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Could anyone here suggest a tripod release plate with a small footprint for an A7RIII? (Must be Arca Swiss compatible)
Previously I have used l-plates but the A7RIII is large enough as it is and rather not add any more bulk.
Could anyone here suggest a tripod release plate with a small footprint for an A7RIII? (Must be Arca Swiss compatible)
Previously I have used l-plates but the A7RIII is large enough as it is and rather not add any more bulk.
Peak design.
Could anyone here suggest a tripod release plate with a small footprint for an A7RIII? (Must be Arca Swiss compatible)
Previously I have used l-plates but the A7RIII is large enough as it is and rather not add any more bulk.

Arca Swiss do some small ones, Robert White Photography used to sell them.
You do realise that if you sell one you'll regret it... Maybe not today, maybe not tomorrow, but soon. And for the rest of your life... And you'll have to buy another.

You have to own them allllllllll :D

Need to sell at least one so I can buy a lens :D
Guess the lens.

Peak design.
Thanks looks like it could work and rather cheap too :)

Arca Swiss do some small ones, Robert White Photography used to sell them.

Thank you for the suggestion
Yes he has quite a few for sale. Need to work out which fits my camera. But I am a little unsure what "MonoballFix" system is? Is it different to standard arca swiss plates?
Thank you for the suggestion
Yes he has quite a few for sale. Need to work out which fits my camera. But I am a little unsure what "MonoballFix" system is? Is it different to standard arca swiss plates?

I'm pretty sure the fix system is a different head system, something you can add bits to.

They are quite helpful so they would be able to advise, I've got a few of the arca swiss plates of different sizes from them.
I'm pretty sure the fix system is a different head system, something you can add bits to.

They are quite helpful so they would be able to advise, I've got a few of the arca swiss plates of different sizes from them.

yeah nice people indeed. I used buy my voigtlander lenses from them.

I'll give them a call :)
Sony really needs to provide lossless compression. In fact they did have the option in Sony A900 and A700 back in the days but Sony in their infinite wisdom decided to remove that option all together. Then when people complained about compressed RAW instead of simply adding back the lossless compressed RAW they gave the new uncompressed option :banghead:

sometimes you really can't make this stuff up :p
The "issue" with A7RIII is that while the base is fairly wide (~65mm) the tripod mount hole is not in the centre. So a lot of plates would stick out despite being small-ish.
