The Official Fuji X10/X20/X30/XF1/XQ1 Thread

Is that the TP gallery?
That may only count 'real' views in the gallery, whereas mine are hosted on Smugmug and referrals to the image counts as a view.

Yes, my images are in the TP Gallery, and I think you're right. BTW I've just subscribed to this thread, but when I clicked on the thread from the subscriptions page, it still took me to the first page of the thread, and the only other option was the last thread page (presumably at the top). Although I suppose if I do click on the last page, and then on the "first unread", it might not reload the page, meaning less load on the server. :thinking: I'll try to remember that...
It's the grey square with a down arrow in it to the left of the name..
It indicates there are unread posts, but it also links direct to the first unread post.

Took me ages before I spotted it!
One of the more useful links they hid on the TP Forum design.
It's the grey square with a down arrow in it to the left of the name..
It indicates there are unread posts, but it also links direct to the first unread post.

Took me ages before I spotted it!
One of the more useful links they hid on the TP Forum design.

Cool! I just found it too. The wonders of modern technology!

It's the grey square with a down arrow in it to the left of the name..
It indicates there are unread posts, but it also links direct to the first unread post.

Took me ages before I spotted it!
One of the more useful links they hid on the TP Forum design.

W00t! bonza mate, that's a rippa!
A simple grating in an alley, if you consider 4 layers of grating to be simple....

I emailed Fuji about a replacement sensor a week last Friday and no reply so sent a chaser last evening. So first thing this morning they sent an email as follows (at bottom) with the link. Has anyone else been sent this link and completed this online request for sensor change?

Also I am really fascinated to get some example of 'orbs' and wonder if anyone can tell me the best way to see if my camera is prone to them or not - types of shots and settings.

If no orbs I am not sure I can be bothered to request a change. There is the argument - what it I want to sell the camera? Well I may reach that point but wonder if it will make that much difference. Fuji did confirm, in a phone call, that whoever the owner (as in a resale) providing there is the receipt available they will honour the balance of the warranty period.

Help would be useful - thanks (y)
Yes, that is useful John as was wondering about the transferability of the warranty. I don't think resale will actually be affected by the orb issue as most people outside of forums probably don't know anything about it.
I emailed Fuji about a replacement sensor a week last Friday and no reply so sent a chaser last evening. So first thing this morning they sent an email as follows (at bottom) with the link. Has anyone else been sent this link and completed this online request for sensor change?

Also I am really fascinated to get some example of 'orbs' and wonder if anyone can tell me the best way to see if my camera is prone to them or not - types of shots and settings.

If no orbs I am not sure I can be bothered to request a change. There is the argument - what it I want to sell the camera? Well I may reach that point but wonder if it will make that much difference. Fuji did confirm, in a phone call, that whoever the owner (as in a resale) providing there is the receipt available they will honour the balance of the warranty period.

Help would be useful - thanks (y)

I emailed last wednesday and had heard nothing until this morning when I was going to give them a call. Literally seconds before my reminder on my phone went off to call them, I had a reply saying that I just need to reply to their email with my address and they will send out a pre-paid package to send the camera back.

I have replied but not heard back. Didnt have to fill anything out either.
I emailed last wednesday and had heard nothing until this morning when I was going to give them a call. Literally seconds before my reminder on my phone went off to call them, I had a reply saying that I just need to reply to their email with my address and they will send out a pre-paid package to send the camera back.

I have replied but not heard back. Didnt have to fill anything out either.

Hi Ben

Can I ask what email addresss you used when you made your request? It seems like they are not all 'singing from the same hymn sheet' :clap:
Thanks for that. The address I used was - - but I did buy a refurb from that shop. Whether that makes any difference :thinking:
Rather than emailing them, why not just give them a call and register your X10 for a sensor replacement?

Anyway, I received another email today...

Your camera has now been received at our service centre. It will be repaired and returned to you as soon as possible.

