The Great Meteorological Thread

Well we are now getting our proper share.
The wind has got up, thunder, lightning and icebergs hailstones.
Sunshine with broken cloud. Though it will send down some precipitation again .For several days no doubt...
As very nicely forecast for my own Kent location, it was rather dull, damp and breezy this morning then it got quite properly squally with heavy rain and gusty winds at around noon time. I'm typing this at 6 pm and the sun is beaming into my hobby room making it feel all warm and cosy once again. There is a bit of a keen breeze but it's coming in from the west where the hilly built up bit provides some shelter anyway (my house becomes much more exposed when the wind is blowing in from the south, straight in from the Channel, like it did at noon time).

The rest of the week is set to go along on a fresh and showery nature, where Southern and Western parts should do well in terms of sunny spells while Northern and Western parts may get to pick up the most showers.
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You're pretty bang on Ian.
All I would say is that from approx. 11am for an hour in Sittingbourne...."Squally" would be a little tame. :LOL:
Sunshine with showers today Maybe clear tonight. Bright moon last night. Persids meteor shower may be seen.
How far in advance can Ian give any sort of prediction? Is he able to hint at what degree of weather proofing will be needed in Dawlish, Devon on the 23rd? I will love him long time if he can!!!
[gloating]Off shortly and expecting 20° temps. Only if it drops that low in the middle of the night though!!![/gloating]
Whoops, have somewhat neglected this thread. Mind you, I did think that perhaps it might do me some good to leave the meteorological aspect out of this fine forum, as in here I can escape the headaches that does come with being an amateur forecaster and just enjoy looking at photos or have a laugh here in Out Of Focus.

But you can still follow my weather-related missives in either my Award-Winning Cloud Master group on facebook: - but of course I'm also aware that not everyone are on Facebook, or even like it, hence this web page which is updated most days: Mind you, to be fair, it only covers Kent as trying to do the national forecast accurately and detailed on a daily basis was becoming quite time consuming, not to mention obsessive!
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[gloating]Off shortly and expecting 20° temps. Only if it drops that low in the middle of the night though!!![/gloating]

As if we didn't already know, you've mentioned it in nearly every post you make recently :rolleyes:
As if we didn't already know, you've mentioned it in nearly every post you make recently :rolleyes:

Ah, yes but if the medium range charts are anything to go by, we may get to have our own 20 C-plus temperatures here at the UK as we go into next week. We can thank Hurricane Cristobal for that one as she is expecting to have the effect of "scooping" high pressure over us thus settling things down for a while . . . Oh, look, just as kids are going back to school.
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Whoops, have somewhat neglected this thread. Mind you, I did think that perhaps it might do me some good to leave the meteorological aspect out of this fine forum ................
I hope you don't neglect the thread completely Ian,
You have a large following on here, that enjoys your weather up-dates and doodlings :)
Stay with it IdJ... Today the sun is trying to come out through overcast skies. Was misty this morning on the hills. TWO balloons had lifted off but could only just see them. Temperature now is 20.8c here in Peasedown St John.
Broken cloud total with sunny periods. Temperature at the moment 17.8c. Should see a lot of sun today and expecting a clear night to see a nearly full moon.
Mornin' all. Whereas over here at Folkestone Summer seems to have got it's second wind, heck, it's feeling and looking more summer-like now than it ever did back in June! Also, night time temperatures didn't get any lower than 15 C here on the coastal fringe, hardly surprising what with the Strait Of Dover now being at it's most warmest.

And it's set to stay this quiet and settled around here at Kent for at least a week as high pressure continue to stick close by. However, it won't necessarily mean wall-to-wall sunshine as cloud amounts will vary from time to time depending on wind direction, positioning of high pressure, humidity levels, etc. Also patchy mist and fog will be a regular feature at night time.
Still, since I am still trying to shake off the bad memory that was the past winter, the longer it can stay this settled as we go into Autumn, the better. But, I'm sure eventually our luck will run out but I won't go there as it's no good worrying about something that isn't there at the moment.
Overcast here with 17.3c. No doubt mist or fog tonight.. Then some condensation on windows..
after a very misty/foggy cold start it really warmed up and the sun came, quite a pleasant day but overcast now
Its been chilly mornings for about a week now, ( around 7oC-ish )
but just about hitting 20oC by early afternoon.
And actually surprisingly, nothing to speak off in the way of rain fall, for quite some time.
But as October is just around the corner, I can't see either lasting that long :(
We actually put the duvet back on the bed last evening rather than get chilly under a counterpane. On the flip side, we went for a walk this morning (picking blackberries... ;)) in shirtsleeves and then had lunch outside on the sea front. Might have to stick a T-shirt on under the shirt tomorrow though.
Afternoon from a fair and bright Folkestone. Even though there is that fresh and airy feel in the air, it still feels warm in the sunshine especially in my sheltered west-facing front door porch this afternoon.
Indeed, high pressure is going to be sticking close by to the south of the UK for at LEAST the next seven days thus keeping it mild and settled over the Southern half of the country (however, it may not be wall-to-wall sunshine all the way what with mist, fog and low cloud tending to stick around as the Autumn sun becomes less effective in terms of surface heating), however it is going to slowly become more breezy and wet over Scotland & Northern Ireland.
And actually surprisingly, nothing to speak off in the way of rain fall, for quite some time.
Spoke too soon, heavy-ish rain last night and into the small hours,
it developed into another nice but breezy day though.
I'd better lob the car camera back into my car! Got to head over the border tomorrow (all the way to Dorset!) and might take a side route home via Lyme Regis if the weather stays fair. 1/2 tempted to take the bike up but need to take a load of paperwork.
Well it looks like October is finally here, wet and windy and not hit 60oF yet.
Oh goody :(
Well it looks like October is finally here, wet and windy and not hit 60oF yet.
Oh goody :(

