The eyes (don't) have it!

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Can you help me out with the eyes here please?

They are dark brown and I want to get some contrast between the irises and the pupils (difficult with them being so brown.

Any suggestions would be most welcome.



[/url] OllieBW1 by Boynielaad, on Flickr[/IMG]
what software are you using
I'd suggest make a new layer and dodge & burning the eyes to lighten the details in the area
Hi Andy, I would try a reflector placed below and about quarter to half a metre from the subject.

Thanks. Unfortunately he's back home now and it was a walk in the park with friends and a camera tagging along!

what software are you using
I'd suggest make a new layer and dodge & burning the eyes to lighten the details in the area

I'm a cheapskate so use Gimp and can't seem to get along with layers very well.

I'll try dodging and burning though - thanks for the tip.
Alternative B&W conversion methods would make a difference too, I'm no expert, but try lab colour and look at the various channels - you'll see the eye colour will be a different shade in each.
Phil V said:
Alternative B&W conversion methods would make a difference too, I'm no expert, but try lab colour and look at the various channels - you'll see the eye colour will be a different shade in each.

Thanks Phil. Never knew about that. Been having a play and getting some interesting results.
Boynielaad said:
Thanks Phil. Never knew about that. Been having a play and getting some interesting results.

No worries, it's years since I played with b&w processing because I have a number of actions that do what I want.
Also, try repositioning your lights. I think I can see a catchlight in the corner of the right eye, and the shadow on the front of the face suggest you have both key and fill lights at quite acute angle (and possibly too high, judging from the shadows in the entire eye socket and lower half of the face)? Bring them (or at least keylight) round to be a little more frontal so that the light gives a catch light. You need to give the eyes some light for them to come alive.
Also, try repositioning your lights. I think I can see a catchlight in the corner of the right eye, and the shadow on the front of the face suggest you have both key and fill lights at quite acute angle (and possibly too high, judging from the shadows in the entire eye socket and lower half of the face)? Bring them (or at least keylight) round to be a little more frontal so that the light gives a catch light. You need to give the eyes some light for them to come alive.

Blimey. That's asking a bit much ;)

It was in a swing park using the sun as 'key light'! Not sure anyone's managed to reposition that one :D

Seriously though, thanks for your suggestions. Perhaps in future (I did take the camera with a view to getting a shot for enlarging) I could take a reflector to counter the sun.
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I played with your shot as posted. My preferred method is 1. select the eye area with the lasso tool, feather by 5px, copy and paste to new layer, then change the blend mode to screen. Most times you have to reduce opacity, but in this case I duplicated the later a second time to increase effect.

I just had a quick go using the Perfect Photo Suite 7 demo... You can download it and have a play to your liking.

Used the Portrait tab and switched everything else off apart from the eyes and mouth tool...

Just added a bit of detail and tiny bit of whiteness. Hope you don't mind...

talk photography demo by D3RON, on Flickr
Love the image to start with ;-)
I had a play with this.With my limited knowledge and using Photoshop.
I duplicated the layer 4 times and set them all to screen.
Then created a smart object.Which I had not done before but read about it.This basically puts the 4 layers together so you can then apply a mask.I then inverted the mask then used white paint to reveal the eyes.

Burned the pupil a tad darker too.
Not sure if it is along the right lines or looks to fake but I learnt something along the way. Plus it gets me away from that damn jungle program the Wifes hooked on :)


Love the image to start with ;-)
I had a play with this.With my limited knowledge and using Photoshop.
I duplicated the layer 4 times and set them all to screen.
Then created a smart object.Which I had not done before but read about it.This basically puts the 4 layers together so you can then apply a mask.I then inverted the mask then used white paint to reveal the eyes.

Burned the pupil a tad darker too.
Not sure if it is along the right lines or looks to fake but I learnt something along the way. Plus it gets me away from that damn jungle program the Wifes hooked on :)



Going to try this way myself ,,, :clap:
No probs. I forgot to mention that I turned the opacity down on the smart object layer to 60%.
So if you went down that route they can be 40% brighter which was well freaky or you can choose anything from 60% back down to where you started. I didnt touch the whites or any other part of the image.
Or you could also just try one screen layer on it's own, then had another if needed and so on.
I guess its personal choice as to how far you go with this type of thing.

Glad it helped.

Have fun :)

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That looks excellent. Just had a scan through and will have a proper read tommorow.

Thanks very much.

ps, I've just sent this to Loxley to get printed on a 16x12 acrylic to give to his parents.

Fingers crossed.

That's a great tutorial(y)
I use Adobe LightRoom and this took me maybe a minute, infact it took me longer to upload it!

Use the adjustment brush and tick Auto mask box. Zoom in and paint just the part of the eye you want to bring out. I upped the exposure and the brightness sliders quite a bit. The trick is to use a low flow rate so you don't over do it.

I also used a vignette to bring his hair back a little and upped the contrast and clarity a touch..

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Love the image to start with ;-)
I had a play with this.With my limited knowledge and using Photoshop.
I duplicated the layer 4 times and set them all to screen.
Then created a smart object.Which I had not done before but read about it.This basically puts the 4 layers together so you can then apply a mask.I then inverted the mask then used white paint to reveal the eyes.

Burned the pupil a tad darker too.
Not sure if it is along the right lines or looks to fake but I learnt something along the way. Plus it gets me away from that damn jungle program the Wifes hooked on :)



Good job mate :) One to file in the back of my mind for when it's needed...