Many Thanks

FujiFilm Camera Repair Team.

They actually received, and signed for, my X10 on the I guess I'll be waiting a little longer than expected before I get it back.

My X10 was a refurb too btw.
Look on myfinepix. There is a contact form. Fill it in and send it. It gets straight to the right place.
Thanks for your help everyone.

I will have to get my wife to call and hope she is able to get through the technicalities of the conversation. As I think I mentioned before (recently) I am recovering (with a very long way to go) from a very serious health problem that hit me 5 weeks ago and part of which is my brain is on a 'go slow' mode - not joking - wish I were. In fact 'go very slow' and not able to communicate orally at all well :(

I will try and find the tel no again but can't remeber where I noted it
I emailed Fuji about a replacement sensor a week last Friday and no reply so sent a chaser last evening. So first thing this morning they sent an email as follows (at bottom) with the link. Has anyone else been sent this link and completed this online request for sensor change?

Also I am really fascinated to get some example of 'orbs' and wonder if anyone can tell me the best way to see if my camera is prone to them or not - types of shots and settings.

If no orbs I am not sure I can be bothered to request a change. There is the argument - what it I want to sell the camera? Well I may reach that point but wonder if it will make that much difference. Fuji did confirm, in a phone call, that whoever the owner (as in a resale) providing there is the receipt available they will honour the balance of the warranty period.

Help would be useful - thanks (y)

It is most common to see them from spectral highlight on water metal or glass.
this is an example from sunday (There are three in this big crop))

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I will try and find the tel no again but can't remeber where I noted it

Sorry to hear that you've had some health issues, John...I hope you have a speedy recovery :)

When I called Fuji I used one of these numbers, although I can't quite remember which one. Maybe you could get the Mrs to give em both a try ;)

0844 553 2321 / 0844 553 2323

Rather than emailing them, why not just give them a call and register your X10 for a sensor replacement?

Anyway, I received another email today...

Your camera has now been received at our service centre. It will be repaired and returned to you as soon as possible.

Many Thanks

FujiFilm Camera Repair Team.

They actually received, and signed for, my X10 on the I guess I'll be waiting a little longer than expected before I get it back.

My X10 was a refurb too btw.

They got mine on 7th too, I just the same message from Fuji, guess it won't be back to me in under a week like they said! :puke:
Sorry to hear that you've had some health issues, John...I hope you have a speedy recovery :)

When I called Fuji I used one of these numbers, although I can't quite remember which one. Maybe you could get the Mrs to give em both a try ;)

0844 553 2321 / 0844 553 2323


Thanks for the numbers and even more thanks for your get well wishes (y)

Thanks for posting a sample with orbs. I will take look through the shots I have taken, since owning the camera around two months ago. But not that many shots in total to look through. Seems I need to get out on a sunny day :)lol:) and near water or some chrome work. Or at night aiming at lamps - will need to delay my cocoa later for this one :LOL:
They got mine on 7th too, I just the same message from Fuji, guess it won't be back to me in under a week like they said! :puke:

got the same email as well they must all be lined up on the bench :LOL:
I'm seriously considering selling my D300 now in all honesty. The results I am getting from this X10 really is quite stunning.

Few shots just from when I went for a curry the other night:



Anyone want to hazard a guess at how much my SLR kit is worth? (See signature)
ok, think I need some help.
Im struggling to get sharp photos. I know comparing the IQ to a DSLR is pointless but im sure I can do better that what im getting at the moment.

Firstly, Im pretty sure this is a issue with either my technique, or maybe a setting that im not using right etc. I know that this camera can produce sharp images.. I just cant seem to get them lol.

So, here we have an image I shot today. This is a 1:2 view in lightroom. Details can been seen in the image. As you can see its every so slightly blurry and not what I would call sharp.


