The Fabulous Fuji X owners thread

I am embracing the "painterly" effect and channelling my inner Constable...

NR I get, but sharpness to -2? Sort of seems odd.
From my recent experiments it's the sharpening, or way the images are sharpened that is adding to the painterly/watercolour effect I've been seeing. If I add as little sharpening as possible but use detail instead then the images look a lot more natural, to my eyes at least ;)
From my recent experiments it's the sharpening, or way the images are sharpened that is adding to the painterly/watercolour effect I've been seeing. If I add as little sharpening as possible but use detail instead then the images look a lot more natural, to my eyes at least ;)
The radius setting also plays a big part. I use 1.1 as a compromise, but your mileage may vary!
Used both.
18-55 better IQ but not by along way.
18-135 more versatile but you notice it's weight alot more. WR ideal for certain environments

This sums it up very well. All I can add is that the 18-55 is a bit faster and that in the real world, either is plenty sharp enough!
That was me, scarey little buggers, not quite so bad when it's your own though
Never had any. Phew!
Also means we've no grandkids. No need to organise our life round someone else's noisy sick machines.
Our two, shortly to be three, grandbrats are in Australia. Difficult to hear or smell them at that distance!
Oh I was talking with CS at Fuji and apparently there's another batch of XT2s coming in the middle of this month, not sure if it's news or not but I just remembered
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I've ordered this X-T1 eye cup earlier today from Amazon (£8.99), but is this the extended eye cup I wonder...? It's the extended eye cup I need but not sure if I've ordered the right one as there's another one priced at £11....?

This is pretty normal for Amazon :) The eyecup in the link certainly looks different to the standard one on the camera, which looks flatter and has extra rubber at the sides.
Well it's being sold by Fujifilm, so should be right, and they only sell one type and label it only for X-T1 (unless they've updated that since I bought mine direct) . It fits T1 and T2 alike, and is far better than the standard one, though not totally perfect, but then it would be very hard to make one perfect to fit everybody's face!
Well I hope @JohnN enjoys my XT2 and Grip! outstanding camera but I've decided to take a bit of a break, could use the cash and not long spent a fortune on a drone, just finding the higher cost of lenses since the summer to be a pain, especially in mirror less where there isn't always a huge pool of used kit (especially when the 10-24 or 50-140 is concerned!) - glad someone is getting it who will use it though! - I may keep a lookout for something to tide me over, not gone from Fuji forever but just for now.
Well I hope @JohnN enjoys my XT2 and Grip! outstanding camera but I've decided to take a bit of a break, could use the cash and not long spent a fortune on a drone, just finding the higher cost of lenses since the summer to be a pain, especially in mirror less where there isn't always a huge pool of used kit (especially when the 10-24 or 50-140 is concerned!) - glad someone is getting it who will use it though! - I may keep a lookout for something to tide me over, not gone from Fuji forever but just for now.

Wow! so are you just left with the Nikon?
I may part with my GS xt1 if you want something to tide you over.
I see the price of lenses are starting to sky rocket! Wex want £429 for a xf35 f1.4 And Jessops want £499. :jawdrop: I was thinking of selling mine for the f2. You can still get the f2 for £299 but some places are asking £369, that's the old 1.4 price.
Well I hope @JohnN enjoys my XT2 and Grip! outstanding camera but I've decided to take a bit of a break, could use the cash and not long spent a fortune on a drone, just finding the higher cost of lenses since the summer to be a pain, especially in mirror less where there isn't always a huge pool of used kit (especially when the 10-24 or 50-140 is concerned!) - glad someone is getting it who will use it though! - I may keep a lookout for something to tide me over, not gone from Fuji forever but just for now.

Thanks Chris, I'm sure I'll love it and that you'll be back soon when all the Euro silliness is over - I know what you mean though, eGlobal for a while had the XT2 at £1199, just a few weeks later and its at £1350 and everything is following suit.

I do trust you'll be putting up some drone shots, I'd love to see what they're like nowadays.

Take care and thanks again.
I see the price of lenses are starting to sky rocket! Wex want £429 for a xf35 f1.4 And Jessops want £499. :jawdrop: I was thinking of selling mine for the f2. You can still get the f2 for £299 but some places are asking £369, that's the old 1.4 price.

This was always going to be the case, as retailers have to buy in new stock at new prices, then the price to the consumer will go up.
This was always going to be the case, as retailers have to buy in new stock at new prices, then the price to the consumer will go up.
I know there's been talk on here of a price hike. I was just surprised by how much.
Combination of a Fuji Price increase and a £ exchange rate all rolled into one. The solution is simple.... buy everything you need/want/lust after now :D

We should have I have GAS smilie :fuji: !!!!!
Better yet, buy it yesterday!
Combination of a Fuji Price increase and a £ exchange rate all rolled into one. The solution is simple.... buy everything you need/want/lust after now :D

We should have I have GAS smilie :fuji: !!!!!
I like your thinking Mr P, but if I did that you might see me on the next series of can't pay we'll take it away.