The Official Fuji X10/X20/X30/XF1/XQ1 Thread


Superyacht, Antibes


Kings Cross
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I threatened to put up some more concert images :D:D:D
I used the X10 for all the wide shots.
The event was the Isambard Folk Awards and it was a fantastic evening of music.
If you want to see what the 5DII produced and read my thoughts on the evening, please head over to my Blog - ta.

Lighting conditions were horrendous. Red front lighting, and not enough of it!
Even the mighty 5DII was struggling with the conditions; so the little X10 did extremely well!
I posted a worked example of how the 5DII coped with the lighting over on the 5DII Owners Thread.

All the shots were full manual, ISO 3200 f2.8, taken in RAW and processed in LR4. Except the last one which was taken in P-mode (ISO 2500 f2).

1) First of five bands - Common Tongues - kinda rock / folk cross-over - darned good.

2) Third band - Solarference - kinda electronic trance meets folk - astonishing!

3) Mishaped Pearls - kinda world music meets folk (FFS, one of their songs was in Latin!) - haunting - WOW !!!!!

4) Evening Chorus - Welsh harmonisation meets traditional folk - blimey; this works!
Interestingly, that blue apex didn't show on the 5DII and it look great!

5) The winners of the 2012 Isambard Folk Award; Josienne Clarke and Ben Walker - soulful, moving, emotional - a maturity to their playing that belies their years. Really hit my spot!

6) After they played their winners song, we took them into the main hall where they will be playing during the Bristol Folk Festival. It is ten times bigger than the hall they played for the awards; it has hosted many legendary bands and is one of the premier venues in the South West. Being able to observe their reactions was priceless - I love this job!

As I said in my Blog...
I love this job!!!!!!!!!!
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Had the X10 for 5 days now and got to use properly yesterday. This camera is just so great to actually use and everyone comparing compacts should use one for an hour or two to really see what they offer. No use just trying one in a shop for two minutes.

Image quality aside, this camera feels so natural to use (in the way a film camera tends to). To me this is helped by the following;

- On-off by turning zoom ring (it just seems ready to use rather than finding a switch)
- Viewfinder combined with zoom ring. When holding the camera up to the eye and zooming with lens barrel it feels SLR like rather than compact
- Minimum shutter lag (more direct feel)

I think people tend to concentrate on technical comparisons between cameras when in this case the handling and feel of the camera is what makes it when compared with the comparably priced compacts. This for me almost removes the camera and lets me concentrate on the shooting (I even have the display switched off) in the way a film camera does.

I have owned numerous other compacts over the last 6 months and not one of them came close in actual use. I discovered a while ago that I need a viewfinder, it doesn't feel like I am using a camera when held at arms length, seeing a compromised view of image depending on sunlight, zooming with a button and so on and that transfers to the overall feeling of taking photos.

Only thing missing for me is the lack of a histogram, blinkies etc, on immediate image review. It can be seen on playback only. Not an issue if you use the screen when composing as you can see a live histogram but I don't!
Hi All,

Well I got back from Wales in the early hours of the morning. Hard to pull myself away! 2 out of the three days weather was lush. Haven’t downloaded piccys from the camera yet but aim to tonight.

Initial impressions of the X10;

* Lovely to hold
* Once you get used to the on/off zoom switch - beats an on/off button!
* LCD display is really clear
* Panoramic feature is the dogs knackers - only concern is you get addicted to taking all your photos using this feature :-D
* 4x Zoom does "just" enough for nature shots (I'd prefer more but you'd then have to compromise the camera size)

* AF! issues when trying to focus when taking pictures towards the sun
* Battery life
* Upgrading the firmware is nonsense

One really frustrating thing was trying to get the latest firmware on my camera. I spent a few hours trying to find a way before I went and had to give up :-( I have .02 and want .03 but I do not possess a card reader. Why you can't update the camera via the finepix software is beyond me. Only info I could find was on the Fuji site and you have to download the firmware DAT file and copy it onto your memory card. When I try and copy the DAT file to the memory card via the USB link to the camera the file just doesn’t copy. No explanation or error message. Anyone else found a way around this issue of do I need to go buy a card reader?
The DAT file needs to go on the Root of the card and guessing when you are connecting your camera to get t the card you are not at Root as it is will be presenting a view of a folder or it's contents where photo files are stored? You probably have no write access to the card via the camera either.

Sounds to me like you need a card reader (very cheap on eBay). Once teh file is on teh card then the actual camera update couldn't be simpler.
I picked mine up at PC World on Saturday, first impressions are very positive but wish it had an evf, or at least metering info in the ovf.
For the first time ever though, the very first shot on the camera was a keeper, which is certainly a good omen!
Thanks. Just ordered one. Still think thats the one pants part of the camera :wacky:

I don't think this is a Fuji X10 peculiarity. Have had to do the same with other camera firmware updates (Ricoh GRD)
The issue is the lack of ability to write to the card via the camera connection.
I don't think this is a Fuji X10 peculiarity. Have had to do the same with other camera firmware updates (Ricoh GRD)
The issue is the lack of ability to write to the card via the camera connection.

Oh well - card reader ordered now so if thats the only issue nothing to really complain about. Its a quality camera. Can't wait to check out the photos tonight :love:
A bit cheeky but if anyone fancies a nice black leather half case and wrist strap I have one for sale in the classifieds..... bought for me as a pressie but I had already ordered one..
Hi all,

I posted a couple of days ago about having issues at night using pro low light and EXR auto. All is well when I switch to P or A. These were shot in Moscow earlier this week and all three look terrible.

I'd appreciate any comments?


Hi Steve,

My experience with the EXR mode(s) are similar: in demanding situations (night time, high-contrasty scenes, etc.) it seems that photos quickly become over exposed. It's for this very reason that I favour P and A modes. I sometimes do venture a little off my path by trying a few EXR shots, but nearly every time it just brings nothing.

It's a real pity your pictures have turned out this way. Turned down a stop to a stop and a half they probably would have shown much more atmosphere.

Kind regards,
LOL - I was just sent a copy of the Isambard Folk Award press release.
There were two photographers covering the event.
Both images were mine and I thought both were taken with the X10 !
The X10 did all the wide shots, but the first of the two turns out to have been the 5DII because the band was small enough to get them in; can't tell the difference at this size as the X10 images look just as good.

Interestingly, the shot of the couple celebrating is a tight crop.
I went for the whole hall to show the vast space they will be playing, hence used the X10; but the promoters went for the reactions of the couple - hey ho... But the X10 tight crop still looks good!



Wow - never used LR before. Started on LR4 last night. Certainly a learning curve. Anyway I have uploaded some piccies from the weekend trip to Wales. All these photos were taken on version 1.02 of the firmware. Here are some examples;


I was concerned about solar flares as I take many shots like this - No orb here (y)


Into sunlight - seems to have kept the information well.


Great macro features




A few panoramics - whites seem to get blown easily though. Sure thats to do with me rather than the X10?

One thing I noticed last night whilst downloading the images - the JPG's are storing at a measly 800k to 4MB. I did switch the JPG to fine. I thought I'd be getting 12MB. Anyone know why this is?
A few more from Wales. Any tips on how I can improve my photos with the X10 or LR4 PP appreciated :)





A few panoramics - whites seem to get blown easily though. Sure thats to do with me rather than the X10?

One thing I noticed last night whilst downloading the images - the JPG's are storing at a measly 800k to 4MB. I did switch the JPG to fine. I thought I'd be getting 12MB. Anyone know why this is?

First - most of my JPEGs are 4 to 5 Mb each. No way you will get 12Mb JPEGs, my 5DII rarely produces JPEGs that big!

There is something weird going on in your images.
It's not just the blown highlights, the saturation seems turned up to Full Nuclear Glow.
It's got to be either some wild slider settings in post-processing, or some cartoon style effect you have got selected in-camera.
If in doubt, reset the camera to factory settings and get out there taking photos; only start tinkering once you know your camera better :)

P.S. the composition of your panoramics is excellent!
It's something I find very difficult.
Get the image quality settings nailed and your are going to get on just fine with the X10 (y)
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There are some stunning shots appearing in this thread from the X10... Very impressive!

