Strawberry Bombing

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Inspired by this post I headed up to the freezing loft armed with a punnet of Strawberries and a cup of PVA. The set up was 3 flashes and I used a Miops to trigger the flashes and shot in bulb mode in the pitch black. Apart from the mess and the cold it wasn't too difficult but getting the strawberry to hit the right spot and get the splash isn't as easy as it looks. Getting good strawberries at this time of the year isn't easy either. I got a few decent ones but this is the only one worth keeping. The background flash was aimed a wee bit too low and that is another improvement I will keep in mind for when the strawberries are plentiful in the garden and when the loft is warm.

Strawberry Splash by Simon Wootton, on Flickr
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Good clean image there