The Amazing Sony A1/A7/A9/APS-C & Anything else welcome Mega Thread!

That's one nice dog :)

She lovely and well trained the other being a jack Russel runs away when she see the camera or pulls ear back need be lucky with her
Also it seem a very Quality lens should thing so for a lens at £1100 lol
Is it a preset you downloaded or is it already in LR as I like it
As long as you don't start posting on every page how the Fuji's are so much smaller... not that Fuji owners have tended to do that in this thread :D

You going to run Sony and Fuji? I have Sony and MFT which I find a good mix.

How do you find the handling? After initially fancying a Fuji I now think that the more modern front and back dials suit me better than top plate controls.
Hi folks,

Not using it yet (no lenses) but it brings back fond memories of my original Fuji X100 that I bought back in 2011, that's what started the ball rolling for Fuji and I'm pleased to say the build and ergonomics are spot on, but I knew that already, it's feels very familiar and I think I'm doing to be happier in the Fuji system for my actual needs/requirements.

From a size perspective it's very similar to the A7RII, I do prefer the Fuji manual dials but I wouldn't say that the A7RII controls caused me any issues, you adapt just like any other camera.

Going back to when I originally bought into the Sony system, *shock horror* I picked the original Sony A7 over the Fuji XT-1....... Why? Well the prices were similar between them with only a £150-200 difference, so I opted for the Sony, the FF sensor had its advantages... Sony didn't really have any high end lenses back then.

I quickly moved up the Sony ranks having owned the A7, A7II and two A7RII's along with the G Master, Sony Zeiss and Batis lenses..... I went after the best possible kit giving no thought to the actual real-world use or cost. :D

A combination of pixel peeping and GAS took me down further down the Sony path and my plans to go into photography full-time and give up IT fuelled that even further.

To cut a long story short I ended up sticking with IT (better money) and putting my photography career into second place after IT, just don't have enough time to do both.

I thought long and hard about the choice i'd have to make to move to Fuji, and what I'd be giving up.... the Sony gear is great but far from perfect, I sat down and looked at what I spent and wanted next from Sony (A9, 16-35mm f2.8 GM, 90mm f2.8 G Macro) and then reality kicked in, do I really need all this top end gear anymore, the answer was a resounding no. I then thought about cutting it back down to a A7RII, Grip and the 24-70mm GM.... that's still £5249 worth of gear! Ouch!!!
The A7II, been there done that.

In the end I decided to go the Fuji route as it has many positives, it's a great bit of kit, it can shoot weddings if/when I need to at a fraction of the cost vs Sony.

If used a £1499 Fuji body or a £2999 Sony body I'd still be charging the client the same, will they tell the difference in the end photos???
Probably not, so why the need for the Sony?

Selling my Sony gear and going to a healthy Fuji setup will still mean I get cash back my way from making the move, it'll get me a bigger range of focal length coverage in the Fuji lenses and ease the stress on my 2010 MacBook Pro from having to work with the overkill 42.2mp Sony files.

Will I miss the Sony system hell yes!
Will I miss the Sony prices associated with full-frame, nope.

Sony is going in the right direction but so is Fuji, both systems are great with their own strengths and weaknesses.

It's time to get back into enjoying photography as a hobby instead of giving into pixel-peeping & GAS.
The Fuji XT-2 is the tool for that.......

I will still drop in from time to time.

And on that bombshell, night folks.

Soon to be Ex-Sony Alpha Guru :D
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I quickly moved up the Sony ranks having owned the A7, A7II and two A7RII's along with the G Master, Sony Zeiss and Batis lenses..... I went after the best possible kit giving no thought to the actual real-world use or cost. :D

Well, there you go then.

Maybe it's just my engineering background but I've never yet got on that slippery slope even when I was into sports cars (although at one time I did have three.) For me it starts with the final picture as that's what I want to achieve and I work back from that and get the kit that makes the final picture possible. Anything beyond that is unnecessary and overkill.

I hope you're on the right path now but sorry Riz although I can understand the path you've been on I think you really should have thought this through more. It really does amaze me that people stretch themselves or even go into debt for unnecessary things but this is something we see often and the gas and switching systems and messing on that some of you guys go through just phases me at times.

I will still drop in from time to time.

Great Stuff but please don't turn into one of those Fuji fan boy bores who just drop in here to troll :D
I hope you're on the right path now but sorry Riz although I can understand the path you've been on I think you really should have thought this through more. It really does amaze me that people stretch themselves or even go into debt for unnecessary things but this is something we see often and the gas and switching systems and messing on that some of you guys go through just phases me at times.

