rip Stevie boy. I wonder how this will impact future products, I also hope current products wont go up in price.

why would it make apple's products price change?
I personally have no I products, but it is always sad to hear someone dieing at a reletivley young age, no matter who they are.


Terribly sad news. The man was an inspiration :(
I've never owned, or wanted, an Apple product but Steve Jobs was a visionary and an icon. Go in peace.
RIP Steve. You certainly made good use of your all too short life.

Now is a time to pause and consider the pain his family and close friends must be feeling.
A real shame.

He has been stuggling with his illness for so long.

His impact on the business, technology and animation worlds has been massive. A visionary in his own way (not for creating new technology but making existing technology appeal to the masses).
I heard this on the car radio this morning and felt genuinely saddened, although we all knew it wasn't far off. He was a brilliant charismatic character - no doubt of that.

Perhaps we'll get Flash on the iPads now? :D
Only can echo all other comments on the thread. Thank you Steve Jobs for your wonderful products and may you R.I.P.
RIP Steve Jobs, he hung on for the launch of the iPhone 4s and will be remebered for his innovations :)
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