The Diary Of Weight Loss

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This Thread is not so much for everyone else as it is for me, its just a way for me to log this process so hopefully, I can look back in a years time and physically see the story.

I am going to start by explaining my background and how I got here, maybe it will add a little more depth to this 'Diary', if you would like to comment at any point please feel free to, I will be updating this throughout the year, no doubt more frequently at first :)

Where did it all go wrong??? This is a question I have asked myself more times than I can remember.

I have always struggled with my weight, to say it has yo-yoed would be an understatement, at just 16 years old I weighed around 18 stone and had just finished 11 years or torment, although I always knew I was larger then everyone else, I never saw myself as fat, I would look around me and genuinely believe I was the same as everyone else, I didn’t see what they saw and subsequently didn’t ever see the worth in changing myself.

It wasn’t until just after my 17th birthday I realised I needed to make a change, I wanted to join the royal navy, the problem .... I was unfit and knew in order to join, I needed to be able to run 1.5 miles in 11.13 minutes or less.... so on new years eve 2002 I started jogging, I started by running 1.5 miles, it took me 16 minutes and I was shattered by the end of it, but through shear determination I pushed on; and after 9 months I was able to run it in 11.12, JUST scraping the time limit, but as it turned out, the need to get fit meant eating healthy, and after the said 9 months, my weight had dropped to 15 stone... now this may still seem like a lot to some people but honestly, I’m a naturally big guy, and 15 stone on me looked fantastic, I would go out to clubs wearing skin tight t-shirts and slim fit jeans just to show myself off, my confidence grew enormously, women were actually paying ME attention, then I joined the Navy, and things stayed the same for about a year, if anything my fitness improved, I was now running a mile and a half in 10 minutes 40 seconds, I had gained a little weight but I simply put that down to muscle gain.

It was after I joined the ship that things changed, there was nowhere you could really run, the weights were rusty and dank and the food served consisted mainly of burgers, chips and pizza,
Don’t get me wrong, there was often a healthy option available, but when you have worked your arse off for 10 hours straight, more often than not you just want to eat something you enjoyed and get out with the lads... this is where issue No:2 came into play..... Beer......
Now I’m not sure if you have heard the Royal Navy’s reputation about drinking, but its all true, I drank so much over any given month it was crazy, and lo and behold it wasn’t long before I found myself in stores asking for a larger size uniform... at first it wasn’t an issue, a little bit of extra weight never hurt anyone I would tell myself, then I would go back and ask for a larger size, then again and again... the problem was I was still passing my fitness test and I wasn’t doing anything else the rest of the guys weren’t doing... yet I was the one piling on the weight....

After 3 years I made the decision to leave the Navy, I made the school boy error of leaving for a woman……. hummmmmmmm

A few years went by and I just kept putting on more and more weight, I stopped fitness, I carried on eating and drinking whatever I liked and it wasn’t long before I was 20 stone, the largest I had ever been, my mother kept telling me to join slimming world with her and eventual, with a monetary bribe I went, It was great, I ate loads yet by simply not mixing certain foods I was losing weight, and not just a bit, it was dropping off. After a year I was named my groups slimming world man of the year, I had dropped back down to just over 16 and a half stone and looked bloody good.... It was funny really, because my partner had stuck with me all the time I was fat and yet after the effort of losing the weight and slimming down, she then left me, and what do you think I did??? I went on a 6 month drinking binge, when I woke up I had put all the weight back on and then some... back to feeling depressed it was.....

Things stayed the same until the Lowestoft Airshow 2010, me and my mothers partners nephew..(Gary)... a guy who was also in the Royal Navy (had just left after doing 12 years) we out drinking when I mentioned going on one of the rides that was on the carnival, being a pair of drunken idiots it seemed like a good idea at the time, it turned out to be horrifically embarrassing... the ride attendant came up to me and said I wouldn’t be able to stay on as I was to big. Imagine the embarrassment of having everyone sat watching me shuffle away!!
Now Gary isn’t a small guy, in fact he’s bigger than me, but he's also a lot taller and built well, saying that, he had also packed the beef on over the years so we made a pact, that by the next airshow, we would have both lost weight and would go back to the same ride we were turned away from; and that’s what we did, I went from 21 stone down to 18, still not slim but a hell of a lot smaller than I was, airshow 2011 came and we went back to the ride, I wasn’t asked to get off.... achievement reached....
Over the 2 days we drank over 80 pints of beer between us, then the weekend came and we drank some more, then Gary went back to Portsmouth and I just carried on, eating and drinking what I liked.

