The Official Fuji X10/X20/X30/XF1/XQ1 Thread

Without directly comparing the G1 X build quality to anything else as it's not really relevant, I'd hardly call it plasticky!

Nor would I - but it's enough that it put him off the G1X.
We all have our own points of view and form different impressions.

The classic advice of making a chance to play with a camera and 'does it feel right' is truer than ever.

Paul's done exactly the right thing.
Although the X10 didn't do it for him, the points he raises are valid and I appreciate him taking the time to share his thoughts.
paul if you were hitting the macro button while selecting the shutter speed then you should have just used the thumb wheel above the command dial
i think the build quality and feel is superb, perhaps your having trouble justifying spending 400-00 on a point and shoot with a few manual settings ;)

Yes, still interested enough to download the user manual to see how best to utilise/operate the camera, so now know I can push the command dial to switch between speed and aperture. As for my list of camera's of this type, it is very small, it only has the X10 on it! I wouldn't be interested in the likes of a G1X as the viewfinder is worse than my current compact and I do want a real viewfinder. I did look at the discount store, where they had them listed at £323.99 + delivery. But I wanted to try one out and as I said, if it had felt right, would have been quite happy to have taken one there and then.

12 month warranty
one sticker on the box stating its a refurbished model
mine was impossible to distinguish from a new one and had taken 12 images

Thanks for this Terry. You have put my mind at rest a little with this info. I think I am going g bite the bullet and buy myself a refurbished version.

I can return it if I'm not happy, right?
My other half and I have been documenting her pregnancy with a series of images taken at 6wk intervals. The bulk of the shots have been taken on my 5DMKII but I did take quite a lot with the X10. If nobody's offended by the sight of a pregnant lady with no clothes on (albeit with the important bits covered), I'll post a shot later. :)

We're also going to try some single light low-key shots later this evening which should be a good test of the X10's AF abilities in low light.

@Paul... I'd say that there's not a camera out on the market that's completely perfect. Having said that, the good points of the X10 far outweigh the bad. :)
We're also going to try some single light low-key shots later this evening which should be a good test of the X10's AF abilities in low light.

Look forward to seeing these as this is one of the main reasons for my buying the X10 to replace a Panasonic TZ8 with really really poor low light capability. (y)
I hope the mods don't find these too risky for the normal pages... Apologies if I unintentionally cause any embarrassment!

This image was taken using Yong Nuo RF602 Poverty Wizards attached to a Canon 580EXII and a Canon 430EXII. Both strobes were set to manual. One was fired through a 24in softbox and the other through a 43in diffused umbrella. The X10 was set to manual (Exif data should be visible).


This next image was taken using a single Speedlite (a 430EXII) with a Stofen attached and the RF602 trigger... Once again, the X10 was set to manual along with the strobe.


Just got my X10 last week so have been keenly reading all the posts here.

Great stuff. Love the camera. It really is a much more accomplished performer than the Canon S95 it is replacing, and for me covers the gap better between compact and DSLR.

Focus is a bit soft/vague on this but given that it was taken under incandescent light at night I am very happy.
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I've just ordered a refurb from the Fuji store, I don't really need it, but i really like it, every time I go into jessops I play with it for a while, I love the manual zoom. :) :)
I hope the mods don't find these too risky for the normal pages... Apologies if I unintentionally cause any embarrassment
Can't be long! :thinking:
It's a great set of images you are creating.

Just got my X10 last week so have been keenly reading all the posts here.

Great stuff. Love the camera. It really is a much more accomplished performer than the Canon S95 it is replacing, and for me
Covers the gap better between compact and DSLR.

Focus is a bit soft/vague on this but onside ring it was taken under incandescent light at night I am very happy.
A new day - another X10 owner :D
Only needs a little more care with the lighting and that'll work (y)
I have to say that I was actually a bit disappointed with the build quality and feel overall .....


I've never heard that before Paul - the precision finish to the metal body, and the balance of the camera is one of the things which owners, and reviewers, describe as exceptional. As somebody who has owned many cameras over many years I have to say the build quality of the X10 is impressive. But as has been said, each to their own - there are some well built compacts around, but it's unlikely they're as well built as the X10 - have a play with them and you'll see what I mean. :)
Yesterday I went to a vintage car show at Amberley Museum - what a relief to not have to carry my pro kit around - the X10 is proving ideal for my personal photography:

Edit: walking around with a compact is so different to carrying pro kit, in terms of how people treat you. With my pro kit in my hands I get a wide berth and nobody speaks to me. With the X10 I get the odd helpful chap approaching and asking if I need any help in working my camera. Well, I am blonde after all .... pretty funny though.
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Some great photos on here and shows the capabilities of the x10 I'm off to Wales later in the week and think I'm just going to take the x10.

What modes do you guys seem to be using the most as I seem to use EXR all the time.

