Suggestions for future challenges ( open thread)


Edit My Images
An idea I was pondering on, was a "Panel Challenge": contributors enter a panel of 5 images using the RPS guidelines for submission for LRPS distinction, with a layout for how they would be presented for judging. This on an Entries thread, accompanied by a Critique thread. At the end of the year a group of anonymous judges from the membership who themselves have RPS distinctions would decide who should receive the distinction of Licentiate of the Talk Photography Illuminati (LTPI) that they can add to their id panel on the site.
Just an idea to throw into the mix.
It does sound good, but at that point as you justas well submitting them to the RPS?
@Craikeybaby Probably so, but not everyone wants to do that so I thought a tongue-in-cheek TP recognition would be a thing regardless. But the aim, yes, would be to assist/support anyone interested in going for RPS distinctions particularly, but as a challenge to all TP'ers as well.
I thought ..... A Day In The Life was the best ever Beatles song. And a top idea for a photo challenge. I intended having a go, but got side-tracked.
How about some sort of Post Processing challenge, maybe a photo is picked and people just do what ever they want and post the results up. Not sure how often.

I've been thinking about this: what with Pete's talk of Post Processing, and all.

What about a challenge involving, say, a top 100 list of films or pop albums, we choose, say, three, and totally redesign the poster/sleeve. We are given a set period of weeks or months to work on this, all results to be submitted within a timeframe of perhaps half a day. It would appeal to the photographer cum graphic designer, wannabe.

Furthermore, it could lead to critique and guessing games.

Just a thought. I'd enjoy something like that.
The Hot Topics Challenge, an opportunity for denizens of the HT forum to illustrate their dark and twisted views of the world in photographic forum (especially those of us who never usually post any pictures). Suitable subjects will include the terrible consequences or wonderful benefits of Brexit, statues that must be immediately toppled or protected at all costs, angry people on political demonstrations shouting at things, shoppers wearing or not wearing Covid masks, people being Woke in a positive or negative sense depending on whether you watch GB News, Extinction Rebellion, and test shots taken with or without UV filters. All photos to be posted within the HT Safe Space to encourage heated debate.
The Hot Topics Challenge, an opportunity for denizens of the HT forum to illustrate their dark and twisted views of the world in photographic forum (especially those of us who never usually post any pictures).
I have a better idea, shut hot topics until each and everyone of the "usual suspects" has posted at least one image, and that can run on a monthly basis (y)
What about something for us Wildlife Bods???

Les :)
One group I’m in has a “monthly rolling challenge” type of thing - people submit an image (or images) and the winner gets to select the subject for the following month - but can’t win that month (so they don’t just pick their niche). No need to take part every month, just drop in and out as you fancy. Only other condition is that the image has to be taken during the month in question (no raiding the archives!!)
I think a monthly or bi-monthly challenge is a good thing. Allow all the members with a certain amounts of posts to vote (stops people signing up with a million accounts for give themselves votes).
Mods or a panel can pick new topics to photograph against each time. they even do the short-listing if there's too many pictures/entrants.
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How about a nifty fifty week in four weeks time celebrating the humble 50mm lens that so many of us cut our teeth on. Pictures should be taken that week and not cropped, post as many images as you like as long as they were taken week 50 with a fifty. Apc and MFT users can use an equivalent lens so 25mm on MFT for example. People without a fifty or equivalent can use a zoom fixed as long as it is it the equivalent length. Leave the thread open for a few weeks so film users can post. A short and simple challenge that everyone should be able to produce a picture for.

If people take part we could do a trendy 28 week next year which was the first lens so many bought after the 50.
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How about a nifty fifty week in four weeks time celebrating the humble 50mm lens that so many of us cut our teeth on. Pictures should be taken that week and not cropped, post as many images as you like as long as they were taken week 50 with a fifty. Apc and MFT users can use an equivalent lens so 25mm on MFT for example. People without a fifty or equivalent can use a zoom fixed as long as it is it the equivalent length. Leave the thread open for a few weeks so film users can post. A short and simple challenge that everyone should be able to produce a picture for.

If people take part we could do a trendy 28 week next year which was the first lens so many bought after the 50.
I like that idea, feel free to start a thread for it or if you would prefer someone else to run it and if no one else steps forward, give me a nudge in a couple of weeks and I'll start a thread
One group I’m in has a “monthly rolling challenge” type of thing - people submit an image (or images) and the winner gets to select the subject for the following month - but can’t win that month (so they don’t just pick their niche). No need to take part every month, just drop in and out as you fancy. Only other condition is that the image has to be taken during the month in question (no raiding the archives!!)
I may well kick that off next year (y) Once the first month's thread is up then I guess the winner of that month just starts a new thread for the next month so should be pretty much self sustaining.

Do the photos have to be taken in the same month/year or can the archive be used?
I like that idea, feel free to start a thread for it or if you would prefer someone else to run it and if no one else steps forward, give me a nudge in a couple of weeks and I'll start a thread
Happy to run it Chris, do you think two threads, one for pictures and one for comments like in the 52?
Happy to run it Chris, do you think two threads, one for pictures and one for comments like in the 52?
Good idea and that seems to work well because it is easy to see all the pictures without a load of comments in between, also you can kick off the discussion thread now and put up the pictures thread in week 50. I'm happy to promote it with a notice nearer the time.
Good idea and that seems to work well because it is easy to see all the pictures without a load of comments in between, also you can kick off the discussion thread now and put up the pictures thread in week 50. I'm happy to promote it with a notice nearer the time.
No probs will get the Discussion thread up tonight with the basic rules and edit if your not happy with it.:)
Do the photos have to be taken in the same month/year or can the archive be used?
Taken in the month that the challenge subject is set - idea is to get people out (or in!) taking pictures rather than just raiding an archive.
I may well kick that off next year (y) Once the first month's thread is up then I guess the winner of that month just starts a new thread for the next month so should be pretty much self sustaining.

Do the photos have to be taken in the same month/year or can the archive be used?
A photography section of another forum I am on does this, and it is usually up to the person setting the challenge to choose if archives can be raided, or if the photo should have been taken that month. Restricting it to new photos significantly reduces the entries, but I always prefer to take a new shot.
A photography section of another forum I am on does this, and it is usually up to the person setting the challenge to choose if archives can be raided, or if the photo should have been taken that month. Restricting it to new photos significantly reduces the entries, but I always prefer to take a new shot.
I've run other monthly challenges on here and if allowed people seem to post shots from the archive much more than shoot new stuff but personally I like the ethos of shooting something specifically for the theme of the month.