The best photo taken. Ever!!!

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Ok, so technically speaking it's not a photograph. Also, I didn't take it. But no other picture has reduced me to tears the way this one did in an ante natal clinic this afternoon!!!!


Due March 12th !!!! Can't stop smiling. :) :) :)


PS - for any of you who read my thread a few weeks ago about not being able to spend much time taking photos on holiday, the reason - a wife with morning sickness ;)
congrats! 1st?

ps needs a bit of noise reduction and sharpening though! :)

well done to you both..
1st of many shots trust me

Yeay! Many congratulations :woot: You're having a potato :LOL:
Thank you, thank you!!!

Aye, it is our first!

As for the noise reduction / sharpening - too right, shocking to think that a piece of equipment that probably costs thousands takes worse photo than my £400 D50 !!!!

Thanks for the comments folks - still bouncing around here!!!!!

:woot: Congrats to you and Mrs magpieant (y)
Congrats :D

You see the problem is its a Siemens! not renounded for their cameras :p
Congratulations mate! Best feeling in the world isn't it?

Sleep now while you can!
^^^ wot he said, the first 20 years are the worst, then it goes downhill! :LOL:
LOL - ther onlyt bad thing aboiut telliong the online community is that they cannoit buy you a beer!!!

Luckily my mates, cans and have tongiht!!

Still bou cing.

Anth ;)
congrats :D
Big congrats Anth :clap::woot:

Here is the best I can do about a beer :beer:
LOL - ther onlyt bad thing aboiut telliong the online community is that they cannoit buy you a beer!!!

Luckily my mates, cans and have tongiht!!

Still bou cing.

Anth ;)

looks like the fdw went straight to your fingers!
hope you saved some (but not too much) for Mrs magpieant!
The contrast is off mate, Adjust the curves to bring the blacks out a litte, maybe even do a mono conversion... did you shoot in auto bracket mode? this would look great in HDR

Composition is weighted to the top left and i find the numbers / text distracting... could maybe clone them out?

ha ha! congratulations Ant! :baby:(y)

Lads & lasees

Dunno why you are all criticising the shoot? That's the resulyt of the bwest one I ever did in my eyes!!!!!


I remember when I saw my son, 18 years ago now. Your shot has brought it all back to me :D Congratulations :crowded:

As Marcel says.. sleep now. In a few months time your world WILL be turned inside out.
Then it gets better and better (eventually)
is it my imagination, or is junior holding a camera - take a look.....
LOL - ther onlyt bad thing aboiut telliong the online community is that they cannoit buy you a beer!!!

Luckily my mates, cans and have tongiht!!

Still bou cing.

Anth ;)

Lads & lasees

Dunno why you are all criticising the shoot? That's the resulyt of the bwest one I ever did in my eyes!!!!!



Had a beer or two Anth? :D
Congratulations, can I suggest lowering the iso next time!
perfect excuse to buy some more decent glass ;)

tell your lass you want, no you NEED the best glass to take portraits of your future child :D

congrats for you both. And just to get you in the mood, my 10 month old son has decided that 7AM is far too late to be waking in the morning, he now demands his morning bottle at 5AM GRRR
Congrats Mr and Mrs Magpieant.

Best feeling in the world, can remember being totally awed :love: by the life in front of me, wouldn't change it for anything. :)
Congratulations!!! Know exactly how you feel, had ours about 2 months ago. 20 week scan next friday, then we'll hopefully know what we're having!!! Really, really can't wait! :D

A big thank you to you all for you kind words and well wishes!!!

Whilst on the subject, here is some Friday advice.

If, like me, you decide to tell your mates that you & your wife are expecting a baby, don't do it on a Thursday night.

If you do decide to do it on a Thursday night however, please make sure that you refuse your kind mates offer of "a beer to celebrate".

Also refuse your wife's kind offer of "I'll drive if you fancy a beer".

If this is too much to ask, definitely refuse mates offer for "another one" or "the cold ones in the freezer".

If you have work on the Friday, definitely definitely do not sit up drinking and chatting to your mates until the early hours. Do not by all acounts decide to 'grab a bite to eat' via the takeaway on the way home.

When the alarm goes off at 6.30am the next morning, do not, (even though you have only had about 3 hours sleep), click the SNOOZE button. This will only make you wake up 47mins later than normal, resulting in you running around like a lunatic and being nearly late for work!!

Do not believe that Paracetomal can save you from 12 bottles of Stella and 29 screaming 6 year olds. It can't.

Be warned. ;)


PS - despite extreme hangover conditions and a dodgy stomach ;) , I am still bouncing!!!!


Thanks again.