The Fabulous Fuji X owners thread

What lens were you using, Frank? And how did the whole kit stand up to the moist conditions?
Sooooo excited, im like a kid in a sweetie shop right now.
Tomorrow cant come quick enough :LOL:

LOL! More like Christmas with no presents for me! I actually bought another type in the end so another forum member will get this one when it turns up. I'm sure mine will be much better and you'll all be dead jealous.. so there..:geek:
Nod, I took the 18-55 and the 10-24. As it turned out I only ever used the 18-55. There is talk of another similar meet and if I go on that I will only take the 18-55.
No real problems re the conditions. It was very wet as you've guessed but we were all careful to keep our cameras dry.
On the walk in Chris and Duncan had theirs in peli boxes. Mine was in a dry bag in my camera bag.
Mine was the only one to go up (and down) the waterfall but it did so in a caver's screw top waterproof container hanging from my waist belt. Most moisture came from our wet hands handling it. It got dirty but a damp cloth this morning soon cleared that. All in all the little Fuji worked well.
For some reason we couldn't get flash triggers working properly. The only ones we could use were my 603s, which is why my camera was used. We couldn't work this out as Duncan had a 5D3 and Chris had a 6D and the triggers are the Canon variety. We expected itn to fire through the central pin on full manual mode if nothing else. Maybe that was down to the conditions.
Duncan did have a few (a LOT) of LED lights that we used and they were very good.
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Thanks for that, Frank. I didn't know if you had the 18-135 which is a WR companion to the X-T1. A little slower than the 18-55 but the extra reach and the WR moniker make it my weapon of choice. A bit bigger and heavier so possibly not quite so suitable down tight 'oles!
I didn't think reach would be a problem. Size and weight were the main considerations. Next time we go caving together we can compare notes:eek:
Caves are for walking upright into for the purpose of finding shade or coolness! My favourite is the Dictean Cave on the Lassithi Plateau, allegedly where Zeus was raised secretly to keep him out of Chronos's belly! There are a few others over there that have been (and in a few cases still are) used as churches.
The caving trip all started out after a possibly silly idea of mine to go into White Scar caves. I started the thread but then Chris came on with his knowledge and suddenly we morphed from a walk in trip to a show cave to a full on, albeit low level, caving trip. We walked in and walked out. No scrambling about in the mud. You could have done it!!!
Only if there was a ladder up that waterfall!
Great shot Dave, lucky with that light it kinda highlights the buildings. Very Nice.(y)

Cheers George! Not complete and utter luck, as I knew that by rights it should do that at some point in the afternoon...but at times I was wondering whether it was ever going to arrive :D
Steam Mill sign is a greeny grey, here is a rezised Provia JPG (SOOC) I took when first starting with no filters. Any suggestions you can make will be gratefully received :)

Hmm. Yes, I like your Provia WB.:) Well, here's a version for you. see what you think.

I just put your JPG into Lightroom and told it to treat the tarmac as grey (often a reasonable starting point). +8 on the Temp, +26 on the Tint was the outcome. To me, the result looks close-ish to the Provia.
I think maybe the Provia is touch warmer in the reds, but the sky is very blue, so there is probably some wizardry going on behind the scenes!
I then tried adding a bit more warmth, but although I liked the effect on the brickwork, the sky was weaker and the water was rather unappetising. So if it were mine, I'd probably be trying to warm up the mill and maybe the flats selectively, and leave the sky and the water like this.
I well understand, however, that not everyone shares my enthusiasm for messing around in Photoshop :D and you may be able to just warm it a little more and find a good compromise.

WB test-1.jpg
Thanks Jim. An interesting read. Now it's down to you to do the reassembly. I look forward to the (un-edited) video!
all my other ones are pretty much dust free..just annoying that my only "Dust and weather" sealed lens has dust in it! lol
So what system are you going for, now that you've kicked the X-T1 idea into the long grass?

Ordered (another) A6000. Good camera and will save me a few quid, dont really want to be spending thousands when I already have a main system.
Have to be a mahooooooosive upgrade from the 1 for me to upgrade!
Very nice, but the wrong colour!
If I could work out how to get my camera to take a photo of itself I'd show you a proper one!!!
That looks like one of those grips from the Fuji Forum. Am I right? How do you find it?
Yes, it's pretty good. It feels better than it looks. It is really well made but obviously a bit bulkier than no grip at all. Feather light. It's not perfect - the AFL button is a bit awkward to reach - but on the whole it's better than the metal grips.
Just stuck my Lolumina button on (thanks Rick) and its now left curing for the requisite number of hours

Bought two of the 10mm mini type in Black, also got one for my daughter to stick on her XT-10.
Yes, that's right it has a threaded shutter button, just thought it would be the same as its big brother.

Will be on the classifieds at some stage if anyone wants it
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