'The Apprentice'

For balance ?

Simon = complete nonce, crap communicator = crap management = big heave-ho (y)
Who the heck could work with someone like that...eh, the job is, manage the team, not belittle and alienate half the members.
That first coffee table discussion set the tone, you just cant treat people like that and keep it tight.

great TV though:LOL:
or maybe staged ?
I saw it last night! Where do they get these people from? :eek: I think I woul have given several of them a slap if they spoke to me like that!!!!! :bat:

Great telly though!
another week of the apprentice

thoughts people

currently im thinking
-raef is great- i thought he was a dick in the first episode but hes been pretty good in every other episode
-kevin (matt lucas) is a pain in the arse, i think hes out of his depth and hes been lucky to get this far
-sara should stop trying to push her culture/religion onto everyone else and then get arsey when she gets snubbed
-the should never have got rid of simon, he was bloody brilliant and the freckled one should have been sacked
-lee is slowly beavering away but hes fairly bolshy and i hope he does well
it looked nice didnt it, seemed very quick when tethered to the computer as well!!!

i think the team with the singles idea has the better idea as the environment idea is rediculous (not really marketable) plus kevin is a retard and cant do presentations.
i dont like sara but hell they;re ganging up on her (blatently)!!!!!!

i think claire might get lampooned for this one but i dont think it was her fault, matt lucas tried to shove the presentation onto her when he realised he couldnt do it, his fault!
Morocco next week!! And another lesson in how NOT to do business I imagine...
Ooh that would be cool!
Yep just read on msn news that two candidates will definitely be fired this evening! should step things up a bit...
i heard its for doing bad things too, but i dont know what!
I hear the word 'Gigolo' being banded about a bit but might be completely wrong.
Lol @ veracocha

I am so happy the ginger Jenny finally went!!! About time too! She was a big meanie
Lol @ veracocha

I am so happy the ginger Jenny finally went!!! About time too! She was a big meanie

aren't you supposed to be writing a dissertation?:LOL:
I knew lucinda was out last night from the very start...

she is mental !

i reckon Claire or Alex to win !
claire will win, surprised he didn't fire lee for lying on his CV
claire to win, i think alex has been very lucky to get so far, hes not very good and has survived by sliding under the radar, dont think there is much substance to him.

i think either lee or claire will win, although the lie might hurt lee ultimately, very silly thing to do, however he is MUCH MUCH better than alex or helenne.
I always miss it since i work wednesdays... always forget to record it.
I hope Alex wins, although i havn't seen enough of the series to make a proper judgement.

I hated Jenny from the first time i saw her. Ive never actually got that angry watching TV. I would love to kick her in the face.