Teh n00bzor tis ere!!111!!!11one!!

Edit My Images
I just thought I'd be inventive, everyone else went for the extremely original 'Hello', I couldn't be done with that.


Feel free to spam my opening thread with welcoming images and lines of read the FAQ etc.
I always thought FAQ was a geeky way of telling someone you didn't agree with something they said (geddit? FA Que).

(y) welcome spacky (y)

look forward to seeing some of your pictures..
*strokes ban button

Hello and Welcome to TPF :wave:
*strokes ban button


Ban hammer gone to your head :D

Well am a total newbie to the photo thing I noticed Peter Carrs blog and kind of found you that way.

I am not an SLR boy, I am have my normal Ixus 60 which I happy with, if you saw what I had previously which was a freebie Canon camera that came with a bunch of projectors I bought well...there we go.

I'll probably hover around reading things finding other people with similar kit to myself in the hope of picking up some tips...hope that is.
well share some photos, ask some questions...no ban hammer happy mods here im afraid, your mistaking us for somewhere else ;)
Hully spacky