Why do I do this to myself you ask... the honest answer is I simply don’t know, I lose weight and feel good about myself and then just try to make the most of it by going out all the time, Now after putting all last years weight back on I have decided to give it one last go, Lose the weight and keep it off, I haven’t weighed myself, I don’t want to, seeing the numbers on the scales will only hammer home what a fool I have been, I know it back on, I can feel it, Christ I can see it, and what’s worse is so many other people have commented on it, its a fantastic feeling when your told 'wow,, have you lost weight?' but its equally bad when someone mentions that you have put it back on...

And so here I am, just into January and I have decided to not only change the way im eating but to start my fitness back up as well... I’m going running........
Although the above was posted today it was in fact yesterdays comments, today.... well today I got up at 6am, donned the brand new black shorts, t-shirt and running trainers that I bought yesterday, stretched my muscles using techniques I remembered from my Navy days and hit the road....
To say I am unfit wouldn’t give it credit... I am majorly unfit, I ran 1.25 miles, it took me 15 minutes and you should have seen me at the end, sweating, wheezing, coughing... I was a mess, saying that, I did it, I ran for 15 minutes with an average speed of 11:53 minutes a mile (a long way away from my mile and a half in 10 mins 40 seconds.....)
I got home and cooked myself chicken breasts and eggs and prepared myself a tuna fish salad for my lunch. I feel good about myself, I haven’t exercised in YEARS.... I just hope I can keep it up.
I have decided not to weigh myself yet. My father is coming to visit in Feb, I haven’t seen him in over 2 years as he lives in Australia, I am going to diet hard until he comes, give myself an opportunity to have a beer with him and weigh myself for the first time after he goes back. Im dreading the first weigh in, I don’t want to acknowledge the numbers I am going to see.

Until then, I guess im just gonna have to get my head down and get stuck in :D
Best of luck with your efforts. You seem motivated to get where you want to be so I'm sure it's just a matter of time until you achieve the weight and fitness you want!
Good luck to you, I'm trying to get fit and healthy, happened to notice I was getting out of breath walking up a few flights of stairs and what not. Ever since I started at uni I've not done too much exercising so I went from being "overweight" on the BMI scale when I was at school where I cycled every weekend and swam 3 days a week, was probably the fittest I ever was.

Weighed 14 stone at the end of November and I'm now down to 13 stone. Just through eating less rubbish and swimming every other day and I've also joined a Gym and I'm doing some cardio training to improve my fitness, will probably move to a mix of cardio & weights eventually though.

Sad thing is that I've still got as big a belly as I did when I started. Dunno where the stone has been lost, but it certainly isn't from my waistline!

Just hope I can keep this going!
Good luck and keep at it Leon - your determination will see you succeed
Thanks for all your comments guys....

Wednesday nights I play poker down my local pub, its a place ive been going to for exactly a year and Ive been welcomed by everyone with open arms, so much so i even play for their pool team on a thursday night (tonight).
Last night was the first game of the 2012 competation, I walked in to find the landlord pouring a pint for me......
What do I do? do I drink the pint meaning that mornings run was pointless but it will tick the right boxes for social inclusion or do I say 'sorry mate, im not drinking at the moment, im on a diet' which surely will not go down well with the lads.....

I ended up choosing option No:3, I found one of the lads who had just finished their pint, told them I wasnt feeling like drinking but the landlord had just bought me the pint, and asked them if they fancied buying a diet coke and swapping..... the swap was made, the landlord was none the wiser, the lad got a cheap beer and I got a free diet coke... happy days.

This morning, I dont think ive struggled to get out of bed this much in years, my whole body seems to ache, including my ribs... seriously, how the hell do my ribs hurt? it feels like someone has bounced up and down on them all night... really glad I didnt have to go for a run today, im finding it difficult to walk let alone run..... still, it kinda gives me a good feeling, its like a constant reminder of what I am trying to achieve...
every time i feel temptation i remember why im in pain haha...

