Sunset at paddy's hole.

Messiah Khan

Santa is your dad
Alasdair Fowler
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Went to Coatham marshes then paddy's hole today to take my D300 for a spin. The day ended with a nice sunset. Its a great area with so much potential for good shots.




I love that place, it's a great area.

Last for me, like the way you have used the ripples as a good lead-in.
hmmmm, do i recognise that boat?

2 and 3 are my favourites, why don't you tell me you are up my end grrrr :D
Great shots as ever :clap: It is plain to see you put a lot of thought into your pictures and it is something I should be doing a bit more of, the thinking part that is:LOL:
No 2 is superb, like the fg interest....which takes up a lot of the frame, but works rather well as a lead in to a nice sunset.
im loving these MK i dont generally look in landscape as i am so hopeless at them myself but these are superb, can you share some of your technique etc, ie filters, settings etc on maybe one of them ? :) id love to be able to get something even close and have no idea how to lol :)
Thanks for the comments everyone. :)

hmmmm, do i recognise that boat?

2 and 3 are my favourites, why don't you tell me you are up my end grrrr :D

Hehe, I was with my parents this time. Will meet up with you sometime though. (Probably in York at the meet(y))

im loving these MK i dont generally look in landscape as i am so hopeless at them myself but these are superb, can you share some of your technique etc, ie filters, settings etc on maybe one of them ? :) id love to be able to get something even close and have no idea how to lol :)

Cheers Ian. Not much to them really. No filters (ND grad filter would maybe have made the PP a bit easier, but it was raining slightly so I didn't want to stop to get them out and they would just get covered in droplets anyway.) Used Aperture priority on the first 2 and full manual on the last. All have had a bit of dodging and burning and level tweaks, but nothing too drastic. Not sure what more to add really. Just find a good composition, expose the shot right and the rest takes care of itself. :shrug:
Cheers Ian. Not much to them really. No filters (ND grad filter would maybe have made the PP a bit easier, but it was raining slightly so I didn't want to stop to get them out and they would just get covered in droplets anyway.) Used Aperture priority on the first 2 and full manual on the last. All have had a bit of dodging and burning and level tweaks, but nothing too drastic. Not sure what more to add really. Just find a good composition, expose the shot right and the rest takes care of itself. :shrug:

Damn lol its the composition i struggle with, know what i want to get on the camera, but never seem to make it take what i can see lol

I need to try harder next year on that one :)
I'm more of a browser than a poster, mainly because im just learning and picking up tips at the moment, but when i saw these i just had to post something.

They are fantastic, great work!
Wow, no.2 just stops you dead in your tracks, everything about it is superb :clap:

Really like no.3 as well, I think you chose exactly the right moment with the light how it is (y)
See that is such a shame! Could have been a set of 3 spot on shots! I absolutely love shots 2 and 3. The compositions and exposures are awsome, and the subject matter is really interesting. I love the curved lines of the waves arriving that lead the eye into the shot, and as such the shot gets progressively more interesting as the eye rises up the photo :)

Shot 1 for me though is a tad under exposed. Of course you may have intended this to happen though so that's cool. But the rock poking out of the water slap bang in the middle of the refflection of the structure above it is a little off putting imho. Otherwise, I like the composition!

and a point for all three shots, I really like the mood. theya re quite cold, quite run down and tired feeling. But as a result adds interest.

Nice work chief :)
Since folks have done most of the needed comments, I'll just run through my reactions.

no.1 hmmmm.

no.2 aaaaahhhh. :love::clap:

no.3 ooooohhhh. (y)(y)
Don't be silly .... Thats the drink and lack of sleep talkin' ... :D

It must have real danger there, I'll stick with my 5D....don't think I'd even consider swapping it for the new D3. Not that I have anything against Nikon now :puke: