The Official Fuji X10/X20/X30/XF1/XQ1 Thread

For macro shots I have found the following to be useful. Put it into manual focus mode and then point your camera (At widest setting) at the distance you hope to be taking your shots at. e.g. 2 inches or so. Then click left on the main wheel at the back to lock that focus point.

Then when you see something you want to photograph hold the shutter button down half way and while watching the screen move the camera into position. You will see the exact depth of field your photo will have live on screen, so you can get the right part in focus every time.

Of course using burst mode can get those fast moving creatures as well using the same manual focus mode.

I rarely miss the shot now. Now I can concentrate on composition again.

Experiment and share here.

If that seems to make zero sense just say and I will try and make it clearer.
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For macro shots I have found the following to be useful. Put it into manual focus mode and then point your camera (At widest setting) at the distance you hope to be taking your shots at. e.g. 2 inches or so. Then click left on the main wheel at the back to lock that focus point.

Then when you see something you want to photograph hold the shutter button down half way and while watching the screen move the camera into position. You will see the exact depth of field your photo will have live on screen, so you can get the right part in focus every time.

Of course using burst mode can get those fast moving creatures as well using the same manual focus mode.

I rarely miss the shot now. Now I can concentrate on composition again.

Experiment and share here.

If that seems to make zero sense just say and I will try and make it clearer.

Hi Mike, is this on an x10/x20?

Do you use macro/super macro mode when using manual focus?

I'll be honest, I am sat here now trying to work out MF and it's driving me up the wall!?
Hi Mike, is this on an x10/x20?

Do you use macro/super macro mode when using manual focus?

I'll be honest, I am sat here now trying to work out MF and it's driving me up the wall!?
I am talking about the XF1 but I am sure it is very similar on the X10. I also use the locked manual focus on my Canon dslr at times.

Am just heading out the door but will find out.
Ok on the X10 manual focus is slightly different.

To autofocus while in manual focus mode (Sounds complex but isnt.) point you camera at something from about the distance you want to take your photo at (Super macro mode I assume for the X10) and press the AEL/AFL button. That will very rapidly focus on what you are pointing at. Now forget any focus adjustments for now.

Now do what I mentioned about when you see something you want to shoot, hold the shutter button halfway and move your camera into position while watching the screen to get accurate focus on your subject.

I tend to use aperture priority mode for this as I can then quickly see if I need more depth of field before taking a shot.

Cheating all the way. ;)

Does that make sense?

For bees in flight I want at least 1/1000 shutter speed to get it sharp enough. So high speed burst mode helps as well.

Keep practicing and you find MOST shots are in focus and the shots you delete are purely because of rubbish composition.

Flowers and tiny spiders etc are easier. I have a shot of a beetle (Not sure what kind) with a tick hitching a ride. Will post it later. Garbage composition but that's not what I am practicing.
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Experimental examples using that tip. Only noticed the tick when I zoomed into the photo after. :)

By the way one advantage is the beasts dont see your big heads getting close and tend to watch your face and ignore the camera so you get a better chance at the shots. You can just watch the front face of your lens as your moving it into position.

Wanted this bee a bit more inside the frame and could have been a tad sharper.

S0125195 by MykylR, on Flickr

'itchin' a ride...
DSCF5667 by MykylR, on Flickr

Candy Stripe spider as far as I can tell.
DSCF6273 by MykylR, on Flickr

To be fair he was going nowhere... Until I stopped watching him... then he flew off.
DSCF6185 by MykylR, on Flickr

These red mites in the shot below are tiny and could have been better with a narrower aperture.

DSCF6243 by MykylR, on Flickr
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x20 down to £329.97 @ Currys...
My mate is trying to buy this from Currys, but it says out of stock. Yes it seems the cheapest about at the moment, but it seems you can't buy it for that price. He is off to Town this morning, and he is going to see if he can get it for the normal selling price of £349.99
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I was thinking about getting a spare battery for my XF1, so I decided to buy an X10 that's been very well looked after instead. Seeing as they both use the same battery, I now have a spare Battery for whichever Camera I decide to take out with me.
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Been for a play in Jessops today...

The XQ1 is a thing of beauty... interested to know if the focus is noticeably better than the XF1... will have to do some digging. @AESamuel did you have an XF before the XQ? How do you find the AF? Not sure if i would miss the wheel or not?

Also had a play with the Olympus em-5 & em-10. Pretty things indeed, but I don't think I could swap in my d7000 for one. But the focus did seem really quick and snappy.

I was thinking about getting a spare battery for my XF1, so I decided to buy an X10 that's been very well looked instead. Seeing as they both use the same battery, I now have a spare Battery for whichever Camera I decide to take out with me.
that's my logic:D need a battery-buy a camera:D I love it
Awesome attention to failure, David. I tip my hat ;)

Seriously, it doesn't matter though does it ? What was wrong the olympus' ? I've been out today ( as you've seen ) and lugged about half a ton of stuff with me and all I could think of was changing it
Pmsl, subtle indeed. :LOL:

The em10 felt nicer than the 5 and I could tell that it was the newer model. They are SO tiny!! Looking at pics on the net is fine but when you hold them then it is like a breath of fresh air! Not too disimilar to the XF. The 12-50 lens on the 5 is pretty smart.

I don't think there was anything wrong with them and I'd probably love it if I bought one. But would take some getting used to with the EVF and lack of top lcd. It was a toss up this morning whether to go with the XF or the D7000 and as you can see I favoured the XF so yet again the DSLR stayed at home not getting used... Meh.
Advice please from one of you xf-1 experts.
Have taken a lot of shots on hols and still trying to come to grips with the aperture/zoom connection In doing so I have been looking at the data info on the shots and a lot show the focal as lower than 25mm. Example below the data says f/6.4 at 1/60s ISO 2500 and 16mm focal length - but the minimum focal length on the barrel is shown as 25mm.:thinking: I am used to crop factors on Nikon DX cameras but this usually results in the focal length being greater than that shown on the lens barrel - not less.
What am I missing?

DSCF0878 by Superpippo0547, on Flickr
Hmmm..I've been looking at the 5 on t'internet but I'm not sure. From today, what I'd like is a 17-300mm f2.8 on a small body. Likely ? No.

Beginning to get annoyed changing lenses every 2 minutes
@superpippo the barrel shows the equivalent 35mm focal lengths where as the exif data shows the actual focal length for the lens. (I can't think of a way to write it better...?) FF equivalent is roughly 4x the FL in the exif so 6.4mm x 4 = 25.6mm.

@damianmkv the 5 was nice enough but the 10 was nicer. The best you'll get is the 12-40 (or 12-35) f2.8 and 35-100 f2.8.
Now 3 weeks and counting on my XF1
Sob :arghh:



Looks like my my newly purchased X10 has the white Orb Issues :( I had an idea it may possibly have been an affected one when I bought it. I got it at a very reasonable price, not that much more than the cost of a spare battery for my XF1, so it's not really that bad. Noticed the orbs mainly when there is a glint of light from situations like above, but I have found if I am careful with the light, I can get some really lovely people shots. If I am careful how I take photos, I will be able to live with it.