After having read the majority of the thread, I do have sympathy for someone who planned to have several children, but then experiences a drastic change in financial circumstances, resulting in hardship. This is what the welfare state was designed for, to look after people who, generally through no fault or error on their part, found themselves in financial strife. Something which could happen to any one of us, tomorrow. I would challenge even the most hardened capitalist to take issue with the original concept of the welfare state. Most people would perhaps agree that in modern times, the poor social attitude or lack of morals shown by certain individuals, is the real issue. This problem is further compounded by inadequate rules, poor enforcement of existing legislation and weak punishments for those who defraud the tax payer. It is this matter that needs addressing in earnest.
Every single time there is a budget, people all over the country discuss the same issues, quoting flavour of the month terminology contrived by the government to make any given tax sound like a better proposition, and then moan about how badly they will be affected as an individual or family. None of it really matters, by the time changes are announced in the budget, it's too late for us to influence them. Even if we could, whatever change we would make as individuals, would be to the detriment of Mr. Smith at the end of the street.
Regardless of the political leanings of a given government, to the general populace, fiscal policy is roulette, with the odds stacked heavily in favour of the house [of commons]. Each demographic is a number on the wheel. Win some, lose some. We need to suck it up and carry on, focusing on being productive as individuals. It will even itself out eventually, maybe even in your life time, if you're lucky.
Let's just all have a Jaffa cake.