Hi Chris! Yep, and so it starts.

A bit of a comedown after what has been the driest September on record. However, I'm still on the "warm side" of this approaching cold front here at Kent as it is still dry and bright at this end. I'm expecting the rain - or what's left of it - to turn up here before 2 pm and then to clear away at sundown time thus revealing a nice looking sunset (I woke up to a nice coloured sun rise this morning!).

And then it'll be all changeable and unsettled with showers/sunny spells and longer spells of rain as well as tending to be windy with gales in places across the whole of the UK for the next week. Temperatures will also be close to average values.
Autumn is here but I'm hoping this one, along with the following Winter, will be more kinder to us as the last one was a bit too long and tiring for my own tastes.

While we can wave goodbye to Summer '14, I do think there'll be that one last final gasp of a warm spell before this month is out. I tend not to experience the first air frost and daytime temperatures being in single figures until at around the second week of November here at the South East anyway.
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Thanks for the update and "predictions" Ian (y)
Well it looks like October is finally here, wet and windy and not hit 60oF yet.
Oh goody :(

It's all those beans and coke you have :p

But have to say it's much the same here :(
We're on the back side of the Summer/Autumn divide now! The rain as the front passed over us woke me up at about 6am and there's a distinct coolness in the air today. Such a change from yesterday when we had a gorgeous day on the North Cornish coast (pasty collection!) So glad we did almost all the garden tidying last weekend - just a couple of grow-bags left to empty onto the bed once the courgettes have given up and the Lobelias have finished flowering (or close enough.) T-shirt back on under the shirtsleeves and a waterproof jacket now on the 'ook in the 'all. Might even swap the bikes over so the Enfield's out in the wet rather than the shinier Triumph!
Woke up to rain. Finished about 11:03. Clear skies now... Had some good sunshine today..
Cor, that is quite contrasting.

But worry not, I'm sure that'll be full up again in a couple of weeks if the model outputs are to be believed.

By the way, after having read Nod's post, I came over all properly autumnal and thus the desire to go into hibernation had kicked in early. However, I did appreciate the coolness and freshness last night, made a change to curl up under the duvet all snug and not wake up at 2 am sweating like a cornered nun.
But worry not, I'm sure that'll be full up again in a couple of weeks if the model outputs are to be believed.
Thanks for that :p

Its a pleasant day here again, light breeze, the sun is out, and its just about hitting 60oF
Thanks for that :p

Its a pleasant day here again, light breeze, the sun is out, and its just about hitting 60oF

;) I was going to say "Well, we do need the rain" after that exceptionally dry September (see, our weather can still be good to us if it wants to - just a shame that it came about two months later) but I reckon come the middle part of this month we'll be sick at the mere mention of rain.
However, it won't be ALL bad where they'll be some sunny bits during the more showery stuff, especially towards Southern and Eastern parts of the UK and temperatures will be sticking close to or even slightly above average values. Of course, it will be quite bleak and Autumnal during the windy rainy spells, especially tomorrow where gales are expected to affect the Western side of the UK.
especially tomorrow where gales are expected to affect the Western side of the UK.
I'm pretty much in the middle so hopefully that will miss me :D

Any thought's on the winter weather?
Wet/ windy / mild
or cold frost snow?

I promise not to hold it against you, if you predict wrong,
but I will blame you, as always, for what ever we get :D
I'm pretty much in the middle so hopefully that will miss me :D

Any thought's on the winter weather?
Wet/ windy / mild
or cold frost snow?

I promise not to hold it against you, if you predict wrong,
but I will blame you, as always, for what ever we get :D

Let's put it this way, I've always said that if I can accurately predict the weather for the next three months ahead with a good degree of accuracy, then I might as well have a go at trying to predict the winning lottery jackpot numbers for the next three weekends - and have better luck with that.
But having said that, surely this coming winter can't turn out to be as awful as the one we had last year, where it was like an extended Autumn with relentless rain, wind and mildness where I've not observed a single flake of snow from October right through to April (although to be fair, the Scottish ski resorts did very well snow-wise).
LOL Fair point Ian :D

But I agree the "extended Autumn"
Wasn't really that pleasant was it?