The Official Fuji X10/X20/X30/XF1/XQ1 Thread

It will be very very interesting to see if anyone is sent a new camera.

Keep vigilant and report back --- please :clap:
Be interesting to see if they send any back at this rate
Mines been gone for 12 days now and there saying a week
Same here Terry - I'm not happy! It took all morning to get through to Fuji. They said the jubilee bank holidays had caused a backlog and they told me I would have it back by the end of this week. They have had it since 7th June.

They are not sending out new cameras (in the UK) John, they are replacing the sensor/lens combo. At least that's what Fuji told me.

One of my friends in another country got new camera and he said it felt lighter than the old one, as if they had downgraded the materials (less metal).
I am surprised Lindsay as I have called them twice in the past week, or so, and both times got straight through and found the guy on the end very pleasant and helpful. Sounds as if I have been very lucky?

Anyone dared to ask for a little 'compo' ;)
Yes, today was strange - 4 times on hold for over 10 minutes. Last week I got straight through. They might have loads of X10 owners chasing them - it's rotten being without your X10!

Ooh I didn't even think of asking for compo - I feel I should be entitled to some given the crap I took in March when I did a positive review of the camera and ended up being torn to shreds by the anti-Fuji mob over at DPReview (including slander and attacks on my website because apparently a lot of people bought the camera after reading my articles).

I am about to send my X10 off for sensor replacement in the supplied packaging. Before I do, a quick question for those of you who have already done so....what do you send? Is it quite literally the camera itself? i.e. no battery/memory card/ lens cap/ strap etc.

I have a Gariz lens cap retainer fitted, so would mean leaving this on if I sent the lens cap as well. I am hearing stories of some cameras being completely replaced, which would mean losing the lens cap retainer...and also the glass screen protector.

Thanks in advance.


i sent mine back as I got it - but I did remove the battery/memory card.
Yes, today was strange - 4 times on hold for over 10 minutes. Last week I got straight through. They might have loads of X10 owners chasing them - it's rotten being without your X10!

Ooh I didn't even think of asking for compo - I feel I should be entitled to some given the crap I took in March when I did a positive review of the camera and ended up being torn to shreds by the anti-Fuji mob over at DPReview (including slander and attacks on my website because apparently a lot of people bought the camera after reading my articles).

Still awaiting the return of mine too! They acknowledged receipt on 12th, almost a week after I sent it.
Lindsay, I know what you mean about there are a few vicious personalities over there. Thank goodness this TP thread seems to visited by the pleasanter side of society.
Hello folks. I've just bought a fuji-refurbed X10 and am liking it a lot. Wish I had a case for it though but don't want to splash out on the fuji hard leather case. The cheaper options that have a similar design all look a bit too plastic fantastic for my tastes. Does anyone know if there's a Crumpler bag or simliar that fits it?


I've had mine back today, same camera with new sensor. The screen protector is still attached. Sent it the Friday before the Jubilee weekend.


I am surprised Lindsay as I have called them twice in the past week, or so, and both times got straight through and found the guy on the end very pleasant and helpful. Sounds as if I have been very lucky?

Anyone dared to ask for a little 'compo' ;)
Vicious indeed Allan - like nothing I've ever seen before. This thread is like a breath of fresh air!

Not just this thread, this whole forum is very well mannered (probably a bit too much but I respect it for what it is)

I think DPReview has some of the worst forums I have come across. Most discussions seem to get so personal so quickly and people are so protective against their choice of camera and would fight to the death about conflicting choices made by others.
Your story suggests it is even worse and more far reaching that I would have guessed.

I've had mine back today, same camera with new sensor. The screen protector is still attached. Sent it the Friday before the Jubilee weekend.


Darn it, thought I might be the first! Sent in before the bunfight weekend, same day as you. Emailed Fuji this morning, after 2 failed attempts on the steam telephone (, got a reply within half an hour saying it was sent last friday, should be with me today. Nothing yet, though.

So Kiran, is IT fixed? ;)
Darn it, thought I might be the first! Sent in before the bunfight weekend, same day as you. Emailed Fuji this morning, after 2 failed attempts on the steam telephone (, got a reply within half an hour saying it was sent last friday, should be with me today. Nothing yet, though.

So Kiran, is IT fixed? ;)

Mine has now arrived. I saw the CityLink van, went down and opened the door, waiting. For 10 minutes or so there was a remarkable amount of thumping as boxes got moved around the van. Eventually it turned up from the back corner.

