Synchronizing Adobe Lightroom on two computers??

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I use 2 computers - a 17" Macbook Pro set up as a desktop, and a 13" Macbook as a laptop. Is there a way of synchronizing Lightroom on both of these machines? I'd like to be able to edit photographs on one or the other and have it mirror the work onto the other. Does anyone know how I can do this?
Many thanks for any input!

Lightroom's catalogs feature should help you achieve this. From your MacBook Pro you can export all your photographs as one catalog and import it into Lightroom on your MacBook. After any work you've done on the MB you just export the catalog again and reimport it onto your MBP.

If you're only editing metadata then you're not going to need to export the negatives, but if you want to develop you're photos it's something you're gonna have to export as well. I'm sure it'd be a pain to export your entire archive's negatives to one machine and then back again. If it were me I'd do it by folder... unless you really need access to your entire archive.

You're gonna have to be mindful of how you're working though and keep on top of which is the latest catalog. I'm assuming you'd like to work with all your photos on your MB and then sync whatever changes you do to it back onto the MBP?
I use Lightroom on both a laptop and a desktop. The Lightroom catalog (and all pictures) on an external hard drive, and I can see everything on both PCs with minimal trouble. O haven't yet figured out how to have the same set of presets/customizations appear on both. (Printing setups and processing presets) They are individually stored within the Lr installation folder structure on each PC. I can sync them manually, but had hoped to have only one location for all of Lr stuff.