Tomorrow, come rain or shine, I WILL be getting up at 6am and going for a run, and coming on here posting these updates only makes me push harder... I mean, if you diet and only you know your doing it, then if you fail its just you you let down, but if you are sharing the information (even if it is with a load of faceless strangers you have never met) then you are also embarressing yourself in front of everyone... now i dont know about you but im not one to enjoy embarressing myself.... although I could tell you a few storys that do end up with me in somewhat awkward situations... but thats for another time :D

Update in brief for today... im hurting.

Well done on the run! And also on trading the pint for a diet coke, nice plan I'll have to try that sometime when someone forces me to have something I should have :p

Take it easy today, warm and cold showers/bath, and plenty of stretches!
Best of luck with your next run!

Your determination is already pulling at my motivation strings to motivate myself to get back to the gym and lose the stone i've put on recently (I know its not much but I need to do it to feel good again).

So thanks for starting this diary Leon, I wish you loads of luck!(y)
Good lucky buddy! getting my mind in the right place was the biggest thing in helping me shift some weight and it sounds like your there!
Well done on the run! And also on trading the pint for a diet coke, nice plan I'll have to try that sometime when someone forces me to have something I should have :p

Take it easy today, warm and cold showers/bath, and plenty of stretches!
Best of luck with your next run!

Your determination is already pulling at my motivation strings to motivate myself to get back to the gym and lose the stone i've put on recently (I know its not much but I need to do it to feel good again).

So thanks for starting this diary Leon, I wish you loads of luck!(y)
Ive never been thanked for starting a thread before... so thank you for thanking me :)
I think sometimes a bit of support is all you need with these things.

Good lucky buddy! getting my mind in the right place was the biggest thing in helping me shift some weight and it sounds like your there!

Cheers, I believe I am, the hardest part for me will be in 5 weeks time, i have a week where I will be drinking etc, I need to make sure I get back on it after...
I have found in the past in akward drinking situations the 'I'm on antibiotics' line works :)
I have found in the past in akward drinking situations the 'I'm on antibiotics' line works :)

If we were on facebook I would 'like' this :D

Went for another run this morning, seemed so much harder than previous. however, knocked 56 seconds off the overall time. so happy with that.

fridge is bare which makes eating harder, I ended up defrosting pork chops last night and had 2 along with 2 eggs for breakfast this morning.... may seem a rather odd combination but it tasted nice, also... think of the proteen :)
Currently 3/4 of the way through todays 2 litre water intake, I ache like ive never ached before but dont half feel good about things..

Also had someone comment that I looked better today... not sure if he was just humoring me though, but still, it was nice :D
Thanks for starting this thread, it has given me incentive to try and take control and stop the shakes and bars type diet that I'm currently struggling with. Well actually I'm not struggling I just haven't been doing it ! but your thread has made me realise I need to be honest with myself and make the right choices!
I am seriously impressed with this thread and with your attitude. Great stuff and I wish you all the best!
I feel your pain!

Started my diet on New Years Day having made a bet with another yo yo dieter on New Years Eve to do a charity run later in the year. I've posted this on Facebook with instructions to friends, family and colleague to shout at me 'Oi! Short, fat git - NO!!!!!' if they see me straying.

Stuck with it for 6 days now which is pretty good for me but haven't started jogging yet - need to shift a few more pounds first
All of your comments are so appreciated. I get a warm fuzzy feeling when reading them.
I ended up defrosting pork chops last night and had 2 along with 2 eggs for breakfast this morning.... may seem a rather odd combination but it tasted nice, also... think of the proteen :)
Best of luck with this Leon, although I reckon it will be alot easier without the saturated fat.
Those of you 'larger' people reading will understand this, you skinnys probably wont...