It's the same serial number. The note says sensor and grip have been replaced. At first when I turned the zoom, nothing happened... then again... finally it worked!

An arbitrary number of settings have been changed... if you haven't sent yours off yet: MAKE A NOTE of favourite settings. Now I've got to work out again what the various strange settings mean.

I don't think this is the right weather to be testing for WDS. Will report as soon as there's anything else to say...
Hi Neil,

I simply returned the X10 itself, the original battery, and the original lens cap.

I kept hold of all the other bits and pieces, and I also made the decision to remove the GGS screen protector that I had installed. It was only £3 so it's no great loss if I get the same camera back.

And so personally I'd be inclined to remove any aftermarket additions before sending it in, just in case they do send out a brand new replacement.

Thanks Snapper
Tbh i wouldn't send it in with the battery, it could go missing, when i sent mine off all i sent was the camera with the lens cap nothing more.

Im sure Fuji will have Batteries knocking about to test any camera they sort.
When I called Fuji they said just send camera with original lens cap and 'nowt' else - so there (y)
When I called Fuji they said just send camera with original lens cap and 'nowt' else - so there (y)

I sent mine just with the lens cap too and removed my GGS screen protector ( my new one just came).

Well, by now I was hoping to be writing here that my X10 had been returned almost 2 weeks after I posted it, but I can't!

Has anybody got theirs back yet, I seem to remember someone posting that they had heard Fuji had posted theirs back to him. Any news?

I want my X10 back.......... :crying:

Just incase anyone is interested I took the X10 down to the RAF Cosford airshow at the weekend. Im really pleased with the results and have added a few (12) to Flickr. Here's the link if you want to have a look. Im happy with them..

In other news, whilst I was there I got my first Orb :)

(the shots in flickr are much better in this btw, I just wanted to keep it for the orb)

Well I got mine back today. Unfortunately without the lens cap I sent with it. Very frustrating. It's the same camera and I noticed the dust in the lens is gone which confirms its lens and sensor. On the phone in the morning about having it sent back. I suggest you don't send yours in guys!

Well I got mine back today. Unfortunately without the lens cap I sent with it. Very frustrating. It's the same camera and I noticed the dust in the lens is gone which confirms its lens and sensor. On the phone in the morning about having it sent back. I suggest you don't send yours in guys!


That doesn't sound too good. I can't imagine why they would expect people to send them in without the lens cap, after all, its an important part of the camera.
I might just email them again and check the lens cap comes back.
Well I got mine back today. Unfortunately without the lens cap I sent with it. Very frustrating. It's the same camera and I noticed the dust in the lens is gone which confirms its lens and sensor. On the phone in the morning about having it sent back. I suggest you don't send yours in guys!


Mine came back with the lens cap; I think that must just have been an accident. I've attempted some low light orb tests this evening, in the Warwick Road. Quite a lot lighter than when I last did it, obviously. I stood on the roundabout and took cars coming straight at me with headlights on (ISO 400); lots of flare but no obvious orbs at all. I then tried close to a shop window with those little halogen (?) lights in it. Well, maybe those are orbs, but you know, maybe they aren't, and who would expect better under these circumstances?


So I'm pretty happy...
I wouldn't say the halogen lights are orbs. No sharp edges, just gradually blown out highlights, which I would expect from any decent camera.
Apart from the likely lack of orbs, do you notice any difference in the images from the camera now?
ChrisR said:
Well, maybe those are orbs, but you know, maybe they aren't, and who would expect better under these circumstances?

Nope. No orbs to be spotted here. But then again, orbs are more likely to occur with specular highlights. Perhaps a few shots at some shiny objects when the sun is out?

Thanks for posting, Chris. I'm still waiting for the first comparative results, before I send mine in. I'm also still on 1.02, as I'm not sure the orb tweaks in 1.03 don't have a negative influence (higher ISO preference?) on the image quality in general. According to Fuji Germany, the free X10 sensor replacement offer ends in 2013 (although the woman couldn't say when exactly). There's a bit of time to ponder left.
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I randomly discovered orbs shooting at home, I captured one of our lamps with a metal base in shot and there they were so I should be able to test before and after quite easily once I get my packaging!
Nope. No orbs to be spotted here. But then again, orbs are more likely to occur with specular highlights. Perhaps a few shots at some shiny objects when the sun is out?

