Still morning by the lake.



Taken on a day out yesterday to celebrate my good lady’s birthday. This is where we stopped to have a glass of “Sekt und Orangensaft” to drink to the promise of what the day held in store for us. We had risen that morning at 4.30am and travelled by car for the sunrise on the banks of the “Tegernsee”, this shot was captured just before the sun appeared at around 7.30am.


Canon 20D, 17-40L, F22, 8secs, ISO 100.
Completely processed in Rawshooter Premium 2006.
Resized for web, and border added in Photoshop CS2

Comments welcomed.
Very nice.

That one needs to be printed poster sized and put on the wall
Lovely shot Steve - the colours are wonderul. My only criticism is that there appears to be a bit of a halo along the top of the hills where they meet the sky. Could be due to sharpening then resizing for the web I guess. :)

Tis nice indeed. You can see the halo along the roof of the building too. I've had good results getting rid of these just recently with the Colour Replacer tool. It's very quick too.

I like the smoothing effect on the water of the long exposure. :)
My eyes may be slightly squiffey, but your horizon looks like it drops a little to the right - look at the lake, rather than the horizon. Giving a good hard look, the edge of the lake in the distance appears straight, but due to the trees on the right, it looks p1$$ed.
It's my favourite trick too. Often the horizon is actually straight, but due to the topography, it looks squiffed.

Level it up so it looks visually correct.

I do love it BTW. Great colours.
The halo's are a result of the reduction for web and little too much sharpening applied at that point, the full size image has none thankfully.

Arkady, yes you are correct, the horizon is spot on but due to the line of the trees at the waters edge it does make the whole picture look slighty off. I have not corrected the whole pic though as it is part of a series I shot for a panoramic and it has had only borders and resize etc done in PS. If I had corrected it in the raw stage it would then cause issues in the final panoramic.

This was more of a test of RawShooter Premium than a "process this image for show" so some of my usal workflow has either been completely missed/replaced or not had the usual attention to detail.
IanC_UK said:


Its a Beautiful shot Steve, first class. I hope your lady had a smashing day out th you taking pictures!
That is absolutely beautiful Steve. Reminds me on one of those motivational posters. I would have thought it's very sellable, first class :)
Is it me or does it have a purple hue to it? (Mainly the water). I am colourblind though, so that's my excuse.

I'll agree with the others it's a lovely shot. I would have said the same thing about the waters horizon slanting to the right, but that's been covered.
I know you're one for constructive criticism, so I'll point out one thing that's niggling me, and that's the fact it doesnt seem balanced.

The rock on the left seems too far left to me (now if you could just put your wellies on and go shift it, that'd be grand).
That's my niggle, there seems to be too much of a gap in the middle, and the two foreground objects are too far towards the edges?
I dunno, it just seems a little unbalanced for some reason.
That's my criticism anyway, which as always is purely subjective, but I'm trying to be critical for your benefit :)
Thank you. I have just finished work on the panoramic shot. I may upload and post it at a later date.
Like this a lot Steve - great eye ! And from one who is just getting over a dozen stitches in one of his this is easy for me to say ?

I spent half a dozen years in Germany - whereabouts are you in general terms ... if you do not mind me being nosey !
I am in Ismaning, just on the outskirts of Munich. Its a nice quiet leafy (well it was until they all blew of the trees in the wind) area with some lovelly cycle tracks and few rivers and lakes. I am still finding my way around but enjoying myself a great deal.
As promised, here is the panoramic version.


Sorry for the small size but I am sure that you understand why ;) Even I have to admit that the full size shot is nice although it still needs some more work on the sky :)
That really is stunning mate, looks like a beautiful place, captured really well. I'd love to be able to see a larger version of the panoramic to take in the details, but understand why you cant post it.

One extra small thing... good job on the frame, it really helps set the picture off :thumb:
Actually looking at them both I see where Marcel was coming from. The second shot seems to have a better balance about it, they're both bloody good but the pano takes it I think
I altered the colour shift slightly for the panoramic although unless you view them side by side either looks natural printed.

Thanks everyone for the very kind coments :)