You know when you stat to gain weight and your at the stage where you clothes are starting to feel a wee bit tight, you do that thing where you streatch the material, and hey presto the shirt fits again...
I have been doing that for several weeks, refusing to buy bigger clothes yet realising the number of shirts I was able to use was dwindling fast, today I put a shirt on, done the streatchy before doing buttons up and realised it seemed a little larger than it usualy does.... the trousers however are the same, so although I dont think I would have lost and significant weight this week, I do feel that maybe ive lost a little bit of the stomach.

I didnt post over the weekend as there wasnt a lot to say, bit more salad, bit more tuna... I did however have an awkward moment Saturday night, I was invited to one of my poker buddies engagement party down the pub, I knew that staying would lead to temptation so I turned up, shew my face, had a diet coke, gave my congratulations and made my excuses... there was nothing I wanted more than to order a pint with the rest of the lads...
... oh the things we have to suffer...... :)

Sunday ... well every Sunday my family get together for a roast dinner, and I must say, i am pretty proud of myself, I said no to the pork cracknal, No to yorkshires, No to freshly homemade saussage rolls and No to the following hot bun filled with melted chocolate and ice cream...... I actually wasnt that fussed, go me.

This morning I went for another run, I keep telling myself im going to go a little further yet when it comes to it, im so knackered by the point where I have to make the choice to do the 'usual' run or carry on that I find myself turning right and taking the 'easy' route... which isnt actually the easy route at all as im still a sweating, wheezing, choughing mess when I get home... I did however knock another 26 seconds off my time, im pushing harder now and feel good for it.. also, my legs ache less after....

I feel quite positive about the whole thing to be honest, and am reassured to know that my clothes wont be getting any tighter :D
Well done on saying no to the 'bad stuff'. That has to be quiet hard as I often find people say "oh go on one won't hurt (wish I could stop at one is often my reply lol).

Know what you are saying about the clothes as well. Just been through my wardrobe and got some of my clothes out that I had put away that got to tight - love it :)

I'm trying to balance relationship and weight atm, he is brill, loves to cook and listens to the cut the fat off and low fat stuff, but this weekend for example we had wine - Indian - coffee - etc ... tonight I will go to the gym to help that lot off and try to gain credit as well. :)

And be fair to yourself you have just started running again so pushing yourself to far at this point could end up with a throwing in the towel situation - pat yourself on the back, accept what your doing is working and set a target for a week or two to increase distance :)
Swimbos doing slimming world and has so far dropped 2.5 stone in 16 weeks (nearly halfway to target) - a side effect of this is that we've started eating propperly and lost all the pizza and other over processed crap out of our diet , which has meant i've lost about half a stone and feel way better
great thread mate

possibly one of the best none photography threads in ages

very honest account of your weight problems as well

I'm always up and down with my weight, i've never been massive but I'm often carrying a couple of extra stone

I'm 45 and as you get older weight loss gets harder, I'm 16st 5lb and to be honest 14 1/2 stone seems to be about right for my build

I'm three days into a diet and have started running as well, I'm fairly active anyway I do taekwondo twice a week and go boxing once a week (i'm not a boxer, i just go and train etc), my problem is if i excercise my appetite goes through the roof !

so i'm now making a big effort to lose some, I've also had problems with my knees (cartlidge op ) and I know full well weight has probably contributed to this, there's also the risk of diabetes as you get older and carry extra weight.

hope you do well on your weight loss and if you dont mind i'll post about mine

all the best and thanks for a great thread
great thread mate

possibly one of the best none photography threads in ages

very honest account of your weight problems as well

I'm always up and down with my weight, i've never been massive but I'm often carrying a couple of extra stone

I'm 45 and as you get older weight loss gets harder, I'm 16st 5lb and to be honest 14 1/2 stone seems to be about right for my build

I'm three days into a diet and have started running as well, I'm fairly active anyway I do taekwondo twice a week and go boxing once a week (i'm not a boxer, i just go and train etc), my problem is if i excercise my appetite goes through the roof !

so i'm now making a big effort to lose some, I've also had problems with my knees (cartlidge op ) and I know full well weight has probably contributed to this, there's also the risk of diabetes as you get older and carry extra weight.

hope you do well on your weight loss and if you dont mind i'll post about mine

all the best and thanks for a great thread

Thanks for this post mate. yeah by all means feel free to post what you want. and good luck with the weight loss....
Good luck with this fella.

