The Fabulous Fuji X owners thread

Looks the part, thats why I ordered the same! :D

Looked the best match to me too and I prefer the convex shape

Found it very fiddly to get the sticky pad centred on the shutter button, well it was with my shaky hands, long nosed pliers were my friend
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Damn you @Mr Perceptive.
That was supposed to slide under the radar. Nobody has as many lenses as you!
This was too god an opportunity to miss. Far better than buying from Fuji even with the almost non existent cash back.
Don't forget I sold a lens a couple of weeks ago to make room for this so my net lens total remains unaltered.

That's it now. Don't need any more. Can see no need for the 90. If I need longer than 56 I'll use the 55.200.

How many lenses do I need? I'm beginning to sound like the wife!
You need the 100-400 + 1.4x telecon, Frank! I know I do!!! :p
I know you want one Nod. Note I said want not need:rolleyes:

I've been following your discussions with StewartR so I think you should get the set and then I'll do a full evaluation for you. I promise not to let our Perceptive friend anywhere near it - he'll keep it:eek:
New addition for the XT1.

£51 for both on Amazon Warehouse (£24 for TX and £27 for flash).
Even better though, the advert for the flash said it was a mk3.......score!
Even better again......the flash still had all its protective stickers on suggesting just an open box return
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Quick test shot using the flash and tx.
Our fat cat was the subject matter much to his impressed facial expression.
Shot in RAW and converted in camera to reflect shooting conditions (no other adjustments).
Ordered (another) A6000. Good camera and will save me a few quid, dont really want to be spending thousands when I already have a main system.
Only just got that X-T1 hadn't you ? already going back to Sony again :eek: Your worse than me ! lol
I previously had the X-T1 and really liked it and lenses so i reluctantly only sold it fund get Canon gear back, after a while later i managed to get some more cash spare so i thought id go with the A7 as i like full frame quality but the lens sizes on fast glass and there prices swayed me off it so ive sold that off :(

Have you sold the X-T1 then ?
Couple of my favourites from Paris. Enjoying the Samyang 12mm.


Only just got that X-T1 hadn't you ? already going back to Sony again :eek: Your worse than me ! lol
I previously had the X-T1 and really liked it and lenses so i reluctantly only sold it fund get Canon gear back, after a while later i managed to get some more cash spare so i thought id go with the A7 as i like full frame quality but the lens sizes on fast glass and there prices swayed me off it so ive sold that off :(

Have you sold the X-T1 then ?

No mate, last xt1 I had was ages ago, had loads other cameras between then and now though. I was considering it recently again but went a6k alongside my d750. A7 lenses are an issue, iso and af isn't to great either for a ff, in the right conditions it can deliver with the 55 though.
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Couple of my favourites from Paris. Enjoying the Samyang 12mm.



Great set of images Matthew, really like #3 for the human interest, nicely composed and the slightly OOF onlookers bring more emphasis to the artist.(y)

No mate, last xt1 I had was ages ago, had loads other cameras between then and now though. I was considering it recently again but went a6k alongside my d750. A7 lenses are an issue, iso and af isn't to great either for a ff, in the right conditions it can deliver with the 55 though.
Ah right I thought you'd got one over at AVF my mistake :oops: :$
anyone just shoot in Jpeg?

Yup. Hate spending time in PP so will shoot several shots if necessary to get the best possible results SOOC. Modern cameras have plenty of DR for my needs so rescuing shadows/highlights is less important than it may have been a few years ago and I never shoot weddings! Likewise WB. If necessary, I can do what I need with JPEGs.
anyone just shoot in Jpeg?

Almost, it's been pretty well covered in this thread that the JPEGs are awesome. I still shoot Raw+JPEG just in case (B&W conversions are best done on the raw file if I feel the need, and occasionally I will have made a cockup so bad only raw can correct it). 90% of the time I won't even look at the Raw.