The Official Fuji X10/X20/X30/XF1/XQ1 Thread

I regretted selling my x100 as soon as the deal was done. Now, a good bit over a year later, I still regret it! I've never loved or enjoyed using a camera as much - the x10 is close enough for now though, I couldn't afford to buy back the x100!
Nicely done matey - loving the ladybird shots.. almost as though their little eyes are popping out :D

Great colours on the last flower as well (y)
Sorry David, just had to post my first flower pic after looking at all your lovely shots, no where near as good as yours but got me to use the xf1.....

My_First_Flower by SEP9001, on Flickr
Good shot Kev. Gotta love an African Marigold :D

I haven't used mine for a few weeks but the images it produces are great and were a pleasure to work on.

Thanks, now I also know what it is called. :D
Great lady loves loving shots, David (y)
Hi David, Great set of images I like them all but the Lady Bug ones are "Excellent".(y)
David, love the ladybird photos, especially the "in bed" one, lovely bit of framing.
Awesome detail too ! Can't believe what these cameras can do, just waiting to secure a job before I splash out on one :-(
those ladybird photos are fantastic! They're probably my favourite bug :D

A couple from me with the x10..


the ol' cliche..


They seem to be suffering from a bit of flickr over sharpening!
Having a whine ... having to lug my D7000 around in this lovely weather :(
Update from Fuji is they have my XF1, just don't know when I'll get it back

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I've captured a few shots of the International Space Station with my D7000 and wanted to see how the ickle XF1 would cope. Shot this last night from the back garden.

ISS - Fuji-1 by Leslie Stoddart, on Flickr

I'm more and more impressed by this little thing every time I pick it up!
Been playing with RAW with the X10 and XF1, here are 2 100% crops from the centre of almost identical images shot with exactly the same settings and processing.
First the XF1
View attachment 13702

next the X10
View attachment 13702

Not a lot of difference :)
I keep the little power house in my bedside draw.......... oh err :oops: :$

Looks like you've nailed it there Jim. :)

Now we need @Nod to do the same with the XF1 and the X20... ;)

Helen, nothing beats having a tiny powerhouse in your pocket in this kind of weather!

Only brought the XF on holiday so can't do a comparison pair for a couple of weeks. Life's a beach! !
Somebody mentioned that I can pick up an XF1 for around £130? Do you know where that's from? Happy to buy from Amazon, but if there's a cheaper reliable source I'm interested. :)

Didn't you buy one before ? Or was that something else ? I forget with all this too-ing and fro-ing
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Aha. So it was the one you sold the xf1 for, didn't like it and bought another xf1 ?

And now you might buy one ?
It was thro this thread that earlier in the year i bought an xf-1 from Currys. Comments from regular contributors to the thread are both helpful and sometimes hilarious.
I have struggled a bit with it, partic some of the 'smearing' effects in low light. I am still not sure! My attempts seem very variable.
However it is a very pocketable camera and whilst on holiday i have tried to come to terms with it.
Below are a few examples (quite a few i know) and I should be interested to hear what any of you think - anything short will do - or tips
The night time ones are about 2500-3200 ISO and I know that my previous compacts would not have handled the scenes at all.

Oh, and if you spot a theme then I will deny it:)

All on Flickr if better to see.

DSCF0802 by Superpippo0547, on Flickr

DSCF0794 by Superpippo0547, on Flickr

DSCF0691 by Superpippo0547, on Flickr

DSCF0787 by Superpippo0547, on Flickr

DSCF0788 by Superpippo0547, on Flickr

DSCF0789 by Superpippo0547, on Flickr

DSCF0841 by Superpippo0547, on Flickr

DSCF0868 by Superpippo0547, on Flickr
I like your other hobby Alan :D. I think they're damn good - the night ones have come out really well.

I must admit that sometimes my photos aren't great - no idea why, they just don't come out as I'd hoped. One of those things maybe...
It was thro this thread that earlier in the year i bought an xf-1 from Currys. Comments from regular contributors to the thread are both helpful and sometimes hilarious.
I have struggled a bit with it, partic some of the 'smearing' effects in low light. I am still not sure! My attempts seem very variable.
However it is a very pocketable camera and whilst on holiday i have tried to come to terms with it.
Below are a few examples (quite a few i know) and I should be interested to hear what any of you think - anything short will do - or tips
The night time ones are about 2500-3200 ISO and I know that my previous compacts would not have handled the scenes at all.

Oh, and if you spot a theme then I will deny it:)
Impressive Alan, were they hand-held or did you use a tripod or rest? I've not yet fired up the XF1 at those high ISOs, I'm waiting for it to get dark now :)