I am in exactly the same boat. I have never been small and have always been quite tall for my age but I don't think I have ever been classed as "Ideal Weight", ever.

I am 25 now, and the heaviest I have ever been, 152kg. A large proportion is fat, whilst quite a bit of the rest is muscle.
I have made poor efforts over the years at losing weight, perhaps the odd couple of stone here and there, but with living at home still, with a mother that could teach Gordon Ramsey a thing or two in the kitchen, it's not easy and any will power just disappears. I am not ashamed to say it, I LOVE my food, just a little too much. I have longed for a high metabolism like several of my friends but I have had to accept that I am what I am, and to lose weight I have to put some real effort in.

A turning point was mid 2011. A holiday with some close friends in Bulgaria, which involved a lot of beach time inbetween seeing the sights. After we returned, me and my mate both looked at the photos and came to the conclusion we both needed to make a change, he wasn't as heavy as me, but looked a bit flabbier, I probably carry it off better with my height.
We started at the gym, which was a new experience and very enjoyable. However his weight loss seemed a lot quicker than mine. I firmly believe the time your meals are effect your ability to lose weight, and my problem is working shifts at work, unable to eat until I finish or before I start, sometimes really late.

To cut a long story short, he has lost 10 stone in about 14 months. Really good going, I won't lie, he has the income in order to buy these "fat burners" etc at the gym which he swears has helped him. Some say he's lost it too quick, others have said that it's better off quicker, time will see but regardless he's done really well.

During this time, I saw my weight loss kind of plateau, due to going back to eating crap, at the wrong times and too much of it. I really sore the bad state of affairs I am in after seeing New Years pictures..

Another friend of mine needs to lose weight for an MMA fight coming up, and his trainer/mate and my new friend Callum (British Amature Kick Boxing Champ) has sorted both my self and my friend a routine for the gym. Lots of motivation at the moment.

Worst thing of it all is, I can't keep away these hunger pangs. Probably all in my head a lot of it, and I try and drink a lot of water to fill me up. If it wasn't for those, Id be a lot more successful.

Didn't mean to highjack your thread, just wanted to share my experiences too.
Didn't mean to highjack your thread, just wanted to share my experiences too.

you know what mate, I think there are far more of us out there than we realise. keep posting your progress here mate, it really helps with the motivation. often, when I think im feeling I will just eat fruit... failing that, try going to slimming world... i know it might not sound ideal but its really good, and best of all, if you love food, you can eat as much of it as you like...... check it out....
This morning I went for another run, I keep telling myself im going to go a little further yet when it comes to it, im so knackered by the point where I have to make the choice to do the 'usual' run or carry on that I find myself turning right and taking the 'easy' route... which isnt actually the easy route at all as im still a sweating, wheezing, choughing mess when I get home... I did however knock another 26 seconds off my time, im pushing harder now and feel good for it.. also, my legs ache less after....

I feel quite positive about the whole thing to be honest, and am reassured to know that my clothes wont be getting any tighter :D
It's great you are getting results and you are feeling good about it, this will keep your momentum going and keep you interested. Is there any other exercise you could do or interests you. I hate cardio exercise myself as I get bored with it so I try to vary the sort of cardio exercise to keep interest. I do however enjoy skipping works great for the whole body and if you can find music with the perfect skipping rhythm, it's even better and easier.

Keep it up and looking forward to reading more of your progress.
Worst thing of it all is, I can't keep away these hunger pangs. Probably all in my head a lot of it, and I try and drink a lot of water to fill me up. If it wasn't for those, Id be a lot more successful.

If you are training hard you need to eat well as well - a lot of people make the mistake of going too low carb , which while it does encourage the fat to come off quickly (as the body breaks it down to sugar) also leads to hunger pangs, feeling weak, and a massive temptation to eat crap for a quick sugar high

If you eat a decent proprtion of slow release carb - stuff like a decent bowl of porridge for breakfast , rice based food at dinner etc you loose the fat more slowly but you dont get hunger pangs, feel a lot better, and get more out of your training ideally you should be getting about 80-90% of your metabolisms carb needs from your diet and burning fat for the other 10-20%

The other thing is if you are training you will be punishing your muscles so you need a high protein diet to give your body the materials it needs to rebuild and repair.