Thanks for posting, Chris. I'm still waiting for the first comparative results, before I send mine in. I'm also still on 1.02, as I'm not sure the orb tweaks in 1.03 don't have a negative influence (higher ISO preference?) on the image quality in general. According to Fuji Germany, the free X10 sensor replacement offer ends in 2013 (although the woman couldn't say when exactly). There's a bit of time to ponder left.

After I posted that shot last night I thought, this is mad! I didn't care (much) about orbs before, I'm not going to be chasing them now... I thought about deleting the post but it was too late.

I've had 1.03 since it came out (actually, I thought 1.02 was the orb firmware, but I haven't checked), and I've been more than satisfied with the image quality. For most of us here, I think that's the right question. I've seen nothing to disappoint me in the few shots so far (it only arrived yesterday afternoon), and it'll take time to be sure. But I see no reason to worry. Fuji make a range of great sensors, and I doubt they are going to mess this high profile issue up!
It's on its way back! It's on its way back! I've missed that little thing - my only reminder being an empty Gariz case sitting miserably on my desk, and a ladybug soft release rolling around on the windowsill.

I got the e-mail update today so I'd like to think it's gone out special delivery/next day courier. I don't want to do any more waiting.
If its of any use to some of you there is a tracking system that displays the status of your cameras repair (and delivery) here

You'll need your reference and delivery postcode to return results.

I just tried this and got the following....

Your camera has been received at our service centre.
It will be repaired and returned to you as soon as possible.
If more than three weeks have passed since we received your camera, please call our helpline on
0844 553 2322.
Our opening hours are Monday to Friday, 09:00 - 17:00.

Same message I got by email on 12th.

So, nothing done yet....:crying:

Mine seems to have disappeared into a black hole sent it back Thursday and not had an email yet.
I sent them an e mail yesterday asking where mine was as I sent it on the 6th June and just got a reply saying its on it's way back
Mine seems to have disappeared into a black hole sent it back Thursday and not had an email yet.

Sent mine off Saturday, by my own postage & my own brown box not fuji pre paid one, got an email today saying......

Dear Mr Wilkins,

Web reference No:******

Your camera has now been received at our service centre. It will be repaired and returned to you as soon as possible.

Many Thanks

FujiFilm Camera Repair Team.

As i sent my back out of my own pocket, be intresting to see how long it take to come back to me.
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Sorry, have to ask - Why did you pay for the postage yourself and why would you expect Fuji to treat it any differently?
Sorry, have to ask - Why did you pay for the postage yourself and why would you expect Fuji to treat it any differently?

I don't expect them to treat it any differently, the reason i posted it myself I didn't realize at the time the pre paid postage was in fact RMSD, hence why i sent it off myself.
Not just this thread, this whole forum is very well mannered (probably a bit too much but I respect it for what it is)

I think DPReview has some of the worst forums I have come across. Most discussions seem to get so personal so quickly and people are so protective against their choice of camera and would fight to the death about conflicting choices made by others.
Your story suggests it is even worse and more far reaching that I would have guessed.

Just noticed this when logging in to these forums:


We've noticed an uprise of behaviour amongst members and threads that is antagonistic, belittling, insulting, argumentative, condescending, unhelpful or just downright plain rude.
We have always tried to have a softly softly approach on TP, and we feel that this has been taken advantage of.
Unfortunately, the goodwill has run out and we won't be gently skirting round this behaviour any more. It's completely detrimental to the community that has been building up for years.

So this is a polite warning. Please think about what you're going to post before you hit submit because we will be issuing suspensions straight away.
Repeat offenders, or those with persistently poor manners and behaviour will result in permanent exclusion from the forums.

Let's keep this forum friendly and a place to be proud of.

For more information, read this thread.


So much for the good behaviour...
I just tried this and got the following....

Your camera has been received at our service centre.
It will be repaired and returned to you as soon as possible.
If more than three weeks have passed since we received your camera, please call our helpline on
0844 553 2322.
Our opening hours are Monday to Friday, 09:00 - 17:00.

Same here, Allan.

If I remember rightly we both sent ours the same if you get yours back before I do, I'm not going to be happy! Hehe ;)

By the way, how did you get your GGS screen off? I used the dental floss trick myself and made a bit of a mess...but managed to get it looking minty again before sending it off.
I used a bit of cotton to get the GGS off, and like you, had a bit of sticky stuff left. Easy to get off really.
I already have a new protector waiting for the arrival of my repaired X10.

Allanm Ive been waiting with baited breath for you to get your camera back,this is dragging on a bit now you still have the x100.I have 1 and am considering getting an x10,what would be your advice