The Official Fuji X10/X20/X30/XF1/XQ1 Thread

He's right! :clap:
Well worth following the link to his article.

10 Things I Love About the Fujifilm X10 - by Adventure Photographer Dan Bailey

I’ve had my Fujifilm X10 for about five months now, which would normally be plenty of time for my infatuation to wear off. It hasn’t, though, which convinces me that I’m not dealing with some mere schoolgirl crush here, but true, unbridled love.

The X10 is packed with so many usable features and has such good image quality that I’ve come to believe that the guys at Fujifilm have created a true classic. It has such broad appeal to just about any type of photographer, and these days, I rarely leave the house without it, even when I head out the door with my D700.
Sorry to resurrect the torrid subject of orbs, blooms and sensor replacements, but does anybody know it is going to work?

Do we have to pre-register our interest in having a replacement sensor or will Fuji contact us?
Either visit the site and e-mail the support team or call customer services on 0844 553 2323 They take your details and camera serial number and ask if you've updated the firmware to v1.03. They then give you a ref Number. In about 4 weeks they will send you a pre-paid envelope to return the camera.
Either visit the site and e-mail the support team or call customer services on 0844 553 2323 They take your details and camera serial number and ask if you've updated the firmware to v1.03. They then give you a ref Number. In about 4 weeks they will send you a pre-paid envelope to return the camera.

Thank you for this.

Has anyone had it done yet or is it too early still?
Thank you for this.
Has anyone had it done yet or is it too early still?

No, They will not send the envelopes out till the sensors are in stock. That's the 4 week wait
Guys, this may have been asked before but what cases are you all keeping your X10 in? I have been having a little look around and am looking for some inspiration.

If you have any photos of your cases or links to what you are using that would be awesome!
i use the official Fuji case in for mine
I use the gariz half leather case, expensive but nice. Can access the battery and SD card whilst the case is on the camera, it uses the tripod mount to fix to the camera and so is not reliant on the neck strap being in use. It also has a tripod mount built in that places the tripod in the centre of the lens instead of to one side.
Some of us use the Lowepro Apex 60. Snug fit, with pockets for ~4 extra batteries + couple of SD cards. I usually wear it on my belt.

See post #570
Black rapid snapr 20.
It doubles up as a sling and the camera is attached by the tripod mount at the bottom.

Has 2 pockets for whatever and comes with a hand strap too
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I use a Think Tank modular pouch
antc said:
...but what cases are you all keeping your X10 in?!

AW60: got 2 spare batteries and some SD cards in there. It's a snug fit, but it works. When walking around, the AW60 remains in another bag, purse, pocket, etc. and I keep my X10 around my neck and/or shoulder. Main reason for this is it takes a few seconds too long to get the X10 out. Nice thing about the AW60 though is its got a built-in rain cover.
Here is my case. £7.75 plus free delivery from fleabay. It came from China so took a while, but is definately worth it. It's a no brainer for the price. Comes complete with wrist strap, belt loop and shoulder strap and has a choice of two brown colours. Mine is the darker "coffee" colour, but there is also a light tan.

[/url] Untitled by Neiltluck, on Flickr[/IMG]

Untitled by Neiltluck, on Flickr

Untitled by Neiltluck, on Flickr

Untitled by Neiltluck, on Flickr
how on earth did you get it at that price lol

I think he's referring to batteries...


Have I got this wrong again? I thought you meant the case .........

I'll get me coat
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I meant batteries.......... LOL
This is the one I went for as I needed a spare battery as well as a case:

The case is great! It comes in two parts so you can detach one part of it and have a 'half case' or you can have the full thing. The top half attached to the bottom by two press-studs and then closes via a magnet. I've never had the magnet come undone by itself but what it means is that I can have the camera ready to go in literally 5 seconds. The top half hangs from the bottom by the studs so you don't lose it.
Yep purchased an X10, what a beautifully made piece of kit, will be taking it on holiday rather than lugging around a load of DSLR kit!
Browsing through some photos, I stumbled across this one:

DSCF0450 by Robenroute, on Flickr

I took this looking through the viewfinder and remember wanting to focus on my daughter, instead of the rain drops. Using the LCD would have probably prevented the "off" focus. However, I find this photo more interesting (like I have a choice ;-).

Feedback much appreciated. BTW, photo is SOC; perhaps it could do with a little more contrast...

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No wonder you guys are hoovering up all the batteries you can get - judging by the few hours I spent out with an X10 I'd need at least 4 for a good days shooting!




