The Official Fuji X10/X20/X30/XF1/XQ1 Thread

After I posted that shot last night I thought, this is mad! I didn't care (much) about orbs before, I'm not going to be chasing them now... I thought about deleting the post but it was too late.

I've had 1.03 since it came out (actually, I thought 1.02 was the orb firmware, but I haven't checked), and I've been more than satisfied with the image quality. For most of us here, I think that's the right question. I've seen nothing to disappoint me in the few shots so far (it only arrived yesterday afternoon), and it'll take time to be sure. But I see no reason to worry. Fuji make a range of great sensors, and I doubt they are going to mess this high profile issue up!

Hi Chris & all others,

1.03 was released by Fuji to reduce the orb effects (one of the measures was the increasing of the ISO value under orb-prone conditions). There were also other, useful functional additions, e.g. reassigning the RAW button, and the camera being able to remember certain settings when switching between different modes, but I can live without those...

The favouring of higher ISO values under certain circumstances (the orbing ones) was/is not something I fancy very much, so I skipped the 1.03 firmware version. This is also one of the reasons I'm so skeptical about sending my X10 in (Fuji might just update the firmware). In my opinion, firmware 1.03 is a stopgap. A piece of software to circumvent and/or repair issues with the old and "faulty" sensor. Now, my concern is the pairing of the new sensor with the 1.03 firmware. This would leave us with a good/better sensor that still, and unnecessarily so, favours higher ISO values where it would be fine with the exposure settings/characteristics of the 1.02 firmware version. Perhaps Fuji will release a new firmware that behaves differently, based on the sensor that is available.

Or, perhaps I'm just not making sense. I would love to hear your opinions on this. Duncan, Allan, Ed, Lindsay, or anyone else any thoughts?

Hi Chris & all others,

1.03 was released by Fuji to reduce the orb effects (one of the measures was the increasing of the ISO value under orb-prone conditions). There were also other, useful functional additions, e.g. reassigning the RAW button, and the camera being able to remember certain settings when switching between different modes, but I can live without those...

The favouring of higher ISO values under certain circumstances (the orbing ones) was/is not something I fancy very much, so I skipped the 1.03 firmware version. This is also one of the reasons I'm so skeptical about sending my X10 in (Fuji might just update the firmware). In my opinion, firmware 1.03 is a stopgap. A piece of software to circumvent and/or repair issues with the old and "faulty" sensor. Now, my concern is the pairing of the new sensor with the 1.03 firmware. This would leave us with a good/better sensor that still, and unnecessarily so, favours higher ISO values where it would be fine with the exposure settings/characteristics of the 1.02 firmware version. Perhaps Fuji will release a new firmware that behaves differently, based on the sensor that is available.

Or, perhaps I'm just not making sense. I would love to hear your opinions on this. Duncan, Allan, Ed, Lindsay, or anyone else any thoughts?


I could be wrong, but I thought the firmware only increased the ISO in EXR mode. Not a problem for me, as I never use the fully automatic settings. But I agree this firmware seems pointless when paired with the new sensor.
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Sent mine off yesterday 18/06 and received email of receipt today 19/06.

Not sure I can handle 9-10 days without my X10. It's terrific and the first camera in about 8 years that I didn't want to trade within a few months.
I only have the X10 unlike you posh folk with your spare 5Ds. I hope the turnaround for sensor replacement is speeding up; I can't imagine why it is taking 13 days or more if you were sent a box.

I had a secondary issue of a sticking aperture so I'm praying to god I'm not going to be an extended test case or part of some other set back.
Hey all, thanks for a tremendous thread. Taken me several days to go through it ;)
Bought my x10 on hsaturday and had a quick run with it the following day. Main thing about it, it makes me smile.
Quick question - what are the chances that the cam has the new lens and sensor in it bearing in mind it's a couple days old? I can just phone them tomorrow but wondered if anyone knew?
I don't know if any new ones are being sold with the new sensor, but the best way to check yours would be to go out and try to get some orbs. Sunshine reflected of a gleaming car is a good start, sunny reflections off glass etc
If you don't see orbs, you have a new one
I only have the X10 unlike you posh folk with your spare 5Ds. I hope the turnaround for sensor replacement is speeding up; I can't imagine why it is taking 13 days or more if you were sent a box.

I had a secondary issue of a sticking aperture so I'm praying to god I'm not going to be an extended test case or part of some other set back.

Allow about 12 days before giving them a quick call just to chase it up. Your aperture problem shouldn't add anything to the turnaround time, in fact they replace the entire sensor and lens combination anyway.
Apparently I have a parcel waiting for me at the sorting office.:clap:

Doubt it will be the camera though, thats probably sitting on someones workbench under a pile of lenses and sensors........

Apparently I have a parcel waiting for me at the sorting office.:clap:

Doubt it will be the camera though, thats probably sitting on someones workbench under a pile of lenses and sensors........


Just rang Fuji Support to chase YOUR X10 and they told me, to tell you, it will be at least another four weeks :D
Hey all, been having a look through this thread for a couple of days now, the X10 is really tempting me into a purchase as a backup/street camera to my Canon 550D.

Do you guys think it is worth me looking into? Would you say the price (Roughly £320) is worth it? How common are these problems that a few of you have noticed with yours?

