The Official Fuji X10/X20/X30/XF1/XQ1 Thread

Thanks for taking the time to do the conversion.
They both look a heck of a lot closer than the Adobe RAW converter.
Silkipix is the clear winner (no surprise there), with Vuewscan sort of getting about half way between the in-camera JPEG and the horrors of the Abode conversion.

Here's the in-camera JPEG and Abobe JPEG I posted earlier for comparison.

Until Adobe pull their proverbial fingers out and release the much awaited 'improved' EXR conversion algorithm I think I'll be following LindsayD's lead and only using RAW when I have to.

Duncan - I've been doing some reading about this and there are other alternatives to your conversion issue. Have a look at this article a good visual comparison between different raw converters is found if you scroll 20% of the way down the page. Photo Raw looks spot on and also offers LR plugins as an alternative the Adobe Raw converter.
Some shots from in and around Busan's fish market...





Thanks Gary. The X10 is so capable across so many different types of shots :) That's what I try and show when I share a set. It's a diverse little cam.
My X-10 was 2nd hand and a return due to a change of mind (even if new) seems immoral to me! TBH, at the moment, I'm far prefering the XF-1. Start up seems quicker even though some find the switch on sequence for the XF awkward, there's no cap to fiddle with.
Thanks Chris :)

Nod - I agree if it's second hand. Plus I think the new x20 will be at least £400+ new. Sounds like you got a bargain. Was just saying that the new X20 is rumoured to have an electronic OVF.

In regards to the speed of start up. If you look in the settings menu you'll find a quick start option. I set that up for Yv who seemed quite happy with the speed in which it then responded :) Only downside that I am aware of is extra battery drain. Not an issue if you have enough spares with you and a great setting for street shooting.
Time to lower the overall image quality, and just add a couple of images from a local fun event... drumroll... the Annual Kenilworth Duck Race!...

Forgive me if I'm wrong, Chris, but I think, like mine, your photography may be more concerned with producing images to record personal events which then might be used to recall the emotion of the occasion; if a good photo/s emerges, so much the better. The duck race is a good example. There are so many brilliant shots on this thread both from occasional contributors and the usual suspects, that I've stopped posting my astonishment and admiration. Actually, I'm happy to crawl under Duncan's "raised bar" - challenges always frighten me! However, the portability of the X10 has given me the freedom to capture those unusual little episodes that occur in one's personal life, however photographically unpromising.

With the mediocrity of the following snaps now explained, I should say that one was meant to be posted before the festive season, but didn't want to spoil anyone's Christmas spirit with a depressing image.

On yet another dismal December day, I was driving along the lonely road that Duncan might recognise as the one connecting the "Huntsman's Lodge" with the run down off the Mendips to Wells:

untitled-2-5 by wylyeangler, on Flickr

From the middle of the road, I disturbed a crow knocking 'seven bells' out of the 'carrion' that gives the bird its name. However, as I passed by this 'road kill', I noticed that it was standing up on two legs! I braked, and a glance in the rear view mirror confirmed the 'thing' making off for the sanctuary of the nearside grass verge, clearly dragging a wing. I reversed and got this shot of the poor creature from the passenger window. My only reason for parking on the white line is that this was clearly a case of life and death, and hope this excuse will be upheld when my case comes up as a result of this posting!

untitled-1-9 by wylyeangler, on Flickr

I've occasionally disturbed snipe on my walks over Mendip, and suspect this one had been hit by a car; the crow obviously showed no interest in waiting for it to become carrion! I left it where it was on the basis that it just might recover, but at the time didn't notice that there was blood about - I think I can just see a stab wound in the head.

On relating this to my fishing friend, Steve - starring elsewhere on this thread - after initial sadness, his eyes lit up as I knew they would, when he enquired, "Well, how dead was it?"

You see, he has a taxidermist friend who has beautifully set up quite a few birds Steve has found as road kill, including an owl, a jay (pretty things), and a water rail among others scattered around his house with the apparent approval of his wife! (Incidentally, I wonder if any of the anglers amongst us have actually seen a water rail in the wild - I haven't in a lifetime's fishing. Apparently they are quite common, easily heard, but very seldom seen).

Snipe are common too, and when disturbed fly away in an erratic zig-zag making them difficult to shoot. Steve, a shooting man in his youth, tells me that is where the term 'sniper' comes from.

On a more banal but less depressing note, on Friday I went for a walk around our country lanes, only to discover this bullock on the road near the village. How he got out of his field I couldn't see, but wish someone else had had an X10 with 'em to record my ridiculous efforts to induce him back! How I thought I was going to both manipulate the gate and 'steer' (get it? - haha) him in, I dunno!

untitled-3-2 by wylyeangler, on Flickr

Farther round the 'course', I came upon this solitary primrose on the wayside, covered in road dirt, but, I hope, portending an early spring and wonderful summer. Before this, the 4th January, I had not seen a wild primrose until the middle of January and even that, very unusual.

untitled-2-2 by wylyeangler, on Flickr

I hope it is not too late to wish everyone a HAPPY NEW YEAR!

