Thai Chillies


TPer Emeritus
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Mrs fabs picked some of these up today as they were all they had in stock. Am I right in thinking these are actually birds eye chillies? I'm making a curry this week and, whilst I like a bit of heat, I don't want to blow peoples' heads off.

I know it's subjective but can any chilli aficionados on here able to give me a rough guide on how many to use (and whether to deseed) in order to create something spicy but comfortable to eat? I would usually use 2 standard chillies with just a few seeds left in. Don't mind sweating a little but want to be able to taste the food.
Cut a TINY bit off the end of one and dab it on your tongue to judge the heat. As a general rule, the smaller the hotter.

Oh, and wear rubber gloves... ;)
Cut a TINY bit off the end of one and dab it on your tongue to judge the heat. As a general rule, the smaller the hotter.

Oh, and wear rubber gloves... ;)

They're about 7cm in length and 7-8mm at their widest. I could put one on my tongue but how would that be when mixed into a taste with other ingredients?

I've searched for recipes but some say to use up to 10-12!
Interesting, I always thought it came from the seeds.

I've decided to cook it the day before. I'll throw a few chillies in and keep a large tub of yoghurt on standby! :D

Yeah, it a misconception about the seeds.

Always better warmed up the day after! (y) Take it easy with the chillies, you can always add a few more later. Don't forget the toilet roll in the fridge :D
That's the thing, I'll be putting the chillies into the paste rather that adding them during the cooking process so it will be a little diluted by coconut milk.

Just keep a bit of the paste in the fridge, then you could add a bit when you're re heating if needed.

BTW, my moneyboss is making a banana curry this aft. for eating tomorrow. :cool:
Just keep a bit of the paste in the fridge, then you could add a bit when you're re heating if needed

Good idea. (y)

BTW, my moneyboss is making a banana curry this aft. for eating tomorrow.

Now that sound interesting, Mrs fabs is allergic to banana though. I did a sweet potato& pineapple curry a while back, was delicious! :)
Now that sound interesting, Mrs fabs is allergic to banana though.

We like hot curries so tend to put plenty of chillies in. The banana & coconut seem to temper & balance well though. (more of a Thai style)
Is she allergic to plantain as well?
Dealing with insurance companies is a PITA, Marc... ;) am going to throw a chilli in and see what happens. :naughty:
Who lit their chilli fart?
As mentioned its the placenta (white fleshy part) that gives the heat not the seeds.When I do a thai curry I normally use just over half a bag of birds eye chillies but as said start off with a few and add as you need to.I like it super hot so sometimes add ghost chillis as well
These are fantastic if you want to spice up curries,chilli spag bol etc.They are pure chilli mash so you wont need much to add some heat! Mines nearly all gone as I have a tendency to eat it straight from the jar!:naughty:

bbc by Stuart Howe, on Flickr
When I do a thai curry I normally use just over half a bag of birds eye chillies

So that's about 4 or 5? I put 1 in with the bolognese last night and it gave a nice kick to the back of the throat but mrs fabs decided that was her limit. Might sneak a 2nd one into the curry as I think the coconut milk might take some of the sting out.

Out of curiosity, if the heat isn't in the seeds, why do so many recipes list deseeded chillies in the ingredients?
The red are a little for bionic taste buds not quite lol but I do grow all the super hot chillies and often pick and eat them off the plants so have built up quite a tolerance to them over the years..
The thai birdseye etc rate at about 100,000-200,000 on scoville scale whereas the ones I grow go up to over 2 million:eek: hottest I have eaten is the caroliner reapers I grew last year that was warm!
I know what you mean we all like different heat levels here so I normally portion some off in another pan and add lots of extra stuff to mine. If you fancy some cheese and crackers and a nice pickled onion or gherkin I can recommend these!They have a kick but they are superb.
IMG_0763 by Stuart Howe, on Flickr
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I know what you mean we all like different heat levels here so I normally portion some off in another pan and add lots of extra stuff to mine. If you fancy some cheese and crackers and a nice pickled onion or gherkin I can recommend these!They have a kick but they are superb.
IMG_0763 by Stuart Howe, on Flickr

Can't stand gherkins or pickled onions at the best of times so I'll give those a miss. :LOL:
:D I love em! Just dont put them out on a buffet without warning your guests;)