The Fabulous Fuji X owners thread

I could do FEC on the Canon with this setup, but can't seem to find the setting on the Fooj. There was a setting in the Canon camera menu to do it.
Does it even exist on the Fooj, or is it a feature that is on the flash unit, rather than the camera body? Certainly no intention of spending £600 for the new flash, which I've heard isn't even available yet.
That is strange re your canon setup.
FEC should only work when in TTL mode.
As you are working in manual flash FEC is not available.
Im wondering if on the canon you were able to change FEC values on camera despite using dumb triggers (laymens terms RF603s will not transmit info in that respect so you thought you were changing the power of the flash but in reality weren't).
On Fuji bodies i think to get FECcyou will need to be in TTL mode which means on camera flash only.
FEC is only of use when using TTL. If it's a manual flash and you want less flash you reduce the power.
FEC is available on Fuji's when using TTL.

ETA: crossed posted with Stuarts fuller answer above.
OK. Thanks guys. I'm not an expert on flash and was just trying to remember the dim and distant past. I've obviously got my wires crossed again.

As Stuart suggests I was probably adjusting the setting in the menu but it was having no effect. I seldom use TTL so won't have been aware of that.

You learn something every day.
OK. Thanks guys. I'm not an expert on flash and was just trying to remember the dim and distant past. I've obviously got my wires crossed again.

As Stuart suggests I was probably adjusting the setting in the menu but it was having no effect. I seldom use TTL so won't have been aware of that.

You learn something every day.

If you want to make your life a touch easier when doing manual flash ypu should cash in your Canon flash and get yourself a Yongnuo YN560 TX and a Yongnuo YN560 IV flash.
The TX sits on the camera but can wireless ly change the flash settings at the touch of a button.
Very handy if your flash is not close by when you realise your settings are out.
I do have a set of Yn 622 triggers. One sits on the hotshoe wired in and the others sit under the flash units. That allows me to do full adjustments from behind the camera. Think that is more or less what you describe albeit not self contained in the flash.

I was using the 603s because I can wander round with the flash in my hand and fire the camera remotely from the 603. They don't have the flash adjustment capability but they work fine for just one flash gun.
If you want to make your life a touch easier when doing manual flash ypu should cash in your Canon flash and get yourself a Yongnuo YN560 TX and a Yongnuo YN560 IV flash.
The TX sits on the camera but can wireless ly change the flash settings at the touch of a button.
Very handy if your flash is not close by when you realise your settings are out.

I have that combo and it is fantastic! So convenient. Must admit, not tried it on my Fuji yet though.
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I don't know if I ever posted any of these, but a few from the Cotswold Wildlife park earlier in the year (the lion post reminded me :) ). All with the X-T1 and 100-400:

Cotswold Wildlife Park
by JJ, on Flickr

Cotswold Wildlife Park
by JJ, on Flickr

Cotswold Wildlife Park
by JJ, on Flickr

Cotswold Wildlife Park
by JJ, on Flickr

Cotswold Wildlife Park
by JJ, on Flickr

Really good set of images Julian, liking all of these very much with the "First & Last" shots being the stand out images for me.(y)

had a trip to the zoo today with the x-t2 and 50-140. camera did a wonderful job tracking birds in flight during the bird show.
heres a shot from a less energetic subject:

king of the hill by Jonathan Howes, on Flickr

Very nice shot Jonathan, with some fine detail, spot on framing, and good exposure.(y)

Just to upset @Mr Perceptive
You know that little screw in PC cover that came off almost immediately?
The one that Fuji sent me a replacement for, but ignored your e-mail?
Well the original has just fallen out of my camera bag, so now I have two.
Happy Days!
Went out & about with the Samyang 12mm F2.0 yesterday that i purchased on the forum from Rosedalelad a few days ago to use on my X-T10 & must say that i'm loving this lens.:fuji:

"Cracking" shot Sir, and some excellent mono PP work.(y)

