Stop Motion - Any Tips???

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Hi guys

Currently doing a Stop Motion Project at college as was wondering if anybody has got any tips on the subject.
I now the basics, use a tripod etc

Does anybody know how to create any cool effects or have any tips?

No but is there any free software out there to do it? Or can you use windows movie maker?
If you have all the shots ready for it, you could use Startrails to make it into a movie.
Just Google for Startrials. Its a free program that will either stack shots adding only the lighter pixels (used to make startrails images - hence the name) like this

or you can use it to make all your shots into a movie like this (same shots)

Try it - it might work for you and nothing to lose as its free!(y)

PS - you can also adjust the frame rate for thie video
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If you are a student you can get Final Cut Express for about £50. I used it for my video degree module. Well worth it if its within your budget. I spoke to the Apple and the differences between that and the pro is mainly in the price tag. My final submission was all stop motion rather than video and stop motion.

Hope this helps with inspriation, I chose stop motion after watching this brilliant stop motion music video.

p.s. Final Cut Express is mac only.
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Thanks for the AT-AT link. Really made my day. :)