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On yet another dismal December day, I was driving along the lonely road that Duncan might recognise as the one connecting the "Huntsman's Lodge" with the run down off the Mendips to Wells:

untitled-2-5 by wylyeangler, on Flickr

I can tell that wasn't taken today as up here on the top we are in the cloud, and I can't see the other side of my garden.
...and I think you mean the Hunter's Lodge :)
My X-10 was 2nd hand and a return due to a change of mind (even if new) seems immoral to me! TBH, at the moment, I'm far prefering the XF-1. Start up seems quicker even though some find the switch on sequence for the XF awkward, there's no cap to fiddle with.

Thats why I love the cap on out X10, no fiddling.... did we have it on when we were down there with you? Cant remember, its THIS one - the blades open as you twist to turn on... you know me, I am something of a scatterbrain with lens caps, so this one is perfect.

The quick start up option Martyn mentions is also much preferable imo and the increased battery usage is minimal. (y)

Mind you, if the X20 does turn out to be the version shown in the rumours, with the X100 style chrome top, we might have to extend the title of this thread :naughty:
Oh dear oh dear oh dear. I've been sitting here smugly thinking, I've already got a X10 I don't need to upgrade. And like Yv I never want to buy at first release. But the X20 spec does seem to tick all the boxes that I could reasonably have asked for (except a larger sensor... which would have meant a larger camera, so presumably falls into the unreasonable camp). I'm hiding my credit card!

Of course in practice there'll be some hitches compared with the ideal world of the press release. That's why we wait!

About the only obvious one I can think of is that quality Raw processing for the X10 (and X20) probably got a bit further away!
I can tell that wasn't taken today as up here on the top we are in the cloud, and I can't see the other side of my garden.
...and I think you mean the Hunter's Lodge :)

Have just come in from a walk, Duncan, and can see the stuff sitting on the hills. Scotch mist or will you have one later?

Used to have a terrific ploughmans in there for a price even a student could afford in my far-off college days; pass it now at least twice a week, and STILL get the name wrong!

Have just come in from a walk, Duncan, and can see the stuff sitting on the hills. Scotch mist or will you have one later?

Used to have a terrific ploughmans in there for a price even a student could afford in my far-off college days; pass it now at least twice a week, and STILL get the name wrong!


Sorry to jump in here, but are you guys talking about the Hunter's Rest in Clutton?
Sorry to jump in here, but are you guys talking about the Hunter's Rest in Clutton?

Hello Rob - no, a different Hunters Rest. The one to which I think you refer is near Clutton Hill where there is a farm airstrip. Duncan and I are talking about the pub on the Mendips between Upper Milton and Priddy. Actually, one's "Lodge", t'other's "Rest".

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Hello Rob - no, a different Hunters Rest. The one to which I think you refer is near Clutton Hill where there is a farm airstrip. Duncan and I are talking about the pub on the Mendips between Upper Milton and Priddy. Actually, one's "Lodge", t'other's "Rest".


Indeed, Pete, near Clutton Hill. I believe it once was a hunting lodge for the earl of something. It's a wonderful area, there, between Clutton and Cheddar. It's been many moons...
Oh dear oh dear oh dear. I've been sitting here smugly thinking, I've already got a X10 I don't need to upgrade. And like Yv I never want to buy at first release. But the X20 spec does seem to tick all the boxes that I could reasonably have asked for (except a larger sensor... which would have meant a larger camera, so presumably falls into the unreasonable camp). I'm hiding my credit card!

Of course in practice there'll be some hitches compared with the ideal world of the press release. That's why we wait!

About the only obvious one I can think of is that quality Raw processing for the X10 (and X20) probably got a bit further away!

This isn't going to help....
"Fujifilm Announces the X20 and X100s, Boasts the ‘World’s Fastest Autofocus’"

However, my feet aren't itching (yet)...
Just back from my Scottish trip and I took more pictures with the X10 than I took with both DSLRs; and I didn't struggle with autofocus on any of them!
If the reviews come back with changes in the sensor then I may rethink things, but right now if Adobe would pull their proverbial finger out regards the RAW converter then I'd be wanting for nothing.

On the other hand, if (when) my X10 dies, then the X20 is an easy choice for it's replacement - and I'm not sure the choice would have been to stay with Fuji just a couple of weeks ago as some of the competition that has sprung up since the X10 release appears darned good.

