The Moon...

Here`s the only one I`ve got
[...] the settings on this one were f4 at 1/250 with a two stop down exposure compensation (have I got that right?) [...]

So that would mean either the aperture was effectively F.8.0, or the shutter speed would have had to have been 1/1.000th?

[...] with partial metering.

I know global metering, and spot metering, and centre-weighted metering, and 24-field metering, but not partial metering. What is that?
Dave there are some stunner's here but wonder if anyone has used a telescope on their camera?
Here one I took quite a while ago.

yeah, 200mm reflecting, with 1000mm focal length, i can even see saturns rings clearly when she is in view.. and have imaged saturn, jupiter and the moon before.

i find the moon too bright to view though when its full but find the best images of old diana are when she is waxing or waning, much more detail is visible due to the shadows along the limb.

some fantastic images posted here though.

now i have a dslr i might have to see about fitting that to my scope and see what i get..
So that would mean either the aperture was effectively F.8.0, or the shutter speed would have had to have been 1/1.000th?

I know global metering, and spot metering, and centre-weighted metering, and 24-field metering, but not partial metering. What is that?

Don't start getting technical :LOL: I was just reading the Exif information from the picture - I couldn't possibly remember what settings I used, I just kept fiddling and tweaking until something that resembled the moon, came out! :LOL:

Partial metering is what my camera has ;) (400D) - quote from manual " this is effective for backlit subjects when the light surrounding the subject is strong. (ok so the moon is surrounded by black - but hey it worked!)
Don't start getting technical :LOL: I was just reading the Exif information from the picture - I couldn't possibly remember what settings I used, I just kept fiddling and tweaking until something that resembled the moon, came out! :LOL:

Partial metering is what my camera has ;) (400D) - quote from manual " this is effective for backlit subjects when the light surrounding the subject is strong. (ok so the moon is surrounded by black - but hey it worked!)

I try not to get technical, I'm a bear of little brain:D I used your advice, except for partial metering which I forgot about:bonk: and got a picture I thought was OK.

Nope, it worked for me. One day I'll start to understand the relationships between shutter speeds and aperture, but for now I have to admit a lot of it is guess work. :LOL::LOL:
learning all the time tho, and faster than ever since joining this forum:clap:
I hope people are giving it a go tonight, the moon is as clear as a bell up here in northumberland
I gave it a first go last night and came in with this...


Was amazed at how fast it actually moves....

Another night or two and would imagine it would be a full moon....
OCTOBER 26TH, is the next full moon, so its 2 days !!!! lets hope for clear skies
OCTOBER 26TH, is the next full moon, so its 2 days !!!! lets hope for clear skies
Don't worry about it being full. When the moon is full you get a round shape as opposed to a crescent shape, but in every other respect it's a better subject for photography when it's not full. You get more interesting lighting, especially along the terminator (the boundary between light and dark), and you can photograph it at a reasonable altitude during daylight, or just as the sun goes down, rather than having to wait until late on a cold night.

I mean, for my money this one below is without doubt the best shot in this thread, and it wasn't taken at a full moon:
Heres mine taken with 100-400 and kenko 1.4x tc
Well, its the biggest full moon of 2007 apparently so it might be easier for the -200mm people to give it a shot ?
OCTOBER 26TH, is the next full moon, so its 2 days !!!! lets hope for clear skies

Hav'nt seen clear skies down here for several days, and looking out of the window now its still grey and drizzling :shake:
This is from a previous post....Ian

Wow, some amazing shots of the moon!!

The first decent atempt I ever got:
A shot from last night. The moon came up over the pits, unbelievably orange. As it rose, came more to it's usual colour.

One of my first snaps of it below.
About 20 minutes later it was high in the sky.

Shot on my D200, 300mm, f6.3 @ 1/320 sec.


The moon was out yesterday morning so I got a couple of shots before going to work. I thought the cloud looked good so have not tried to get a full frame picture this time, but set it in a context. I think it works ok, not great but ok.:|

click to go large!

Laser_Jock99. I quite like the trail the moon has followed, not so sure about the foreground tho.
It may have been good to take a number of exposures to get some detail of the moon at the start and end (I appreciate this would require some pp). Just my 2p tho:)

EDIT, where are my manners welcome to the forum:wave:
I'm intrigued, how long an exposure was that? :)
The moon has been great tonight, but I can't get any decent shots with my 18-55mm kit lens! :( I'm going out tonight for some night shots though!
I know what you mean, have had the sigma a couple of days so was desperate to use it in anger(y)

Planning on having a go myself this evening. (y)
It's a lovely moon so worth a go
Here's mine I took last night with my Panasonic Lumix DMC FZ18 at full zoom 504mm and two stops down.


It's made of green cheese you know!

Hope everyone hasn't forgot about this, make sure you stick your shots in here !!!! :):):)
There's some truly superb detail in these images. I don't have a sensor big enough on the Z2 to capture that level, but I've been working on capturing the moon with a webcam instead.

I've tried to reproduce this as faithfully as I saw it. The moon was very low in the sky at about 0500 one morning a couple of months back.
