The best camera for a newbie

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Hi Guys

I'm looking to get in to photography & have been looking at the Pentax K2000
& have a couple of questions.

Would this be a good camera for a beginner?

I'm looking at a secondhand model & don't want to be ripped off so what sort of price would you expect to pay?

Thanks in advance
You'd better be looking for a "mainstream" system (like canon or nikon).

The reason being - at some point in future you'll be looking to upgrade your body, and nikon or canon are MUCH easier to sell then pentax because of their popularity

For the same reason, there are many descent used lenses for both N and C on the market. So again much easier to find what you want or sell unwanted.

So unless you have a VERY good reason to go for pentax (like you've already got some good pentax lenses) - don't.

As for good camera for beginner - look for something like canon 1000D or 1100D or nikon D3100 etc. And invets as much as you can into lenses.
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You'd better be looking for a "mainstream" system (like canon or nikon).

The reason being - at some point in future you'll be looking to upgrade your body, and nikon or canon are MUCH easier to sell then pentax because of their popularity

For the same reason, there are many descent used lenses for both N and C on the market. So again much easier to find what you want or sell unwanted.

So unless you have a VERY good reason to go for pentax (like you've already got some good pentax lenses) - don't.

As for good camera for beginner - look for something like canon 1000D or 1100D or nikon D3100 etc. And invets as much as you can into lenses.


Pentax cameras are great value for money and offer features and performance that would cost much more in other brands. They may be slightly limited in exotic prime lenses (that cost thousands!) but other than that there is no reason at all not to go with Pentax.

In fact, if it weren't for the fact they took XD cards (I already had loads of SD cards) when I first looked at getting a DSLR I'd probably be shooting Pentax now.
Thanks peeps for the quick replies & advice but I'm confused as I was told all pentax lenses fit all new & old pentax cameras so I'd be better buying that.

As say Cannon always change fitments so if I ever upgrade I'd have to buy new lenses

I don't know how true is this?
Get a 2nd hand Nikon D40 this is the camera I learnt with and have just upgraded to Nikon D7000.

This is a great camera for beginners as it is easy to use and navigate and takes Nikon DX format lenses. Just my opinion though as you can pick one up fairly cheap on ebay.
The main advantage of pentax and sony is that the stabilisation is in body so any old lenses that fit ie pentax AF or Minolta AF for sony are automatically stabilised. Canon/Nikon doesn't do this as all their stabilisation is in the lens.

Pentax is a bit short on some exotic lenses but compatibility between older pentax lenses and new bodies is much better.

Nikon is even worse as some of the modern lenses only work on some of the modern bodies!
ukranger said:
Thanks peeps for the quick replies & advice but I'm confused as I was told all pentax lenses fit all new & old pentax cameras so I'd be better buying that.

As say Cannon always change fitments so if I ever upgrade I'd have to buy new lenses

I don't know how true is this?

With Canon the digital lenses are EF or EF-S now EF will work on all canon digital bodies (I think) and EF-S ones will only work on crop sensors not full frame.
Thanks peeps for the quick replies & advice but I'm confused as I was told all pentax lenses fit all new & old pentax cameras so I'd be better buying that.

As say Cannon always change fitments so if I ever upgrade I'd have to buy new lenses

I don't know how true is this?

I would agree with the earlier post of going with C or N. I say that becuase there are a lot more around, bigger s/h market and a wider range of lenses. With regard to your question on interchangablity on Canon [can't speak on the 'N' word]. Some lenses that are used on crop cameras do not work on full frame cameras like the 5D range....but anything that fits a full frame will work on the crop cameras.
There is a wide and good value s/h market for both lenses and cameras and you certainly don't need to spend a fortune starting out!
Good luck whatever you choose!


Pentax cameras are great value for money and offer features and performance that would cost much more in other brands. They may be slightly limited in exotic prime lenses (that cost thousands!) but other than that there is no reason at all not to go with Pentax.