Yesterday I went to a vintage car show at Amberley Museum - what a relief to not have to carry my pro kit around - the X10 is proving ideal for my personal photography:

Edit: walking around with a compact is so different to carrying pro kit, in terms of how people treat you. With my pro kit in my hands I get a wide berth and nobody speaks to me. With the X10 I get the odd helpful chap approaching and asking if I need any help in working my camera. Well, I am blonde after all .... pretty funny though.

fantastic set :clap:
care to share any settings that you used on the day
fantastic set :clap:
care to share any settings that you used on the day

Thanks Terry. I shoot as I would with my big cameras - usually Av (on the X10 I can leave the aperture wide open and still have quite a bit of DOF, though in very bright light you'll be forced to stop down a bit as the X10 caps at 1/1000 in Av mode) and I find Auto ISO on the X10 is predictable and useful. I also set DR to Auto and I mostly use the centre focus point. I shoot large fine JPEGs since these turn out better than my attempts so far to work the X10 RAW files. I use Provia film mode and I set the NR to Low, and sharpening to Low (I hate super-sharp files). On my DSLRs I'm constantly riding the exposure compensation dial but the X10 has great dynamic range so less compensation is generally needed.
thanks for the tips, every day is a school day for me
Hopefully I'll be getting my X10 tomorrow, I"ve never had a camera with an EXR sensor before and was hoping someone could answer a couple of questions for me.

I plan on shooting in AV most of the time, I like to select suitable aperture and ISO, I shoot raw.

If I were to come across a contrasty scene with high dynamic range and want to utilise the EXR sensor, do I have to go to the EXR mode on the top dial, or can I access it while staying in AV mode? if I can is it possible to assign the RAW button to that command (after updating to the latest firmware) I plan on using the Fn button for ISO.

Also, typically how would the EXR shot compare to taking a raw image of the same scene and bringing back the highlights in LR4? Would i get less blown highlights with EXR (though with only 6MP)?

I will be doing lots of tests for myself when i get the camera, i was just wondering what i should expect.

Hopefully I'll be getting my X10 tomorrow, I"ve never had a camera with an EXR sensor before and was hoping someone could answer a couple of questions for me.

I plan on shooting in AV most of the time, I like to select suitable aperture and ISO, I shoot raw.

If I were to come across a contrasty scene with high dynamic range and want to utilise the EXR sensor, do I have to go to the EXR mode on the top dial, or can I access it while staying in AV mode? if I can is it possible to assign the RAW button to that command (after updating to the latest firmware) I plan on using the Fn button for ISO.

Also, typically how would the EXR shot compare to taking a raw image of the same scene and bringing back the highlights in LR4? Would i get less blown highlights with EXR (though with only 6MP)?

I will be doing lots of tests for myself when i get the camera, i was just wondering what i should expect.


Got to do your own tests and make your own decision...
I've seen some people post indicating they use EXR most of the time.
Nowt wrong with 6Mp, plenty good enough to make A3 prints; back in the early days of digital I used to create excellent A3 prints from 4Mp; I still display one of them and it looks good even by todays standards.

However - I did my own tests and found EXR produced jaggy edges in the detail and colour fringing around moving subjects.
It's a good alternative to exposure bracketing but IMHO shouldn't be used all the time.

RAW is good for about 2 stops of highlights and 2.5 stops of shadows.
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Si - great photos of Ayesha. You really have a great eye for composition. Your pictures really catch the softness and curves of the preganant female form.
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Agree, you need to do your own testing to see what you feel is best.

I have tested between using M (6mp EXR) and L (12mp non EXR) and if there is a difference I can't really spot it. The L setting allows me more crop opportunities when needed. Can't comment on RAW as I am an Apple user who is not prepared to go through pain of trying to use Silkypix.
Hi All,

I've just been back onto the Fuji website to purchase a refurbished X10, only to find that they are currently out of stock. I have also noticed however, that they have put the price back up to £359.99, so the cheaper price was only for a limited period.

I have now placed an order for a new one from Big Normans which is selling at £369.99 delivered.(y)

Can't wait!!:D


Hi All,

I've just been back onto the Fuji website to purchase a refurbished X10, only to find that they are currently out of stock. I have also noticed however, that they have put the price back up to £359.99, so the cheaper price was only for a limited period.

I have now placed an order for a new one from Big Normans which is selling at £369.99 delivered.(y)

Can't wait!!:D



Sorry you missed on out the refurb deals Neill. There were 15 just around the start of Easter and it seems they went rather quickly - wonder why? :D However we'll be readying the red carpet to welcome you to the X10 fraternity. (y)

When I first checked out the panorama facility I couldn't get it to work. Finger trouble no doubt and I tried it again on Saturday night after the vigil at Westminster Cathedral. Attached are the cathedral and it's surroundings, including the piazza. The X10 is a lot of fun.



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Thank you for your order from The FujiShop. Your order has now been dispatched.

I have also noticed however, that they have put the price back up to £359.99, so the cheaper price was only for a limited period.

Sorry you missed out Neil, but the cheaper price was just an Easter special deal I think.

Watched a Creative Live seminar last night (Fundamentals of Digital Photography) with John Greengo and he mentioned the X10 was a particular favourite of his :)

If anyone's interested, the seminar will continue tonight and will run for the next few days from 6pm...and I think I recall him saying he'd be talking a little more about the X10.