Also... introducing a word of caution....
I paid full price for my X10, as will the X20 early adopters.
The only reason the price tumbled so far and so fast was the Orb problem; that's been licked and won't happen on the X20.
I suspect the X20 price will stay high a lot longer.
What's the differences between the x10 and the x20 then? An "advanced" optical viewfinder, not sure what that really means.
Not sure about the viewfinder (maybe with basic info like the X100?) but the sensor is said to be a Trans X Sensor like the X-Pro1 and X-E1 but 2/3 size. It will also be available in silver/black which looks real nice.

Hang on a sec, let the hyperventilation pass..... :nuts:

OK, I have NEVER wanted to buy the first releases of ANY electronic, let some other idiot be the guinea pig, but i SO want the X20, it looks gorgeous, has all the add ons I would want as an advance from the X10 ...and...well, just and... WHEN can I have it Fuji, WHEN!! :D

Very wise Yvonne! I made the mistake of getting the first XE1 to hit the UK, and try as I do I'm not really warming to it. So many stupid failings which many presumed would have been ironed out thanks to the XP1 feedback. How wrong we were. Thank goodness I kept my X10!
if theyre going to start rattling them out this fast then it might just be worth skipping a model and getting the x30 at xmas :)

despite how utterly gorgeous the silver one looks, i wont jump on it on release day. I want to see if their quality control has improved any since the x10.
Souldeep your images from the Orient are wonderful - the next best thing to being there. But oh that round platter of giant slugs - eeeeek !!!

Thanks Lindsay :D

Yeah those slugs are actually known as "gaebul" in Korean and as you correctly identified are a type of sea worm or slug, sometimes it is translated into English as "sea p*nis". They are served raw with just the outside and intestines stripped, still pulsing away on the plate.

I had a few shots that were much more, well explicit, but I thought they may have been censored ;)

Photo's don't capture the movement and they are even stranger to watch moving!

PS X-Trans getting you excited or sending you running a mile?
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Not sure about the viewfinder (maybe with basic info like the X100?) but the sensor is said to be a Trans X Sensor like the X-Pro1 and X-E1 but 2/3 size. It will also be available in silver/black which looks real nice.


The viewfinder is as follows (posted link to info a few pages back);

The X20’s bright optical viewfinder features a newly-developed Digital Trans Panel. This displays the shutter speed, aperture, ISO, focusing area and other shooting information perfectly clearly, even in low-light conditions. What’s more, the X20’s Advanced Optical Viewfinder synchs with the zoom lens, so that users can accurately compose shots using the viewfinder, even when the focal length is constantly changing.
Like Yv, I like to wait a while as you'll have noticed when I joined this thread, BUT woah - the X20 at first glance answers all the X10 problems. I think a few of us will be hitting the credit cards... just after xmas - how inconsiderate of them!
Please can you elaborate :)
I've been occasionally dipping into the X-E1 reviews and think I must have missed something.
I thought the sensor was praised by the reviewers?

Are you serious Duncan ?! For a start (I won't get going on all the other niggles) there's no credible or mainstream RAW support for X Trans. Nobody with half a brain will want to negotiate something like Silkypix since most XE1/XP1 customers tend to be more advanced photographers with an established workflow. In other words so far X Trans is for JPEG only shooters which makes the XE1 untenable as a professional tool in many situations. The whole thing is a joke and as a consequence many people are turning their back on Fuji - rightly in my opinion. There is Capture One 7.02 beta which has X Trans RAW support, if you're prepared to invest in new software and totally re-invent your workflow, which I and many others can't do and would not do simply for the pleasure of processing Fuji images.

I also much prefer the IQ from my X100 which has a traditional Bayer sensor. For Fuji to introduce new X Trans sensors before there is even any proper support is nothing short of ludicrous - unless such support is imminent. I'll be seeing the head of Fuji Europe in a week so I'll see what he says.

There are too many pointless issues and niggles on the XE1 for me to warm to it, it feels like a waste of space in my camera bag so I'll probably get shot of it. None of the problems on the XP1 were addressed and these problems were carried over onto the XE1. That's enough to put me off investing in another Fuji camera, at least until they come up with one worth having! Fuji are now trading on the 'style over substance' argument which is a bit of an insult to their customers.
Are you serious Duncan ?! For a start (I won't get going on all the other niggles) there's no credible or mainstream RAW support for X Trans. Nobody with half a brain will want to negotiate something like Silkypix since most XE1/XP1 customers tend to be more advanced photographers with an established workflow. In other words so far X Trans is for JPEG only shooters which makes the XE1 untenable as a professional tool in many situations. The whole thing is a joke and as a consequence many people are turning their back on Fuji - rightly in my opinion. There is Capture One 7.02 beta which has X Trans RAW support, if you're prepared to invest in new software and totally re-invent your workflow, which I and many others can't do and would not do simply for the pleasure of processing Fuji images.

