The Fabulous Fuji X owners thread

I've quite a few 'ExPro' batteries myself, excellent!! Always nice to have a few spare.......or if you use the new XT2 booster vertical grip you'll need three and backups also.
For me the Sony A7's (and A6xxx for that matter) are still the worst cameras I've tried from an ergonomics point of view, I really can't get on with them at all. Clearly I'm in the minority though ;)
Agreed - I had a Nex5 for a while and it was horrible to use!
Is ex-pro a brand?

Couple of Hoya Polarising filters one for each lens so I can try some landscapes or more selfies ;)
Yes, Ex-Pro is a brand. Why two polarisers, why not just one and use it on both?
Yes, Ex-Pro is a brand. Why two polarisers, why not just one and use it on both?
Different sizes on the lens and wanted to keep it simple when changing and not lose any features.
And I wanted to buy something, may end up in my bag with my L bracket ;) soon see when the are through
Great shots both, Julian.
A dog walk to our local woods, still getting used to the XT1. I have to say it's certainly easier to carry than my Nikon. Its always a challenge trying to take photos whilst out with the dog, I can't let her off the lead in the woods....I'd never see her again. Too many squirrels, deer etc, she's always hyped up when in the woods.

DSCF5424 by Bykerlass, on Flickr

DSCF5421 by Bykerlass, on Flickr

DSCF5480 by Bykerlass, on Flickr

DSCF5471 by Bykerlass, on Flickr

DSCF5460 by Bykerlass, on Flickr
A dog walk to our local woods, still getting used to the XT1. I have to say it's certainly easier to carry than my Nikon. Its always a challenge trying to take photos whilst out with the dog, I can't let her off the lead in the woods....I'd never see her again. Too many squirrels, deer etc, she's always hyped up when in the woods.

DSCF5424 by Bykerlass, on Flickr

DSCF5421 by Bykerlass, on Flickr

DSCF5480 by Bykerlass, on Flickr

DSCF5471 by Bykerlass, on Flickr

DSCF5460 by Bykerlass, on Flickr
Nice shots. Our Jack Russell is the same. She'd be in the next county in 5 minutes if a squirrel winked at her!
Shot this new image a few days ago, only got round to (slightly) processing this, in the background you can just make out Stirling Castle on the left, and Wallace Monument over on the right, captured with the XF56mm @ f/5.6

3 ball by Macvisual Photography, on Flickr
A dog walk to our local woods, still getting used to the XT1. I have to say it's certainly easier to carry than my Nikon. Its always a challenge trying to take photos whilst out with the dog, I can't let her off the lead in the woods....I'd never see her again. Too many squirrels, deer etc, she's always hyped up when in the woods.

DSCF5424 by Bykerlass, on Flickr

DSCF5421 by Bykerlass, on Flickr

DSCF5480 by Bykerlass, on Flickr

DSCF5471 by Bykerlass, on Flickr

DSCF5460 by Bykerlass, on Flickr
Nice shots. Numbers 3 and 5 are my favourites. Love the sky colour in 3, but my OCD is screaming about the wonky horizon. ;)
Number 5 is a lovely scene, very peaceful, really nice exposure.
What adapter did you use?

Just a cheepy Nikon Ai to Fuji-X from fleabay. One that allows infinity focus as not all of them do.(y)

One of the ex pro batteries I bought earlier this year has failed- no longer charges. Not having a pop at ex pro as I`ve had a few and thats the first issue I`ve had with them.
Got in touch with Amazon and they said they would send a replacement and I could dispose of faulty battery OR I could have a refund. Went for refund as no longer have the Fuji and now they want me to return the faulty battery and would refund any costs. Lithium batteries and posting:( anyway interlink courier will take them for £9 odd, battery cost £10. Got in touch with Amazon again and they said yes please return and we will refund. Worlds going mad.
Depends on the software used, some strip the EXIF. I think photoshop may do.

And that must be what's happened in my case as I've finally gotten around to checking and my Flickr account is already set up NOT to hide EXIF. That image was processed using my usual workflow which involves both LR and PS.
Different sizes on the lens and wanted to keep it simple when changing and not lose any features.
And I wanted to buy something, may end up in my bag with my L bracket ;) soon see when the are through
Fortunately both lenses I use for landscapes on my Nikon are the same diameter but they have been different in the past and now my Fuji lenses are different but I just use step up rings rather than buying a new filter, much cheaper (assuming it's a decent filter ;))
I tend to have pols to fit each thread, mainly so I can still use the hoods.; oversize filters stop the hood going on! The 100-400 has a handy hatch to allow access to the pol adjustment ring, just need to remember to only turn it so it doesn't unscrew... (although the hood does catch it if when you do [un]screw up!)
I'm after one that does Nikon G lenses too, with an aperture ring. Spotted this one on amazon

Don't know if it's any good though.

I'm almost certain that these adapters work well enough, but because they stop the lens down maually its a bit touch and go as to what aperture you're using, ie you have to guess it by the amount you move the ring around the adapter. And as there are no marked apertures on a G lens operation can be a little inaccurate.(y)

Nice shots. Numbers 3 and 5 are my favourites. Love the sky colour in 3, but my OCD is screaming about the wonky horizon.
Number 5 is a lovely scene, very peaceful, really nice exposure.

Lol not really a wonky horizon it was a the contour of the land...;)
I'm almost certain that these adapters work well enough, but because they stop the lens down maually its a bit touch and go as to what aperture you're using, ie you have to guess it by the amount you move the ring around the adapter. And as there are no marked apertures on a G lens operation can be a little inaccurate.(y)


Main reason i'm getting it is for the Sigma 150mm macro lens I have, which I use manually mostly anyway. But I still need the ability to stop it down :) It's worth a punt for the price anyway, and if it turns out to be good I might hunt for a few old AI lenses :)
Main reason i'm getting it is for the Sigma 150mm macro lens I have, which I use manually mostly anyway. But I still need the ability to stop it down :) It's worth a punt for the price anyway, and if it turns out to be good I might hunt for a few old AI lenses :)

Good idea, I use several Ai/Ais lenses on my Fuji cameras and my 105mm Micro Nikkor is a (D) lens which has a manual aperture ring as do all the (D) lenses.(y)

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Better post a few from the X-T2 with its usual companion, the 100-400. Some with the 2x telecon, some without. Other than the Moon (which is cropped to a square, frame filling format), all are just resized and sharpened for the resize from the fine, large JPEGs.

Some in vogue autumn colour (this season's special!)
DSCF0072.jpg DSCF0108.jpg

A rather grumpy Scottish Wildcat and a Lynx on a log.


And this evening's Moon.