Test your colour IQ

0 for me! which is perfect for an old bird of 50 apparently!! :D
44 for me :(
I'm going to blame it on the beer ;)
i couldnt finish it, the colours were sending my eyes a bit loopy to be honest!
20 for me.

I'll take that - it was making my eyes go all funny :nuts:
63 for me but made my eyes go funny:D
35, but my eyes were bleeding by the end. Where I got it wrong it was in very tight bands, so possibly my eyes, or possibly my screen calibration!
That's pleasing - I got a perfect 0...though everytime I looked at after the first minute my vision went a bit fuzzy - not sure the eyes were designed for that kind of test!
4 for me...though my eyes now hurt and its probably done more harm than good :LOL:
I'm sure I've seen this around here before, I was crap then and I'm still crap. Score 44
16 for me, I'll retake it when im off the laptop, see how much the screen differs.
I don't think I'm going to be able to open my eyes now till thye morning, trying to ype this and my eyes are going nuts!
28 for me. Probably not really terrible, but not particularly good either.
Haha 12 is what I got, must get higher the older you get.
I scored a big fat 0

I am so happy. My wife who is always telling me that i have dodgy eyes scored 45.

8 for me although I think I got a bit bored towards the end and rushed it (that's my excuse and I'm sticking to it).

Apparently it's the blue/greens cross over where I made some mistake(s)
18 for me, and also suffered the funny eyes
99 but then I am partially colour blind. The graph at the end showed problems with the reds.