I also much prefer the IQ from my X100 which has a traditional Bayer sensor. For Fuji to introduce new X Trans sensors before there is even any proper support is nothing short of ludicrous - unless such support is imminent. I'll be seeing the head of Fuji Europe in a week so I'll see what he says.

There are too many pointless issues and niggles on the XE1 for me to warm to it, it feels like a waste of space in my camera bag so I'll probably get shot of it. None of the problems on the XP1 were addressed and these problems were carried over onto the XE1. That's enough to put me off investing in another Fuji camera, at least until they come up with one worth having! Fuji are now trading on the 'style over substance' argument which is a bit of an insult to their customers.

Wow - me thinks Lindsay's experience with the XE1 has put her right off Fuji :( I'm actually glad and thankful to Lindsay for her blog review of the XE1. I was looking for a camera heading towards DSLR quality with the ability for me to screw on a shallow DOF lens. I was nearly there due to my trust of Fuji and Lindsay's review made me screech to a halt in my tracks.

Lindsay a possible counter to your argument - I understand you pretty much shoot totally JPG on the X10. I also understand why a RAW converter is important for the XE1 but doesn’t the way you use the X10 mean you’d do the same with the X20 (mainly JPG’s), knowing the ADOBE Raw conversion will be forthcoming further down the line?
I always advise anyone considering a camera system to weigh up their own personal needs and wherever possible to get to a camera store and try it for themselves, reviews can be useful but ultimately there is nothing quite as good as getting the thing into your hands. When we meet up I'll bring the XE1 so you can take some pictures home with you.

In terms of a camera which is purely for personal use, then yes I have overlooked the (generally poor) RAW conversion algorithms for the X10 because it's not part of my work inventory and is so good in other ways. Many pros and sem-pros were early XE1 adopters. I think the point is that if I'm purchasing a camera which produces RAW output than I expect viable support for that output. It's in areas like this where Fuji are having a laugh. Making assumptions that Adobe RAW support will appear may be dangerous, a lot of people did that earlier in the year after the XP1 arrived on the scene. I no longer assume anything when it comes to Fuji, other than the fact that they are likely to continue bringing cameras to the marketplace which lack the functionality that the customer is led to expect. I won't be investing in any more Fuji cameras until a few things have been ironed out - Fuji's belief that the customer will be forgiving simply because the camera looks good is starting to wear thin with an awful lot of people. I get e-mails every day from disgruntled XE1 users a fair proportion of whom have returned it or sold it. There's not a lot of incentive for me to hang onto mine (other than as a lightweight backup) given that I'm fortunate enough to have other cameras which have excellent IQ and vastly better performance. The OMD being a case in point.
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Are you serious Duncan ?! For a start (I won't get going on all the other niggles) there's no credible or mainstream RAW support for X Trans. Nobody with half a brain will want to negotiate something like Silkypix since most XE1/XP1 customers tend to be more advanced photographers with an established workflow. In other words so far X Trans is for JPEG only shooters which makes the XE1 untenable as a professional tool in many situations. The whole thing is a joke and as a consequence many people are turning their back on Fuji - rightly in my opinion. There is Capture One 7.02 beta which has X Trans RAW support, if you're prepared to invest in new software and totally re-invent your workflow, which I and many others can't do and would not do simply for the pleasure of processing Fuji images.

I also much prefer the IQ from my X100 which has a traditional Bayer sensor. For Fuji to introduce new X Trans sensors before there is even any proper support is nothing short of ludicrous - unless such support is imminent. I'll be seeing the head of Fuji Europe in a week so I'll see what he says.

There are too many pointless issues and niggles on the XE1 for me to warm to it, it feels like a waste of space in my camera bag so I'll probably get shot of it. None of the problems on the XP1 were addressed and these problems were carried over onto the XE1. That's enough to put me off investing in another Fuji camera, at least until they come up with one worth having! Fuji are now trading on the 'style over substance' argument which is a bit of an insult to their customers.

Unfortunately I was serious...
I even went and re-read the XE1 review by dpreview before posting.

When you meet the head of Fuji, be gentle ;)
It would be really interesting to ask him why it is proving so difficult to get Adobe (and others) to provide better support for the Fuji X Sensors.
May also be worth reminding him about this thread as there's a lot of valuable observations in here with little of the hysteria seen elsewhere. Also, my image hosting stats tell me we have had a lot of hits from Japan; so some aspects of this thread must have been passed around out there - can't be any more specific.

Putting RAW support aside for a mo....
The X20 is looking better and better - I'm not going to be an early adopter but will be watching with great interest.
Don't suppose you could be cheeky and enquire if they would like a UK beta tester :whistle:
Seriously though - it would be great if you could land an early model as we all highly rate your write-ups and opinions; plus you always produce stunning images!