No wonder you guys are hoovering up all the batteries you can get - judging by the few hours I spent out with an X10 I'd need at least 4 for a good days shooting!

The Fuji batteries improve with use...
I was also initially disappointed with battery life as I got less than 200 shots on my first battery.
However, now they are bedded in, I rarely need to swap batteries while I'm out and about. My recent 3 day photographic trip to Copenhagen trip only used only one battery!
Battery life is currently around 350-400 shots.

Nice picces - looks like the aliens have landed in the first one!
No wonder you guys are hoovering up all the batteries you can get - judging by the few hours I spent out with an X10 I'd need at least 4 for a good days shooting!


Hi Paul,

Same as Duncan here. After a few charge-discharge cycles, their stamina increases. I still carry 2 spare ones though.

Nice shots, BTW. What shooting mode were you using? EXR, or Auto? The reason I'm asking is that the first two seem slightly overexposed (-0.3 or even -0.7 could have helped, in my opinion). Whenever I use EXR, the X10 seems to throw in a few extra photons... The third one is spot on and looks very nice!
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The Fuji batteries improve with use...
I was also initially disappointed with battery life as I got less than 200 shots on my first battery.
However, now they are bedded in, I rarely need to swap batteries while I'm out and about. My recent 3 day photographic trip to Copenhagen trip only used only one battery!
Battery life is currently around 350-400 shots.

Nice picces - looks like the aliens have landed in the first one!

Good to know about the batteries - currently its running at about a 100 shots till the X10 closes down. As for the aliens pic, yes, thought it would be interesting if I cloned out the supports - not very well done - but I felt this was what the artist was trying to achieve :D


Hi Paul,

Same as Duncan here. After a few charge-discharge cycles, their stamina increases. I still carry 2 spare ones though.

Nice shots, BTW. What shooting mode were you using? EXR, or Auto? The reason I'm asking is that the first two seem slightly overexposed (-0.3 or even -0.7 could have helped, in my opinion). Whenever I use EXR, the X10 seems to throw in a few extra photons... The third one is spot on and looks very nice!

As the camera is new and the manual doesn't make much sense (just a simple country boy) the X10 is stuck in 'Auto' with an occasional visit into 'P' mode to use 'forced flash'. These result are from the camera's first outing so still getting to know it's many and varied foibles

Paul I noticed your X10 is not mentioned on your photography page ;)

On page 36/37 of this thread I stated that I wasn't too impressed with the build & feel of the X10, but it was the 'only game in town' when I was looking for a carry-about so I could leave the SLR kit at home. So, I decided to really try it out and make up my mind. Still not too enamored with it, for many reasons - but I don't think there is anything on the market that really would meet everything on my tick list, unless I went film! So basically still not too sure it's going to be kept longterm:thinking:

A few more pics from that day out;



Lovely pics guys, how are the x10s for quality? Ive read that a few have problems with dust in the lens!
danolive1 said:
Lovely pics guys, how are the x10s for quality? Ive read that a few have problems with dust in the lens!

I've had mine for about 4 months now and no problems with dust in the lens or the viewfinder. I wouldn't worry about it of I were you. And a spec of dust in the lens is not the end of the world. I have a rather expensive Nikon 50mm 1.4 lens with dust in it. I've had it for roughly 25 years and it hasn't impacted a single shot taken with it.
paul williams said:
As the camera is new and the manual doesn't make much sense (just a simple country boy) the X10 is stuck in 'Auto' with an occasional visit into 'P' mode to use 'forced flash'. These result are from the camera's first outing so still getting to know it's many and varied foibles

On page 36/37 of this thread I stated that I wasn't too impressed with the build & feel of the X10, but it was the 'only game in town' when I was looking for a carry-about so I could leave the SLR kit at home. So, I decided to really try it out and make up my mind. Still not too enamored with it, for many reasons - but I don't think there is anything on the market that really would meet everything on my tick list, unless I went film! So basically still not too sure it's going to be kept longterm:thinking:

A few more pics from that day out;


Yes, indeed. The manual leaves lots to be desired. I bought the X10 book from White Knight Press and that's been more helpful than Fuji's feeble attempt.

I like the rusty bird, by the way! Thanks for sharing.
100 shots before battery dies sounds pretty bad. Battery on mine has always been good for 600+ shots but then I have the screen turned off and solely use the viewfinder which would explain that I suppose...
Using mine today and image quality is superb! It's so easy to use and the viewfinder is perfectly usable. Very happy!