And lastly remember that if you are training you are putting on muscle as well as loosing fat , and cliche though it is muscle weighs more than fat so dont think purely about 'weight loss' but rather about body shape and self image
Alarm set for 6... wake up at 6:30... first thought is 'well there isnt time for a run now', seems like an automatic thing simply because I am lazy... knowing I was posting on here later meant I got my lazy arse out of bed and went running. now 7am, just back..... a wheezing, sweating, coughing mess............ but mildly proud of myself.... more to come later but in the mean time, I need to shower.
It can be a strange sensation when you look in a mirror cant it? the once slim shining face that smiled back at you, replaced by podgy cheeks and eyes that no longer glisten.... you look down at your naked body and actually turn away, as though the act of not looking actually changes reality.
It's a side of you no one see's, it's easy to put on a face when your out in public, covered by your t-shirt that hangs just right to show off your wide shoulders, that in turn covered by the thigh length winter coat to give the illusion of height, all of which you wear to serve the single purpose of hiding the extra weight you have gained....

Why such a depressing start to the post?

Because at times you simply have to be honest with yourself. It's so easy to tell yourself it doesn’t matter, its not that much weight, its this or its that, and eventually you believe your own lie and keep on going, Its not until you take a step back and take a long hard look at yourself that you realise the damage you have caused.

I say this due to my evening meal last night, green day so I had a Jacket potato with Low Fat cheese and a salad... A nice healthy meal I hear you say... and your right, the slimming world 'healthy eating' plan which I am sticking to sais that as long as the cheese is measured this is a perfectly acceptable meal... The problem... I weighed out my cheese and put it on my potato then decided it wasn’t quite enough so added a little more... In all actuality it was very little more but its what that act of adding more symbolized which is the issue, one week in is NOT the time to say ' oh a little bit more wont hurt'.... because a little bit more ALWAYS leads to a lot more with me, Next time I would add slightly more, then more until eventually I would stop weighing it altogether, then I would say cheese on toast was fine and eventually I would find myself stood in line at Subway telling myself that its actually a 'healthy' sandwich and should just enjoy it.
That’s how it is with me, I need structure, I need rules, without them I will fail.

To be honest, that’s why slimming world works for me, I don't do the extra easy plan as its to flexible, I stick to Red day's and Green day's, I can either have meat or I cant, I'm either allowed pasta and potato's or I’m not, Ok. there is some allowances, if your on a red day you are allowed 35g of pasta with your spag bol (dried weight) as 1 of your 2 available healthy options... so theoretically you can have 70g if you decide to use both options up in one sitting, but the rules are still there...
Can I just point out that I am not employed by slimming world, I just know it works and swear by it, which is why it’s the eating plan I’m sticking to now.

Anyway, I’m running on and most of you are probably getting bored to tears reading this… The funny thing is that if any of you knew me, you would never peg for writing something like this, I’m the big guy with the goatee beard who likes Motorbikes, Poker and Beer……….. Just goes to show that anyone can have issues with how they look, no matter how they come across on the street.

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Well done on getting up for the run ... did'nt have to, but you did even if it was for us or you, you did it :)

Im doing Slimming World as well - Extra Easy and like it lots it fits in. My struggle is relationship eating. Started to see someone in Nov and he loves to have me over for dinner - but meals cooked by others are a problem. Am there tonight for dinner after cinema, will see if I can grab stuff and cook tonight as it gives me a little control.

Regarding cheese, have you tried the low fat stuff? and buying pre grated - measuring out - popping into bags? makes the temptation for another chunk or sprinkle easier in the early days. Cheese over Xmas hurt lol.
Well done on getting up for the run ... did'nt have to, but you did even if it was for us or you, you did it :)

Im doing Slimming World as well - Extra Easy and like it lots it fits in. My struggle is relationship eating. Started to see someone in Nov and he loves to have me over for dinner - but meals cooked by others are a problem. Am there tonight for dinner after cinema, will see if I can grab stuff and cook tonight as it gives me a little control.