Like i said up there, i know this camera can produce sharp photos as moments later I took this. Again, the first one is a 1:2 zoom in lightroom


This is the actual image


If 50% of my shots were as sharp as the last one posted then I would be very happy. Unfortunatly 95% of my shots are like the blurry one that I posted first.

Both of these shots were taken in the bathroom (obviously) where there are 6 50w spotlights filling the room with light. All the walls are shiney white tiles so I wouldnt say it was dark. Yet I had the camera on Shutter Priorty and Auto ISO800 and as you can see to get 1/80s the camera still felt it needed to go to ISO 800 and ISO 640 with an aperture of f2.8

By the way, these are all Jpegs straight out of the camera
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I think the top shot just missed the point of focus it seems sharper at the hair line.
I think he sank back a little as you took it.
The other is probably as sharp as you would be likely get at iso 800 and in that light as quite a lot of noise removal is needed at that speed.

Pixel peeping is no fun with small sensors. and unnecessary.
Not sure I would call it pixel peeping per-se,
Even at the full resolution there are big differences between the 2 images in regards to sharpness.
Not sure I would call it pixel peeping per-se,
Even at the full resolution there are big differences between the 2 images in regards to sharpness.

No one gets every shot as sharp as they would like.
on this one you have missed focus as I said, and it also looks like a little movement in the mix. at 1/80 sec and f2.8 both things are possible.
No one gets every shot as sharp as they would like.
on this one you have missed focus as I said, and it also looks like a little movement in the mix. at 1/80 sec and f2.8 both things are possible.

ok, i probably took 35 photos in succession earlier with the 2 above included.
Only 1 (above) was what I would call very sharp. 3 were ok, the rest (31 ish) looked like the blurry example above. I agree that I may have missed focus on that particular example. But i have plenty of other examples where I defiantly hav'nt and still get the same results.

I know this isn't the camera and is more than likely something Im doing wrong. Im just trying to figure out what it is
Kodak used to say 90% of photographs are spoilt by camera shake.

I was testing my X10 the other day with a Slik mini -pro DQ...using it in chest pod mode. sitting in my chair and pointing the camera at full telephoto at a picture on the far wall.
The picture had a small amount of camera shake ( removable by sharpening in Photoshop for motion blur ) the exposure was 1/3 second at f4 Iso 200.

Even unsharpened it would have been usable.

If like me you have fairly unsteady hands you must take extra care. and certainly not use the camera at arms length. Just breathing can move you out of focus in close ups.

Look at the shot that is sharp.

The far eye is very sharp the near eye is just at the limit of sharp focus. Close ups are tricky to keep sharp. You don't have to move much to have a spoilt shot. You fix focus with the half press .. from then on you must not move at all.
What the..... its all gone Pink!

Go down bottom left and turn it to white2 not the same but better.
Ah, normality resumes...

Mind you - the funniest mod affectation I've seen was a few years ago when they decided 'Hats on for Christmas'!
You had to add a Santa Hat onto your avatar or else the mods tinkered with your profile.
Some of the Scrooge types got their accounts really messed up for a while with their Bah Humbugging :D:D:D

That had me LOLing for night after night.
Was slightly disappointing to find it didn't happen EVERY year.

Here's one of my two Xmas Avatars that I've used.
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Please help as I am not sure if I am going mad :D

My X10 was from the Fuji refurb shop and just looking at putting on a new screen protector but starting to think one is already on???? I have taken this shot (sorry for the poor quality and dust) but if you take a look around the edges of the LCD it looks as if there is already a thin one on. Unless this is how the LCD edges are finished on this camera.

Could you take a look at your X10 to see if this is the normal as my only other camera a Panasonic G2 has a totally clean loo around the edge.

Thanks (y)


The edges aren't finished like that on mine, looks like a protector is already on. But, the only way to tell is to try and take it off.
If its a thin film type, it will come off easily, just put a finger nail on the corner and try and peel it off.
Then you can fit a nice 3" GGS glass protector on it (y)