Just a quick question for all the X10 owners...which cases or bags are you using to hold your camera? Has anyone perhaps tried one of the new Black Rapid compact bags?
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Am very close to pulling the trigger on one of these cameras as, sadly, I just do not enjoy using my SLR anymore :(

The swapping on lenses has become too much of a hassle and the kit takes up too much space in my hand luggage on trips.

Before I get rid of the kit (400D, 50mm prime, 10-20 Sigma, 55-250 IS and 18-55 kit plus Crumpler bags) , will I get similar image quality- granted it is a smaller sensor but the sample pics I have seen look fantastic.
For the type of camera it is the IQ is very good (not just the sensor but has good lens too)
However, the image quality is not as good as my wifes Sony A700 with a 50 prime, it is close but not quite there. I am more than happy with the IQ of the X10 but can't say whether you will be.
Just a quick question for all the X10 owners...which cases or bags are you using to hold your camera? Has anyone perhaps tried one of the new Black Rapid compact bags?

I've gone for a simple case as I want to be able to just click away quickly rather than dig it out of a bag. I just couldn't resist looking at the vintage quality of the build. I'll let you know more about the product once its delivered...


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Well I have decided to see how good the X10 is by setting myself a challenge for the next year, anyone fancy joining in?

My project can be found at but in short it is to capture at least one JPEG portrait of a stranger on the street using only the Fuji x10 and an off camera flash every week. Just done my first week shoot and it was quite fun ;)
My project can be found at but in short it is to capture at least one JPEG portrait of a stranger on the street using only the Fuji x10 and an off camera flash every week. Just done my first week shoot and it was quite fun ;)

Good stuff.(y) The camera's doing you proud.

I'm in a love/hate relationship with my X10 these days. Mostly hate at the moment!.
Am very close to pulling the trigger on one of these cameras as, sadly, I just do not enjoy using my SLR anymore :(

The swapping on lenses has become too much of a hassle and the kit takes up too much space in my hand luggage on trips.

Before I get rid of the kit (400D, 50mm prime, 10-20 Sigma, 55-250 IS and 18-55 kit plus Crumpler bags) , will I get similar image quality- granted it is a smaller sensor but the sample pics I have seen look fantastic.

Probably the closest in terms of IQ is the 40D.
Similar number of pixels.
40D is better at ISO 100, X10 is better at high ISO.
X10 lens has WAY better IQ than the older Canon kit lens.
Both the X10 and 40D are capable of producing decent A3 prints, but in terms of pure IQ the 60D/7D with the latest kit lens has them beat.

There is also a mindset thing....
People don't think twice about resting a DSLR on a wall, etc, to steady the shot, but will happily use a P&S one handed at arms length.
If you want the best possible IQ, then you have to make a conscious decision to stop treating it like a toy, and start treating it like a proper camera.
Maybe it was just me :D

Edited to add.....
I'm soon off on a camera club tip to Copenhagen; I'm only taking the X10.
This is despite one of my top 3 images from 2011 being taken on last year's club trip to Portugal.
The is X10 good enough to produce that image printed to A3; or I'd be also taking a DSLR.
Things have moved fast!
Last year everybody had a DSLR and a few people also has a P&S with them for convenience (mine was an LX3).
This year everyone is using a P&S as their main camera and a few people are taking their DSLRs 'just in case'.
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Nicely put Duncan... Although my old 40D got elevated to sainthood (I loved that camera)! :D

Here's one taken today (making the most of a quick opportunity that presented itself). ;)

Shot in RAW and edited with CS5 and Nik ColourEfex (I refuse to spell it the US way)!

Fairbourne Steam by Si (Spirit Photography), on Flickr
Come home to an email from Fuji....... x10 has been dispatched!! :) Quite excited to get my hands on it and start to learn and improve my skills.

Time to order a few extras now. I think i am going to get a 'leather' case ( and then have a small case in my day bag that consists of filters, batteries etc!! Does anyone know if the case will fit in the x10,adapter with filter and minus the hood in!?

I'm thinking spare battery, cable release and gorilla pod? Anyone else got any other suggestions of items that could come in handy? Any experience with joby gorilla pods, i have only ever had the small version for p&s!?

Well I have decided to see how good the X10 is by setting myself a challenge for the next year, anyone fancy joining in?

My project can be found at but in short it is to capture at least one JPEG portrait of a stranger on the street using only the Fuji x10 and an off camera flash every week. Just done my first week shoot and it was quite fun ;)

That's a brilliant project Rob! Not just from a photography point of view, but great at pushing interpersonal skills and confidence as well. I know I would find it hard to approach strangers on the street ... but it would be good to try. Looking forward to seeing how this pans out for you!
Nicely put Duncan... Although my old 40D got elevated to sainthood (I loved that camera)! :D

I won't be parted from my 40D - it's an icon in my eyes. Amazing IQ and I still use it as my second camera on pretty much every shoot I do - I routinely enlarge its files to 30" and they look stunning. I hadn't even considered printing at that size from my little X10 but I might have to give it a go :thinking: