Tea - leaf and bags

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Are there any tea lovers on here, people who like to chop and change between blends? I am just supping a nice mug of Darjeeling (with a tiny bit of milk added) and it is lovely. I reckon tea must be one of the best value and varied drinks out there. We have a cupboard devoted simply to different teas - Darjeeling, Oolong, Kemun, Assam, Ceylon, plus some blended ones such as Ceylon/cardomom, green teas, Red Bush etc. Most are leaf teas, but we do have a good supply of tea bags for single cup use and for when friends/relations pop in and just want "builders tea".
Yes. I don't have many different blends but do like Darjeeling. The usual brew is Twinings is English Breakfast, or Strong Breakfast without milk or sugar. Sometimes I have a green tea or an ordinary tea with lemon.

That first cup of the morning is special.

Yorkshire tea, brewed for at least 5 minutes, 2 sugars, bit of milk.

Proper tea from a proper county :)
Cheltenham has a branch of 'T2’ who are an Australian retailer of teas and associated tea equipment. It’s interesting to look around, the range of teas available are very wide and varied, teas I never knew even existed.

Pomegranate tisane anyone?
Strong (brewed for 20 - 30 mins), black, no sugar. Superb!
Bog stock (and I don't mean a stock created from toilet water!) Twinings EBT or Earl Grey as spat out by the Tassimo machine.
No idea what make, I just look for the green box in Tesco, but mint green tea. 2 or 3 tea bags per large 650ml beaker. Pour on hot water and allow to cool. Once cool, half fill sports drink bottle and put in freezer. The rest goes in a bottle and put in fridge. When it is time for the gym top up frozen drinks bottle with the bottle from the fridge. Nice cold and refreshing drink for a workout. Don't like hot tea of any description.
Yorkshire tea, brewed for at least 5 minutes, 2 sugars, bit of milk.

Proper tea from a proper county :)

Why kill the taste with sugar? it is far tastier without ...and with Scottish water :p
Mmmmm, Lady Grey for me with a little milk. (I do keep EBT for others!) :D

I have even managed to train most of my customers to buy it for me! :)
Cheltenham has a branch of 'T2’ who are an Australian retailer of teas and associated tea equipment. It’s interesting to look around, the range of teas available are very wide and varied, teas I never knew even existed.

Pomegranate tisane anyone?

There is one in Richmond as well now. Like much of Richmond it’s full of ladies what lunch
Yorkshire tea, brewed for at least 5 minutes, 2 sugars, bit of milk.

Proper tea from a proper county :)

Bosh, that's the beginning middle and end of tea drinking for me.

we actually...well my so...actually carries a stock in her handbag for when we eat out, because you never know what kind of weak pizzel they're gonna serve up.

Darjeeling, Oolong, Kemun, Assam, Ceylon...pffft, just no...:D
In the Summer I really like the green tea that I pick up from our local Chinese supermarket.
I couldn't tell you what blend because I don't read Chinese, but it knocks spots off anything in the regular supermarket.

A Chinese friend introduced me to it about 20 years ago and I always keep a box in the cupboard.
You can't proclaim to be a tea connoisseur and say you use tea bags, that just doesn't work. Proper tea leaves taste sooooo much better than anything you can get in a bag.

Also, a huge amount depends on where you live, brewed with hard water Yorkshire tea is virtually undrinkable yet made with soft water it is just about ok. Same is true for pretty much all tea, hard water isn't so good at extracting the tasty aromatic polyphenols so you end up with a tannic brew with little proper flavour, soft water is good at extracting the tasty stuff which is why Yorkshire tea is ok with soft water (I guess you have soft water t'oop narth).

So, before you have a barney with someone about favourite brews, ask them how hard their water is first.

Shame my drinking water comes from chalk :(
I like my tea extra strong.

Current favourite is Thompsons Irish Breakfast Tea. The tea bags are not filled with dust!

Not a fan of lighter teas but i do enjoy a big leaf Assam.
Never too to coffee!

I like a variety of high quality leaf tea and all sorts of herbal blends too. I drink quite a lot (3-4L per day). It's much better stuff than say alcohol or sugary toxic sodas.

Just for the record I can't go near tea bags. They taste horrible - well think about it: you drink wet paper and the powder of whatever waste they find to sell you on. 1L bottled mineral water (or use high grade filters if you prefer), 100% plastic free kettle, good leaf tea and a nice china teapot - thats the proper way.
My wife has taken to Lapsang Souchon leaf tea over the last few years. Tesco's is rubbish as it is made from floor scrapings - it falls through the strainer.
Waitrose's is passable, better quality. She needs a good supplier :)
Teabags have plastic in them, hence the change to loose leaf.

I've not had a cup of tea for about twenty years, much prefer coffee..
You can't proclaim to be a tea connoisseur and say you use tea bags, that just doesn't work. Proper tea leaves taste sooooo much better than anything you can get in a bag.

Also, a huge amount depends on where you live, brewed with hard water Yorkshire tea is virtually undrinkable yet made with soft water it is just about ok. Same is true for pretty much all tea, hard water isn't so good at extracting the tasty aromatic polyphenols so you end up with a tannic brew with little proper flavour, soft water is good at extracting the tasty stuff which is why Yorkshire tea is ok with soft water (I guess you have soft water t'oop narth).

So, before you have a barney with someone about favourite brews, ask them how hard their water is first.

Shame my drinking water comes from chalk :(

There are companies out there who produce decent tea bags, the flavours pretty much match those of their loose leaf tea.


However, I totally agree with you on water quality dictating how the tea will taste. I live in a very hard water area in Kent, and our tap water is IMO totally unpalatable, to the extent where we use bottled water for drinking, including tea making.
I mainly drink green tea I used to make it from leaf but to be honest I just use bags now
Some of the green tea in bags is horrible it's hard to find a good one
The Costco green tea bags are very good
Would welcome any other suggestions for good green tea in bags as Costco isn't local to us and it's a bit of a trip to get them
I've tried teapigs brand and thought that it was disappointing overrated
Coffee, black and unsweetened, in the morning and Twinings Strong Breakfast tea during the day. Chai/masala tea in the evening. About 50:50 loose tea and teabags, I can't tell the difference anyway.
I mainly drink green tea I used to make it from leaf but to be honest I just use bags now
Some of the green tea in bags is horrible it's hard to find a good one
The Costco green tea bags are very good
Would welcome any other suggestions for good green tea in bags as Costco isn't local to us and it's a bit of a trip to get them
I've tried teapigs brand and thought that it was disappointing overrated

My missus uses the Do Gazal brand of green tea bags. We buy them from one of the many "ethnic" supermarkets which we have in Kent.

Of the 23 tea's that I currently have, amongst my favourites are

Hebden Tea Company's Diamond Blend Earl Grey
Bollands of Chester Leningrad Earl Grey , and their Assam Golden Palace.