Here's proof (if it were needed) that you can even use it for motor sports photography. ;)

:LOL: thats classic - Nuclear glow! Yes I got over eager with the vibrance slider on a laptop screen. Mostly used the Velvia setting so may skip that in the future and stick to the manual option.

I think I need to invest in a monitor!

Thanks regarding the composition comment.

I will return to the LR4 drawing board and try again. Was my first time using it last night.
Thats a lovely shot Si - the tread in the wheels adds a real grit to the picture.
@souldepp i like the panaromas, very nice...and hmm also always pepp them up more then i usually do :) but the blown highlights are really wired, have you tried tog et some of them back? and i really like the dog...great!!

@Duncan i am impressed that the crop worked fine, because it is a huge one was it also 3200asa?
There are some stunning shots appearing in this thread from the X10... Very impressive!

Here's proof (if it were needed) that you can even use it for motor sports photography. ;)/QUOTE]

(y) liking that image.
@souldepp i like the panaromas, very nice...and hmm also always pepp them up more then i usually do :) but the blown highlights are really wired, have you tried tog et some of them back? and i really like the dog...great!!

@Duncan i am impressed that the crop worked fine, because it is a huge one was it also 3200asa?

Thank you :) No I haven’t. I'm new to this PP business. What’s the best way to bring back the blown highlights?
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Maybe just mine, but I find the X10 a bit highlight happy so I am taming them at JPEG creation rather than PP. I have set the camera highlight setting to soft which has helped.

I am limited to JPEGs at the moment and am finding that I had no reason to fiddle with them other than reducing highlights so now I don't even have to do that!
I haven't read the whole thread yet, so apologies if someone has already brought this up:

I've just had a quick play with a 430EX2 and poverty triggers (Cactus V5) and managed to get it to sync at 1/1000th, reliably. I wasn't expecting it to work as I thought you lost a bit of sync speed with (cheap) triggers but apparently not with this setup at least. Awesome! :eek:
...I've just had a quick play with a 430EX2 and poverty triggers (Cactus V5) and managed to get it to sync at 1/1000th, reliably. I wasn't expecting it to work as I thought you lost a bit of sync speed with (cheap) triggers but apparently not with this setup at least. Awesome! :eek:

Yep, I've been doing the same thing with Yong Nuo RF602's and a pair of Canon Speedlites! The results are pretty impressive! :)

I posted a couple of shots of my Better Half earlier in the thread that I was quite happy with.
Love that yacht panorama Charles but I am intrigued about the dam above. The background looks like a screen. Was it water coming down the dam that was shot at low speed and did you use Astia?

TIA :wave:

Hi Houston, Thanks for the comments. The wind was blowing waves over the dam creating this layered effect. I clipped the picture below the dam so you just see a wall of water. The shutter speed was 1/850 and I used Velvia (this was my first time out with the X10 so was experimenting with the film simulation modes, but now I tend not to use Velvia so much as it does seem to oversaturate a bit, but may be not in this case where the colour was very mute anyway).

Cheers, Charles.
OK - went back to the PP drawing board. Decontaminated the saturation from the images based on Duncan’s comments :LOL:

Feedback appreciated as always :)





Some lovely shots, Souldeep. Thanks for taking the effort to share. Speaking of which, I ought to make a little more effort...
Hi Houston, Thanks for the comments. The wind was blowing waves over the dam creating this layered effect. I clipped the picture below the dam so you just see a wall of water. The shutter speed was 1/850 and I used Velvia (this was my first time out with the X10 so was experimenting with the film simulation modes, but now I tend not to use Velvia so much as it does seem to oversaturate a bit, but may be not in this case where the colour was very mute anyway).

Cheers, Charles.

Thanks Charles

Agree on the tending towards over saturation with Velvia. Lots of features on this little thing. So much to play with and so little time it seems.

Keep enjoying.