Regarding cheese, have you tried the low fat stuff? and buying pre grated - measuring out - popping into bags? makes the temptation for another chunk or sprinkle easier in the early days. Cheese over Xmas hurt lol.

Yes, currently using the low fat cheese, and funny you should mention about the grated stuff because the first thing I did when I got home was grate the entire lump... however into one single bag.... hummm, must seperate me thinks.
Good luck on your Journey. x
Well done for carrying on mate. I was on lates at work yesterday and set my alarm for 6 am for the gym. But as it was dark, I thought flip that and slept until 9am.
I felt guilty as hell.

I went harder at the gym today to make up for it and weighed my self when I got home, not the best time to get weighed however I was pleasantly surprised that I had LOST 6lbs this week. Stoked to say the least.
. My struggle is relationship eating. Started to see someone in Nov and he loves to have me over for dinner - but meals cooked by others are a problem.

I'd say be straight up with him about the issue - if he likes you he'll hopefully be happy to support you in your food optimising and such and its really easy to adapt normal cooking to take EE into account

Swimbo's doing that plan and as i usually cook because she has the long commute wheras i work 15 minuites away i've had to get into the whole thing.

for instance tonight i cooked a veggie curry with boiled eggs, peppers, onion, leek, garlic, tinned new potatoes and tinned 3 type beans - totally free on EE (the only real adaptation being using frylight instead of oil for the initial cooking - get the olive oil variety as the basic is rank)

Also i've found a really good forum called which has a whole bunch of recipes .
I'd say be straight up with him about the issue - if he likes you he'll hopefully be happy to support you in your food optimising and such and its really easy to adapt normal cooking to take EE into account

Swimbo's doing that plan and as i usually cook because she has the long commute wheras i work 15 minuites away i've had to get into the whole thing.

for instance tonight i cooked a veggie curry with boiled eggs, peppers, onion, leek, garlic, tinned new potatoes and tinned 3 type beans - totally free on EE (the only real adaptation being using frylight instead of oil for the initial cooking - get the olive oil variety as the basic is rank)

Also i've found a really good forum called which has a whole bunch of recipes .

He has been really good with cooking for me up to the last two meals. On Tuesday he told me we were having haddock and oven chips - so I stayed syn free all day to take into acount the chips. Declined the bread roll easy enough but the fish was breadcrumbed, I assumed it was going to be fresh fish cos thats what I buy lol. But it was good as I had done a swim before going over.

Last night was cinema (Highly recommend Puss in Boots *grin*) and he bought me a little bag of chocolate buttons as a small treat - I popped them into my bag and he is non the wiser on me not eating them as it was dark :) - he was doing a pie for dinner but I reminded him I won't be able to have that and I said it was my turn to buy n cook so we had salmon steaks new pots and aparagus - all free for me and he really enjoyed it. Will just pop a reminded in as and when it is needed, he really enjoyed cooking for me and I don't want to come across as critical.

Agree on the olive oil, it really is a lot nicer than the basic. Going to check that site out at breaktime, thank you :)
theres a really good recipe for syn free oven chips btw

slice potatoes into chip shape - boil for four minuites, then drain , put lid on pan and shake vigorously to chuff then turn out on kitchen paper and pat dry, pre heat the oven to 200 deg

spray a baking tray with frylight (basic does work better for this one) put the chips on it and spray over with more frylight (2 or 3 sprays)

then pop in the oven at 20 mins.

et voila perfect crunchy chippy goodness and totally free on EE (I actually prefer them to bog standard chips which is a bonus)
Pete, that is the one I use for my own chips, explained to Michael last night that I loved him cooking etc .. but some things that he thinks are low fat etc are still a no no for me, he was great and looks forward to me showing him how I cook :)
Pete, that is the one I use for my own chips, explained to Michael last night that I loved him cooking etc .. but some things that he thinks are low fat etc are still a no no for me, he was great and looks forward to me showing him how I cook :)

Yep SW can be a bit confusing for non members - my mum for instance can't get her head round why sarah ( my swimbo) can have potatoes free but has to syn bread

on the plus side the whole experience has brought me and Sarah closer as she really appreiciates my effots to get into the SW vibe