Great Stuff but please don't turn into one of those Fuji fan boy bores who just drop in here to troll :D

I agree, perhaps I should have thought it through more initially when I started investing into the Sony A7 system and the associated costs for entire system and not just the body. When the G Master pricing was announced I did start to have thoughts about switching to Fuji but held off to give it more thought.

Ultimately I rather take the side-step to Fuji and enjoy the benefits that come with that including the negatives too :D
It's been a fun process never the less and at the very least I can say I have tried, owned and lived with a high end Sony A7 system...... there will be things I miss and things that I don't, but life goes on and after all its only a camera system, nothing life-changing or that important to give me sleepless nights etc.

I am in a very fortunate position that I didn't need to get into debt to buy the Sony gear or other luxury items, I don't smoke or drink so this has been my little (big) perk, I guess everybody has their hobbies/interests and addictions and some do let it get them into debt/trouble etc.
I didn't actually need to sell the Sony system, I could keep it and run both but its just not a wise choice in terms of money invested vs actual return.

I wont turn into a troll (I hope), you are all a great bunch of folks...... :)
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I'm sure you will be happy with the fuji x-t2 @Rizvan
Its a wonderful camera and the improvements over the x-t1 have been done very well. i wouldn't be too concerned about pixel peeping. 24mp is a lot of detail. its a camera thats good enough to be used at pro level.

it still feels weird for me to now be fuji-less (apart from my x-70). the x-t2 is the best mirrorless camera about imho. at 14fps, 3 batteries, film presets, great af, joystick -it ticks loads of boxes for me.
however -my decision to come back and then go solo with sony was down to glass. I'm more of a glass whore than a camera slut. and I'm really interested to try some of the best glass that can be used on the sony system - native or adapted. although the fuji lens line up is stellar - the 90mm f2 being my favourite, you do have plenty of options available to you.

i wouldn't feel bad about changing systems. at least know you have tried the best of both and then made an informed decision about what will suit your needs better. I've certainly spent and lost money on moving around systems, but at least I've experienced different systems, lenses and bodies and know how they perform and what they can do. but I've grown tired I've switching gear and am genuinely going to try to stick with sony now...

the benefits of the fuji system are undeniable. this is a good thing for sony shooters. no doubt sony now see fuji as a genuine competitor in the mirrorless market and therefore i don't think they can afford to be lazy with any of the new cameras that will come out next.
Looking back at my camera history it seems my flirtation with Sony was quite a big one, but I have only owned a total of 8 camera's! :D

Kodak EasyShare
Nikon D40
Fuji X100
Nikon D7000
Sony A7
Sony AII
Sony A7RII
Fuji XT-2
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I am in a very fortunate position that I didn't need to get into debt to buy the Sony gear or other luxury items, I don't smoke or drink so this has been my little (big) perk, I guess everybody has their hobbies/interests and addictions and some do let it get them into debt/trouble etc.
I didn't actually need to sell the Sony system, I could keep it and run both but its just not a wise choice in terms of money invested vs actual return.

I wont turn into a troll (I hope), you are all a great bunch of folks...... :)

Good on all counts :D

I'm in a similar position in that I don't have to worry too much about money and although the plan is to get married next year unless I go mad and buy a top end medium format or Leica system for every day of the week I can't see my GF complaining. In fact I'm sure she'd be perfectly ok with me buying a top end system if she thought it'd make me happy but maybe not seven, she might raise an eyebrow at seven :D

My problem isn't justifying my spending to her or anyone else but to myself. Maybe like you my issue with spending a lot is that it just seems to be heading beyond indulgent and into the dubious... and I do wonder sometimes how people who appear to be just normal (not mega rich) manage to spend many thousands of pounds on camera gear without major problems with their partners or their own peace of mind.

Oh, and feel free to "troll" as I'm sure it's all in good fun and it'll be an opportunity for others to point out the inadequacies of your Fuji's teeny tiny little toy sensor :D

And as we're talking about reasoning. My decision to stick with A7 and MFT...

The Sony A7 is compact with the lenses I have and offers a good balance of compactness, value for money and quality.
MFT is even more compact and has the performance of a Lotus Elise.