In fact, if it weren't for the fact they took XD cards (I already had loads of SD cards) when I first looked at getting a DSLR I'd probably be shooting Pentax now.

Pentax may offer great features, performance etc. But untill it is as popular as C&N it won't make an ideal starter camera. One thing is switching to pentax when you know exactly what you're doing and what you need from the system. Totally different thing is bying a non-mainstream system whith weak second hand market when you're a total newbie.
Both Sigma and Tamron make Pentax fit lenses and the Pentax glass is very good too so a body and lens may be all anyone ever needs. Also, there may be less lenses on the 2nd hand market but that also means there are fewer buyers so bargains are equally likely.

Unless you are looking to go for a pro-style setup then Pentax (and Olympus and Sony) are equally viable options to the two big boys.
Pentax may offer great features, performance etc. But untill it is as popular as C&N it won't make an ideal starter camera. One thing is switching to pentax when you know exactly what you're doing and what you need from the system. Totally different thing is bying a non-mainstream system whith weak second hand market when you're a total newbie.

The Pentax market isn't weak, if anything you could argue that from a sellers perspective it's very strong. Whilst there isn't anything like the quantity of Pentax related kit on the 2nd hand market what does appear gets snapped up immediately. Unfortunately this isn't brilliant for buyers.

Personally I'd look for the models which fit your needs, have a play with them and go from there. Don't buy something just because everyone else uses it!
No-one can really tell you what to buy, it's very subjective. Nikon and Canon do offer the widest range of lenses and accessories - OEM and third party - but any modern DSLR will be a good choice.

Go to a dealer, handle a range of cameras and see which ones feel most comfortable in your hands. Don't worry too much about the features at this stage. The more expensive ones have more, but that's not a deal breaker and they all offer pretty good performance. The lens and your own input are far more important. Don't put too much faith in the dealer's recommendations, some are knowledgeable and honest, and others just want the sale. That's pretty much the same for most consumer products though. It's your money and you have to live with your choice, so be sure of what you want.

If you're not in too much of a hurry, stick around here until you've got 25 posts and 60 days membership, then you will get access to the classifieds. You can buy used gear there with a lot of confidence, and you'll have the chance to read a lot of opinions - and ask questions - in the meantime! Enjoy the forums.
You'd better be looking for a "mainstream" system (like canon or nikon).

The reason being - at some point in future you'll be looking to upgrade your body, and nikon or canon are MUCH easier to sell then pentax because of their popularity

For the same reason, there are many descent used lenses for both N and C on the market. So again much easier to find what you want or sell unwanted.

So unless you have a VERY good reason to go for pentax (like you've already got some good pentax lenses) - don't.

As for good camera for beginner - look for something like canon 1000D or 1100D or nikon D3100 etc. And invets as much as you can into lenses.

That's pathetic.

The only reason they are more mainstream is because idiots come out with this rubbish!

Pentax is an amazing brand and there video mode is phenomenal. I'm actually getting a Pentax soon for the video as well as my love for their pancake series of lenses. Also some lenses are pretty cheap like the 16-45mm f4 for around £200.

Have a look at Pentax as well as Sony Rob because they can be beautiful gems of cameras and a nice change from the apparently "mainstream" options.
That's pathetic.

The only reason they are more mainstream is because idiots come out with this rubbish!

Pentax is an amazing brand and there video mode is phenomenal. I'm actually getting a Pentax soon for the video as well as my love for their pancake series of lenses. Also some lenses are pretty cheap like the 16-45mm f4 for around £200.

Have a look at Pentax as well as Sony Rob because they can be beautiful gems of cameras and a nice change from the apparently "mainstream" options.

Ah, right. Sony and Pentax users are no doubt smarter and wiser then the rest of the world. :bonk:
Ah, right. Sony and Pentax users are no doubt smarter and wiser then the rest of the world. :bonk:

How would this statement be relevant?

