Sydney Harbour Live - Fireworks

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At 1.00pm our time, today, of will be midnight in Sydney and despite 300,000- plus people signing a petition not to have the famous annual display because of the horrendous fires (out of respect for those killed and those losing homes,not to mention wildlife) it's going ahead. The city of Parramatta,18 miles from Sydney, is also having a display. Temperatures in New South Wales,where Sydney is, are forecast to be above old money 110F. Maybe it's because they generate AUD $310million which is £65million.Both the prime minister and mayor of Sydney support the fireworks display going ahead.PM Morrison says it's to give a positive in such dire times...the other consideration for them is that it's been planned and paid for 15 months ago and won't make any difference to funding in relation to the fires. The Sydney council has donated $620,000 (£310,000) to fire-related projects.

I'm posting this webcam (below) but I have reservations about it. ITV will have their lunchtime news running from 1235 through the display time so may have live footage.This morning's news announced that the death toll is now 12 people including firefighters most,are volunteers. There are,reportedly, 4000 people seeking safety on the beaches at Mallacoota...which is 310 miles east of Melbourne.

The fires we see in CA are bad but I can't recall ever seeing such terrible fires and devastation on such a large scale.It''s estimated that 30% of Koalas in NSW have been killed.Approximately 5m hectares,nationally have been affected, 3.5m in NSW alone. It's estimated that 480m reptiles, birds and mammals have been killed. All in all it's an ecological disaster on a massive scale that's unprecedented despite some claiming otherwise. A scientits' overview

Posted online at 9.44am (our time) Mallacoota.

If you still would like to see the display Here's the live link. If it 'times out' just Google it or,as I did try clicking on the back button,that brings it live again.

Having posted all the above I'm beginning to wonder if I now want to see them.It feels like being disrespectful, blasé
I can understand the government of Australia wanting to go ahead with the fireworks but it seems wrong somehow.

Like many people I've been following what has happened over recent weeks. It was only today I heard the estimate for the area that has been destroyed by and/or seriously affected by the fires. It is approximately 10,000,000 acres.

If my calculations are correct that is a larger than the area of all the English counties north of a line roughly between the Humber and the Mersey.

Unless there was an increased fire risk, I think they did the right thing going ahead.
Having been born in Australia it is very sad to see, but we had bushfires when I was growing up. Had many happy holidays in Mallacoota too and sad to see it just burning down. Friends in and around the areas are in touch with me too, as so worried about them being so close to it all.
I can understand the government of Australia wanting to go ahead with the fireworks but it seems wrong somehow.

Like many people I've been following what has happened over recent weeks. It was only today I heard the estimate for the area that has been destroyed by and/or seriously affected by the fires. It is approximately 10,000,000 acres.

If my calculations are correct that is a larger than the area of all the English counties north of a line roughly between the Humber and the Mersey.


It is impossible to visualise all the acreage type figures. The area destroyed is about half the size of Scotland.
I don't know what the fire risk was from all the squibs, but the amount of smoke was horrendous and that is good enough reason never to have them at all.
While we are on about world-wide fireworks seeing the New Year in, have you noticed how the London Eye one was a bit of an anti-climax as most of it got obscured by smoke which instantly turned into smog in the cool damp air before wafting towards the crowd and main ground-based TV cameras under a light easterly breeze. The TV people had to keep filming it from the "rear side" where visibility was better.
The Sydney fireworks raised nearly $1m for the Red Cross, :clap:

Cancelling them would have made a huge difference to donations.
By not doing the fireworks they can only lose money that they'll need to start rebuilding.

The Sydney fireworks raised nearly $1m for the Red Cross, :clap:

Cancelling them would have made a huge difference to donations.

As ever with these issues..different views and all valid. in this thread too. My wife said that people had to pay to be there around the harbour but I haven’t been able to see anything about ticket costs or that a ticket was required.
The massive spread of fire is being blamed on the GREEN party being allowed to ban cutback as it harms wildlife / bugs and birds
It was done to stop the spread of fire should it start , Apparently the GREENS have dissapeared in OZ they are laying LOW
Never understood the view that we should cancel something because another unrelated event is happening. All paid for and organised so cancelling achieves nothing. Its like when a PM gets criticised for being on holiday when events like this happens? Why? What can the PM do?