The Amazing Sony A1/A7/A9/APS-C & Anything else welcome Mega Thread!

Jonney, you're shooting with the two top models from Canon/Sony (bar the 1D2) and a selection of top end glass. If you're not getting results you're happy with or are about to start a new career shooting night time football/birds of prey I reckon the best upgrade will be the 12 inches behind the cameras. I get that shiny new toys are nice and we're all guilty of it to some degree (although we haven't all got bottomless budgets!) but realistically I can't see how much you're going to gain other than backache from the 1D :0)
Apart from the fact they're pretty unlikely to give you a lens for free, they're also a drop shipper looking at their website so no manufacturer warranty and their spelling/grammar is annoyingly bad as well.

"Upon receiving and accepting your payment, we will provide you with cover for your purchase(s) as stated in this warranty.

The TechInTheBasket standard warranty, once paid for, warrants the product to operate according to manufacturer's specifications for the period as stated above from the date of invoice."

(The spelling/grammar issues are on their website in general, not this quote which just states that they warranty the products rather than the manufacturer)
Would you Adam & Eve it...

View attachment 68748
Website screwed or a big come on?

I bought that lens last week (and very happy with it). I'd been waiting on quite a sum coming through for a while when it came in last Friday. I was going on a bit of a holiday the next day so called my local LCE to see if they had one in stock. They did, but the box had been opened, so I asked if they'd knock anything off. Was a little surprised when they knocked £100 straight off :)

After the Sony cash back it means I only paid £840 so very happy. Especially as I'm pretty sure it was me that opened the box a few weeks ago to try it when I bought my 16-35 :)
Someone here asked what the 5d3 lacks. It lacks IQ in general especially compared to the a7r2 for obvious reasons.

i guess its just GAS but i hope the 5d4 has same IQ or very close to my A7r2 and no gimped card slots.

I could quite possibly ditch canon body altogether if i knew that my canon glasses would work like native.

Although, many of my canon glasses now have G master equivalent such as the 70-200 f2.8, 85L and 24-70 so technically i could throw all my canon glasses out the window in exchange for the G master ones.

Anyways enough GAS. more peru pics?

peru_2016_canon-1702.jpg by Jonathan Richards, on Flickr
Lovely shot.
i guess its just GAS but i hope the 5d4 has same IQ or very close to my A7r2 and no gimped card slots.
Could Canon match the A7rII? I assume they wont be buying in the tech so they'll have to match or better it with their own and unless they're spent an awful lot of time and money on new tech I doubt they can do it. Time will tell I suppose but as Canon move on I assume Sony will be moving on too.
Just been looking at the a7 ii and a7r ii on the panamoz and other importers they have overtaken in many cases uk retailers looks as if the £ v $ drop is putting prices up :(

Yeah. Nikon d810 was around £1,500 two weeks ago and now over £1,800
Good news for existing owners in terms of resale values perhaps?
2nd hand market will be the way to go for sure.
The d810 was always a steal at £1,500
Also the cost of the new model you are buying will be a silly amount, with pound likely to drop further things are going to get worse....
Getting a 1DX2 instead?

Would need to sell a few of them to afford a 1dx2. Would only be interested in a camera like that at that price point if I was a full time pro. I only get paid for weekend work so cant see myself ever going down that route. And I'd get a Nikon anyway :)
A nice d3 would be good.
A change in my circumstances may means I'll have to put my photography venture on the back burner, thus no real need for all the Sony gear I have due to GAS.
Options include just selling off a body and all the flash / studio gear or sell the lot and move to something else like Fuji :eek: lol
A change in my circumstances may means I'll have to put my photography venture on the back burner, thus no real need for all the Sony gear I have due to GAS.
Options include just selling off a body and all the flash / studio gear or sell the lot and move to something else like Fuji :eek: lol

If any consolation seems like it's a sellers market right now.
Perhaps 2 a7rii's was a little overkill anyway?
You guys are infested with gas.

Just on the £. When we get a new PM and some stability and a plan is announced the £ may bounce back so maybe put any non essential buys off for just a short while and to satisfy gas buy a legacy lens or two :D
You guys are infested with gas.

Just on the £. When we get a new PM and some stability and a plan is announced the £ may bounce back so maybe put any non essential buys off for just a short while and to satisfy gas buy a legacy lens or two :D
I think it will take years for the £ to return to the levels it was last year. Our expensive hobby/job just got more so!
Although this isn't the Brexit thread as you say it does affect us. We could have at least two years of uncertainty (the exit period) but a strong leader with a good plan could have an almost immediate effect. Time will tell.

It's swings and roundabouts though and when I sold all my Canon gear off I actually sold some kit for more than I paid for it. Anyone selling today might get a good price if shipping overseas.
Although this isn't the Brexit thread as you say it does affect us. We could have at least two years of uncertainty (the exit period) but a strong leader with a good plan could have an almost immediate effect. Time will tell.

It's swings and roundabouts though and when I sold all my Canon gear off I actually sold some kit for more than I paid for it. Anyone selling today might get a good price if shipping overseas.

The problem straight off the bat is the part about a strong leader.
You don't think Corbyn is up to it then?

BTW... that's a joke :D
I guess you're all remainers... a rare breed oop North.

Personally I don't think it's a mere coincidence that we vote to leave the EC and Boro thrash York 6-0. Good Times are ahead :D
So how much do you think my lightly used A7RII body will fetch? It also has Sony extended warranty.
Would it be wise to wait a bit longer to see if Sony starts increasing prices? ;)
I guess you're all remainers... a rare breed oop North.

Personally I don't think it's a mere coincidence that we vote to leave the EC and Boro thrash York 6-0. Good Times are ahead :D

I think the comments speak for themselves
They do indeed.

But it's not just the Brexiteers who made wild claims unless I missed the start of WW3.
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