I'm saying that you can't say what you said, you can't just accuse Sony and Pentax of not being "mainstream" brands. I couldn't care less what camera I shoot with, in fact I've even started using cheap £50 compacts and still getting excellent results and it was just to prove that any camera can be made worthwhile. Try looking at "The Art Of iPhoneography" it shows how you can get great photos using an iPhone camera.

My point is that what I said was true and that you can't just say "get a Nikon or Canon" because they are mainstream.
How would this statement be relevant?

This is how : "because idiots come out with this rubbish" (c)

I'm saying that you can't say what you said, you can't just accuse Sony and Pentax of not being "mainstream" brands.

Yes I can, because they are not and it is a scientific fact. I didn't say they were not "worthwhile" did I? What I said was - mainstream camera is better for newbie because of much stronger s/h market, that's all. I'm not questionning capabilities if these cameras. Wider s/h market gives a chance to try this and that and decide what features/focal legths/apertures etc one need. If one then decides to move to pentax/sony/fuji/arca swiss beause he wants specific features/lenses - no promlem, sell everything at almost no value loss and move.(y)
This has opened up a new question sorry guys but I have to ask.

If I buy the body only want lens would be good to start out with generally?
Scientific fact?

Given that Pentax & Sony are available pretty much anywhere a nikon/canon is, both on the high street and and the web, prices are similar, useage is similar and features are similar it's simply not accurate or even scientifically factual to say they're not mainstream. Like a Mazda compared to a ford/vauxhall is still a mainstream car despite being significantly less popular.

Unlike say, an Ariel which is distinctly un-mainstream.

Scientific fact - I've heard it all now...
This has opened up a new question sorry guys but I have to ask.

If I buy the body only want lens would be good to start out with generally?

Depends on which brand you go for but generally something in the 18-55 is typical for a kit lens.
This is how : "because idiots come out with this rubbish" (c)

Yes I can, because they are not and it is a scientific fact. I didn't say they were not "worthwhile" did I? What I said was - mainstream camera is better for newbie because of much stronger s/h market, that's all. I'm not questionning capabilities if these cameras. Wider s/h market gives a chance to try this and that and decide what features/focal legths/apertures etc one need. If one then decides to move to pentax/sony/fuji/arca swiss beause he wants specific features/lenses - no promlem, sell everything at almost no value loss and move.(y)


Sorry but that is the biggest load of bull I've heard in my life!

It can't be scientifically factual :LOL: that's like saying tomatoe ketchup tastes bad, it's impossible to be factual because it's an opinion!

Sony and Pentax have a decent amount of s/h market share actually, look at the Minolta gear that Sony can use and look at Pentax which can use thousands of lenses right back from the 60s!

Which people would stop with this mainstream bull because it's true that idiots are the one pushing this idea forward. You are obviously only a newbie and when you get into photography more you'll realise it's not to do with brand and all brands have sufficient enough gear to get you started...

Sorry but that is the biggest load of bull I've heard in my life!

It can't be scientifically factual :LOL: that's like saying tomatoe ketchup tastes bad, it's impossible to be factual because it's an opinion!

No it's not an opinion, it's statistics: c+n together control 80-90% of the DSLR market. If you don't like "non-mainstream" say "marginal", "unpopular" - whatever, I'm not gonna argue over terminology here. Open gumtree, craiglist, ebay, classifieds on this forum or any other see it yourself.

Which people would stop with this mainstream bull because it's true that idiots are the one pushing this idea forward.

Oh, right, idiots pushing this idea forward are to blame that pentx's market share is on the edge of statistical error:LOL:
(The only reason they are more mainstream is because idiots come out with this rubbish (c)mastertrinity)

You are obviously only a newbie and when you get into photography more you'll realise it's not to do with brand and all brands have sufficient enough gear to get you started...