Lovely shot - I so nearly bought that lens too!
Sort of glad I didn't thats a better landscape than I've ever taken
Pleased with the lens JohnN . Manual focus & manual exposure, Just like the old days & loving it again getting back to basics
Regards Toonie
Just to upset @Mr Perceptive
You know that little screw in PC cover that came off almost immediately?
The one that Fuji sent me a replacement for, but ignored your e-mail?
Well the original has just fallen out of my camera bag, so now I have two.
Happy Days!
Looks like the email I sent off for a replacement after mine dropped off is being ignored too, but I am not one to let this drop so they will be getting another soon, failing that I will be on to LCE the seller, a few must be leaving the factory without being screwed fully home.
Looks like the email I sent off for a replacement after mine dropped off is being ignored too, but I am not one to let this drop so they will be getting another soon, failing that I will be on to LCE the seller, a few must be leaving the factory without being screwed fully home.

I got another one from a Fuji rep at Digital Splash, who produced one from his back pocket, that he had one to hand does suggest it is an issue
Looks like the email I sent off for a replacement after mine dropped off is being ignored too, but I am not one to let this drop so they will be getting another soon, failing that I will be on to LCE the seller, a few must be leaving the factory without being screwed fully home.

Mine fell off within 10 mins of me getting my X-T2 out of the box, but once I screwed it back on it has stayed put ever since. I think it must be under tightened when leaving the factory.
Has anyone ever used the PC terminal?

Not on the X-T2 but I did on the X-T1 as part of a play with Garry's flash set up at a TP megameet a few years back.
I noticed it had come off after an hour of it being in the house and it had never left the same room but could not find it anywhere, I suspect one of my 3 cavalier dogs may have eaten it !
As for the falling off covers, I bet they've had a few complaints about them being on too tight as well! Mine was just right when I took it off and is still there.
As for the falling off covers, I bet they've had a few complaints about them being on too tight as well! Mine was just right when I took it off and is still there.
The guy at Digital Splash gave the impression that he had a back pocket full of the covers just waiting for a request for them.
I considered putting a bit of Loctite on mine!
Possibly but the rig was set up so anything could be quickly plugged in to the PC cable for swift changes.
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The guy at Digital Splash gave the impression that he had a back pocket full of the covers just waiting for a request for them.
I considered putting a bit of Loctite on mine!

I have the answer ! how about doing away with it and clagging an ugly lump of Sugru over the terminal like they did to cure the "mushy" buttons on the rear of the early T1's :D
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With some inspiration from @manualfocus-g i tried taking a photo shot in Jpeg on the Fuji XT1 and ran it through an app called VSCO where I applied a filter called T1.

Interesting result which i think needs further exploration.
This may change the way i shoot and edit (not every photo will get the T1 filter obviously).

First go at shooting in jpeg mode only and adding a filter in a mobile app called VSCO. by Stuart Pardue, on Flickr

looks like you are going to have a lot of fun with this.
With some inspiration from @manualfocus-g i tried taking a photo shot in Jpeg on the Fuji XT1 and ran it through an app called VSCO where I applied a filter called T1.

Interesting result which i think needs further exploration.
This may change the way i shoot and edit (not every photo will get the T1 filter obviously).

First go at shooting in jpeg mode only and adding a filter in a mobile app called VSCO. by Stuart Pardue, on Flickr
Is that the same folk who do the VSCO presets for LR?
With some inspiration from @manualfocus-g i tried taking a photo shot in Jpeg on the Fuji XT1 and ran it through an app called VSCO where I applied a filter called T1.

Interesting result which i think needs further exploration.
This may change the way i shoot and edit (not every photo will get the T1 filter obviously).

First go at shooting in jpeg mode only and adding a filter in a mobile app called VSCO. by Stuart Pardue, on Flickr

Lovely stuff Stuart! She looks great :) The VSCO app is excellent and my wife uses it exclusively with her X-M1. In fact, she never even transfers the full size files from her camera, just replaces the SD card when it fills up :D Her workflow is wifi -> iPhone -> VSCO -> Social Media.