I could perhaps switch completely to Sony if some future A7 offers the instantaneous performance of the MFT kit but as I'd need to look at buying new lenses too, maybe a long macro, an 85mm and a long zoom I think that MFT is going to be with me for the long term. At the mo my A7 and MFT compliment each other with the A7 being for manual lenses and high image quality and MFT being for the times when I want an even more compact system or very fast performance.

I can't see MFT replacing my A7 as when I'm by myself I like to use old manual lenses and there are times when I want really good image quality for example when I'm able to take my time taking a picture of my GF or family or when snapping something when I'm out with them. And there is the aspect of enjoying the quality of a nice file.

We need start posting more pictures guys. As over at Fuji thread there some stunning images being posted
Naughty boy that with a Fooj
We need start posting more pictures guys. As over at Fuji thread there some stunning images being posted

Pictures are nice to break up the wall of chat but this is a gear forum and most of the pictures I've posted have been in some way gear or processing related rather than purely look at this nice picture pictures.

Yup. They post a lot in the Fuji thread but to me it seems that sometimes the pictures aren't especially gear or process relevant and sometimes actually rather ho hum. I may be a killjoy though :D

Others are quite obviously free to post as many nice pictures as they like.
Pictures are nice to break up the wall of chat but this is a gear forum and most of the pictures I've posted have been in some way gear or processing related rather than purely look at this nice picture pictures.

Yup. They post a lot in the Fuji thread but to me it seems that sometimes the pictures aren't especially gear or process relevant and sometimes actually rather ho hum. I may be a killjoy though :D

Others are quite obviously free to post as many nice pictures as they like.
Yep your a killjoy :D

What's the point of equipment if you don't share with fellow enthusiasts the Canon threads shared images :(

I just had a nice new glass filter delivered oh no that must be GAS ;)
Yep your a killjoy :D

What's the point of equipment if you don't share with fellow enthusiasts the Canon threads shared images :(

I just had a nice new glass filter delivered oh no that must be GAS ;)

What are your lens now pal. Guess your still pls with the A7ii [emoji106]
What are your lens now pal. Guess your still pls with the A7ii [emoji106]
Still just the 2 the 16-35mm and 70-200mm f4's

Yep still like the A7mii with cropping it covers my preferred range slim chance at some point I might add the 55mm f1.8 but primarily for panoramic shots as my 70mm is just a bit long :)
Yep your a killjoy :D

What's the point of equipment if you don't share with fellow enthusiasts the Canon threads shared images :(

I just had a nice new glass filter delivered oh no that must be GAS ;)

I was only kidding :D Honest :D but... at least some of the pictures posted in other marque threads do seem rather superfluous... no?

I've just received a new old camera bag. I'll take a picture of it with my A7 later, but what lens to use... hmmm...
I was only kidding :D Honest :D but... at least some of the pictures posted in other marque threads do seem rather superfluous... no?

I've just received a new old camera bag. I'll take a picture of it with my A7 later, but what lens to use... hmmm...

Be interested to see that bag. Use the best lens [emoji106]
I was only kidding :D Honest :D but... at least some of the pictures posted in other marque threads do seem rather superfluous... no?

I've just received a new old camera bag. I'll take a picture of it with my A7 later, but what lens to use... hmmm...
Blimey your a spendthrift ;)

I can see why you could afford to buy a camera every week now you never said "New" as you said a few days back it's the length of your arms:)

Look forward finding out which lens you go for
Look forward finding out which lens you go for

I decided to do the shoot with my 50mm f1.2 at f1.2 and at minimum focus distance for that zero DoF look that the APS-C Fuji's just can't match. A lot of effort went into this shoot and I'm pleased with the results. Models can be so trying though...

And the Nik version...


I just spotted this on evil bay and fancied it. It'll take my A7 with 35mm f2.8 or 55mm f1.8 or the Minolta 50mm mounted via an adapter. It'll also take my Panny G7 with 12-35mm f2.8.

And for those unused to my sledgehammer wit the Fuji bashing is just for Riz :D
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I decided to do the shoot with my 50mm f1.2 at f1.2 and at minimum focus distance for that zero DoF look that the APS-C Fuji's just can't match. A lot of effort went into this shoot and I'm pleased with the results. Models can be so trying though...

And the Nik version...


I just spotted this on evil bay and fancied it. It'll take my A7 with 35mm f2.8 or 55mm f1.8 or the Minolta 50mm mounted via an adapter. It'll also take my Panny G7 with 12-35mm f2.8.

And for those unused to my sledgehammer wit the Fuji bashing is just for Riz :D

Haha you really do love the Sony over the Fuji....