Have I ever said that pentax or sony are uncapable or have not enough gear on theirs lineups? Read carefully what are you replying to :clap:
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No it's not an opinion, it's statistics: c+n together control 80-90% of the DSLR market. If you don't like "non-mainstream" say "marginal", "unpopular" - whatever, I'm not gonna argue over terminology here. Open gumtree, craiglist, ebay, classifieds on this forum or any other see it yourself.

Oh, right, idiots pushing this idea forward are to blame that pentx's market share is on the edge of statistical error:LOL:
(The only reason they are more mainstream is because idiots come out with this rubbish (c)mastertrinity)

Have I ever said that pentax or sony are uncapable or have not enough gear on theirs lineups? Read carefully what are you replying to :clap:

Firstly couldn't care less about statistics, I know that cameras are cameras and it's about the camera not the poxy brand ratings.

And yeah actually when you think about it because nowadays only few have heard of pentax because of idiots selling Nikons and Canons than giving Pentax a mention. Your post is part of a sea that are all the same, "nikon and canon have greater lens range" yeah sure that's true but what they don't tell you is are you really going to be buying all 65 blah blah blah...

And yes the way you make it sound you are saying that Sony and Pentax are incapable because for some reason having a "smaller" s/h market means that they aren't worth a mention.
Luke, I really don't want to turn this into hollywar, therefore my last msg in this thread

Firstly couldn't care less about statistics
Yeh, but my point was purely about stats - bigger market share means stronger s/h market, that's it.

"nikon and canon have greater lens range"
Why are you trying accuse me of what I havn't said?

And yes the way you make it sound you are saying that Sony and Pentax are incapable because for some reason having a "smaller" s/h market means that they aren't worth a mention.

I'm not making sound myself that way, sorry. I mean exactly what I say - sony and pentax are very capable systems, BUT not for newbies.
(Ok, I have to answer this as well)

So is it not a scientific fact now then? You seemed so certain before...

What is not a scientific fact? That pentax is a marginal system with market share bellow 5%? Yes it is, I'm dead certain on that. That's what I called "non-mainstream". Call it "marginal" if you want(y)
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(Ok, I have to answer this as well)

What is not a scientific fact? That pentax is a marginal system with market share bellow 5%? Yes it is, I'm dead certain on that. That's what I called "non-mainstream". Call it "marginal" if you want(y)

You do realise they dont actually mean the same thing?

You didn't?

Oh well(y)
Get a 2nd hand Nikon D40 this is the camera I learnt with and have just upgraded to Nikon D7000.

This is a great camera for beginners as it is easy to use and navigate and takes Nikon DX format lenses. Just my opinion though as you can pick one up fairly cheap on ebay.

another vote for the d40. It's a very user friendly camera and the software is setup to explain the settings and their function for the beginner.
The D40 is a great camera but the world has moved on a bit, the D3100 offers a lot more camera for not much more money.
Excuse the blatant self publicity, but there is a lovely D3000 for sale over on the classifieds......;)
no you wouldn't - stop giving the OP false information

You'd better be looking for a "mainstream" system (like canon or nikon).

The reason being - at some point in future you'll be looking to upgrade your body, and nikon or canon are MUCH easier to sell then pentax because of their popularity

For the same reason, there are many descent used lenses for both N and C on the market. So again much easier to find what you want or sell unwanted.

So unless you have a VERY good reason to go for pentax (like you've already got some good pentax lenses) - don't.

As for good camera for beginner - look for something like canon 1000D or 1100D or nikon D3100 etc. And invets as much as you can into lenses.
No-one can really tell you what to buy, it's very subjective. Nikon and Canon do offer the widest range of lenses and accessories - OEM and third party - but any modern DSLR will be a good choice.

Go to a dealer, handle a range of cameras and see which ones feel most comfortable in your hands. Don't worry too much about the features at this stage. The more expensive ones have more, but that's not a deal breaker and they all offer pretty good performance. The lens and your own input are far more important. Don't put too much faith in the dealer's recommendations, some are knowledgeable and honest, and others just want the sale. That's pretty much the same for most consumer products though. It's your money and you have to live with your choice, so be sure of what you want.

