The Amazing Sony A1/A7/A9/APS-C & Anything else welcome Mega Thread!

I’ll likely finish up with 3 primes, my S/Z 35mm, a prime wangle (Maybe Loxia 21, maybe Voigtlander 15mm) and something between 85-100mm. I do get the added bonus of 40-60% of Sony lenses which does skew the decision slightly too.

You get 40-60% off and you'll end up with only 3 primes? Oh come on!
No discount on Loxia's or other non-Sony lenses ;)

Also - babies and life are expensive!

Self restraint in this one is strong. I'd be like a kid in a candy shop.

In all seriousness though, how about you buy me a 24-70 2.8 that I can't afford? It's my 10 year anniversary (only been married less than a year though). Surely I deserve a reward?! :p
Heh - not the first person to ask. Sadly, it's via a friend who works for Sony (good staff perk!), and they monitor what they buy. So if he suddenly puts in an order for lots of the same lens, it puts a flag against him. A colleague got a bit of a telling off for ordering three TV's.
Cheers for the thoughts guys.

Obviously, whilst you can use any focal length for any type of photography, the Batis does seem a little bit limited by its fairly long MFD (80cm).

Interesting consideration. The trioplan 100 f2.8 only focusses to 1m so that would be ruled out, whereas checking my old Zuiko 100mm f2 focused down to 70cm!
Heh - not the first person to ask. Sadly, it's via a friend who works for Sony (good staff perk!), and they monitor what they buy. So if he suddenly puts in an order for lots of the same lens, it puts a flag against him. A colleague got a bit of a telling off for ordering three TV's.

lol, I wasn't serious mate! I'm not about to ask a complete stranger for something like that, it's a bit cheeky. But I agree, I had no idea they had such good perks! What does he do?

For reference, the Mrs gets 50% off everything at a very well known bookstore, can't say I've said no to a rather expensive photography book now and again! :D
He's a game programmer - (Little Big Planet, Tear Away and such like) - but it seems anyone who works in Sony gets this discount across all Sony products.
Hi all i am now back from peru.

It was my first time in south america and i can highly recommend Peru for photographers as it is so photogenic out there!

I am currently uploading my pics on my PC and will begin editing them
Half way through my holiday and I'm loving the 16-35, the colours are really vibrant. Still got the canyon yet to do which is where it will shine I think.
Hi all i am now back from peru.

It was my first time in south america and i can highly recommend Peru for photographers as it is so photogenic out there!

I am currently uploading my pics on my PC and will begin editing them
Goodness your PC is slow was expecting at least one image last night :)
I had a quick look at the Hasselblad X1D vid on DPreview and it looks like a lovely camera. One comment caught me when they were looking at the menu system which so much better than Sony's as with the Sony you have to go through layer upon layer..... WTF?

I've never understood this preoccupation with menus and frankly I couldn't care less. All I use the menu for is formatting the card and other than that the times when I go into the menu are very few and far between and when I do go in the menu isn't layer upon layer, there's a row of groups across the top and pages within them. It's hardly medieval torture.

Do you guys care about menus? Must admit that it's probably bottom of my list of priorities and as long as I can adjust the things I want with a dial or a button, and I've been able to do that with every serious camera I've ever owned, I just don't care about the menu layout.
A7Rii with the 90mm macro


I had a quick look at the Hasselblad X1D vid on DPreview and it looks like a lovely camera. One comment caught me when they were looking at the menu system which so much better than Sony's as with the Sony you have to go through layer upon layer..... WTF?

I've never understood this preoccupation with menus and frankly I couldn't care less. All I use the menu for is formatting the card and other than that the times when I go into the menu are very few and far between and when I do go in the menu isn't layer upon layer, there's a row of groups across the top and pages within them. It's hardly medieval torture.

Do you guys care about menus? Must admit that it's probably bottom of my list of priorities and as long as I can adjust the things I want with a dial or a button, and I've been able to do that with every serious camera I've ever owned, I just don't care about the menu layout.
Alan regarding your opinion "I've never understood this preoccupation with menus and frankly I couldn't care less."

When you buy a camera as capable as the ILCE-7RM2 you know there will be a mass of menu options to exploit all of its features. My first impression when faced with getting a grip on all these feature controls was honestly that they have made a pigs ear of this job. I then discovered that all Sony did was live within the confines of the pigs ear they had implemented on many previous iterations of camera bodies which came before and clearly they just had to stick with what they chose to implement in the first place otherwise it would be chaotic for all users. I therefore realised I had to learn to live with what was provided and over time learned what I had to and when I move on to other capabilities of this camera I have to learn more. All that said, getting the best Custom Function settings on my Canon 1D3 wasn't simple either.
Maybe I'm getting too old.
Maybe I'm getting old too. I'm not interested in video, wifi, instagram or friendface and the first thing I do is go through the menu and turn it all off. All I need are the usual suspects of shutter, iso, aperture, exposure and metering etc... and how to format the card and change the date and time. I think the most complicated thing I do with my cameras is adjust the flash output but as the A7 doesn't have one that's one less thing to worry about.

As for inherited pigs ears this really shouldn't be an issue as all they need is a configuable system which at the very most is an extra chip and some programing time. It's just amazing that companies open themselves up to this critisism. All they need to do is have a default menu for people like me who don't care and the ability to set it up how the modern crowd want :D Maybe it'll cost an extra 2p per unit.
Maybe I'm getting old too. I'm not interested in video, wifi, instagram or friendface and the first thing I do is go through the menu and turn it all off. All I need are the usual suspects of shutter, iso, aperture, exposure and metering etc... and how to format the card and change the date and time. I think the most complicated thing I do with my cameras is adjust the flash output but as the A7 doesn't have one that's one less thing to worry about.

As for inherited pigs ears this really shouldn't be an issue as all they need is a configuable system which at the very most is an extra chip and some programing time. It's just amazing that companies open themselves up to this critisism. All they need to do is have a default menu for people like me who don't care and the ability to set it up how the modern crowd want :D Maybe it'll cost an extra 2p per unit.

Once I customised all the function buttons and had less reason to go into the menu screens.
Most of the time I look for the silent shutter mode or for the ibis when when adapting a lens. When shooting I can now do everything I want with my right hand and not have to take the camera away from my eye (even to review images).

But with a camera loaded with so many bells and whistles means that of course that is going to bring more content to the menu set up. I can only see menus getting worse - as more features are added. I can understand some criticism- looking for something on page 8 of multiple drop down sections can be a pain. I guess it just familiarity though.