If you're not in too much of a hurry, stick around here until you've got 25 posts and 60 days membership, then you will get access to the classifieds. You can buy used gear there with a lot of confidence, and you'll have the chance to read a lot of opinions - and ask questions - in the meantime! Enjoy the forums.

The most important thing to remember is the person behind the camera is the most important factor. All modern dSLR's are capable of super quality images and frankly they all have their strengths and weaknesses. Any perceived differences in IQ (image quality) can probably only been seen ? if 'pixel peeping' at 100%

Handle the different cameras in high street shops, read reviews and user opinions but a true unbiased opinion is rare. Make your choice based on how it feels in your hands, how it's particular feature set relates to your needs and you will always factor in the price of course. :) Good luck and happy shopping.


Two best bits of advice on the thread so far, as you can see - people have very different opinions on what to spend your money on.
Best thing is to try them in your hands, find out what fits you best, not what fits someone else.

I had the same dilemma when I started, I went to a shop and tried a few different ones that were in my price range and I ended up with the Sony A200. After a while I wanted to upgrade, the new Sony bodies didn't feel right to me and I couldn't get my hands on an A700 or the lens that I wanted in the alpha mount, so I sold up and started again. This time I had a bit more cash and went for the Canon 50d because it felt more comfortable in my hands than the rest, no reason other than that. Since then the lens that I previously wanted has become available for Sony (and Pentax).

Have a look at the lenses that are available to you, and what it is you want to shoot, as an example I use the Sigma 150-500 for wildlife and its available for Canon, Nikon, Sony and Pentax.

If you do decide you prefer the feel of Canon/Nikon over any of the other brands and you haven't done so already, check out mpbphotographic and you might be able to make your money go further.
As a relative noob I chose the Sony a350 as my first Dslr and to counter the 2nd hand Market arguments one of the reasons i chose it was that I could pick it up 2nd hand for cheaper than the equivalent of the other brands. Another thing that drew me to it was the Sony brand obviously well known for quality electronics.

2 years in and I have had no problems, Sony are continuously developing the alpha range and releasing new equitment regularly which shows they are fully committed to the Market and things can only get better in terms of 2nd equipment becoming available.

That said although there are no problems finding 2nd hand kit there is more c + n 2nd hand kit in the marketplace that's undeniable but there are also more c+n owners so more buyers making competition higher so prices are no cheaper in my opinion
I have a D90 and D50, but there is the D3000 on amazon with the kit lens for only £305, I think thats a great buy as used D40/D50 without a lens go for £150/£180, and the lens go for £50/£60 as well.
I own D3000 for just nearly 2yrs and I am also a newbie. It is hard for me to say anything about other cameras as never had any. D3000 is definitely a good and fairly cheap camera to start with photography. It will give you enough "features" to start your adventure... there is so much to learn.

I was reading on the internet people saying do not get D3000 just invest money in something better, but the fact is as a newbie... you will not be able to use any of the "pro" camera features anyway at start, it will come in time.

Like I said I own it for 2yrs and still there are things I'm learning, it's not like the camera is holding me back or anything. Hard to advice really, if you can get it in a decent price go for it, alternatively look for something more advanced.
I think the OP is now aware of any issues involved in getting a Pentax. It's a shame there's so many people ready to jump on the suggestion when Pentax have always been a massive player in the market.

And whilst Canon and Nikon did dominate when everything went digital - there's no doubt about it - as already stated, Pentax are still holding on strong, still always available anywhere you can buy Canon or Nikon. It'll be a long slog, but I think they can claw their way back to the top eventually. And in the meantime, Pentax users generally seem more than happy with their kit and the options available to them.

I seriously considered switching from Canon to Pentax myself.

Owning a Canon is like owning a Ford Focus. Easy to work on, easy to get parts for, easy to sell, easy to buy......but a bit dull :)
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