I'm stuck with deciding on what to get for another camera, I am stuck between this and a Ricoh GR1v (Both totally different I know! :D)
Just rang Fuji Support to chase YOUR X10 and they told me, to tell you, it will be at least another four weeks :D

Don't, I feel bad enough without it for 2 weeks!
Well the package turned out to be some rubbish I ordered online that I will be sending back.

Hey all, been having a look through this thread for a couple of days now, the X10 is really tempting me into a purchase as a backup/street camera to my Canon 550D.

Do you guys think it is worth me looking into? Would you say the price (Roughly £320) is worth it? How common are these problems that a few of you have noticed with yours?

I'm stuck with deciding on what to get for another camera, I am stuck between this and a Ricoh GR1v (Both totally different I know! :D)

As a street camera I prefer the Ricoh. In fact have just sold my X10 and gone back to a Ricoh GRD. 2 main reasons as follows;

- Snap focus (2.5m zone focusing). Very useful for street shots avoiding the need for camera to focus as while the X10 is generally good it is still at compact levels of AF so a fair few 'quick' shots catch the camera out. This never happens with Snap focus.
- Smaller. Although X10 is no SLR in size it is still awkward to get in a pocket whereas the Ricoh fits more easily. Again for walking around in the street I like to put the camera in my pocket now and again. Found I was always having to hold the X10.

Other than that the X10 is better at most other things although the Ricoh slightly nudges it on ease of use, button layout but a close call. You could also just get a GRD 1 for £100 and save a lot of money.
If 100% street then the Ricoh for me but as the % of street use lowers the X10 benefits increase.
However if I am going to carry a camera around for non street shots which doesn't fit in the pocket I will just grab my wifes Sony A700 and get a far better camera than either of them...
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As a street camera I prefer the Ricoh. In fact have just sold my X10 and gone back to a Ricoh GRD. 2 main reasons as follows;

- Snap focus (2.5m zone focusing). Very useful for street shots avoiding the need for camera to focus as while the X10 is generally good it is still at compact levels of AF so a fair few 'quick' shots catch the camera out. This never happens with Snap focus.
- Smaller. Although X10 is no SLR in size it is still awkward to get in a pocket whereas the Ricoh fits more easily. Again for walking around in the street I like to put the camera in my pocket now and again. Found I was always having to hold the X10.

Other than that the X10 is better at most other things although the Ricoh slightly nudges it on ease of use, button layout but a close call. You could also just get a GRD 1 for £100 and save a lot of money.
If 100% street then the Ricoh for me but as the % of street use lowers the X10 benefits increase.
However if I am going to carry a camera around for non street shots which doesn't fit in the pocket I will just grab my wifes Sony A700 and get a far better camera than either of them...

Thanks Chris, my aim would be to use it 90% as a street camera to help me with being a bit more discreet as I go about as my 550D although great, it's a little too noticeable.

I will look into the GRD 1 although I have to say its the GR1v or s models that I have fancied for a while now, it's just trying to find one that im struggling with haha

EDIT - Just bid on a GR1v on ebay, worth a try at getting it although there are still 3 days left...
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I only have the X10 unlike you posh folk with your spare 5Ds. I hope the turnaround for sensor replacement is speeding up; I can't imagine why it is taking 13 days or more if you were sent a box.

I had a secondary issue of a sticking aperture so I'm praying to god I'm not going to be an extended test case or part of some other set back.

Yes, I know what you mean. I don't have another decent digital camera. However, while she was away, I...

- got down my ancient Pentax ME and shot a roll of prepaid Sensia and later a roll of Superia through it

- bought an Oympus Trip from Oxfam for a tenner and shot a roll of HP5 through it (that was fun!)

- got my Sensia slides back and scanned them in; most so-so but found a stormy shot that was worth posting in TP... later did my first black and white conversion in Aperture and got some comments on that

- flirted with an Oxfam XA2, put in a bid for a XA on eBay, dithered, lost both

-sent off the remaining two films, and wait in anxious anticipation for them to come back.

So, all in all it is still possible to have photographic fun without your X10!

BTW I think the whole sensor+lens assembly gets replaced, so your sticky apperture could well get solved at the same time.
I just heard that while the Fuji engineers were clearing their workbenches ready to fix todays cameras, they found mine, dusted off the cobwebs, ejected the nesting blue tits, replaced the sensor and lens and put it back in a box ready to post back to me.
Should be here soon.......

Mine arrived this morning as promised complete with lens cap
Mine arrived this morning as promised complete with lens cap

Terry did it arrive with you the next day after you got the despatch e-mail?

EDIT: Ignore me, I've just seen your last post Terry. Hopefully I won't be waiting in vain today and will get my delivery. Looking forward to hearing about your impressions of the new sensor - I can't wait to get out and test mine. According to others, early signs are that all is as normal, and the orbs have been tamed.
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Yes I got the dispatch mail yesterday and it arrived this morning
Unfortunately I'm at work 50 miles from the x10 so will have a play tonight
Which courier was it Terry? Doesn't look like mine is going to show up - really annoying given this is the last nice day for at least a week and I'm stuck here waiting on the delivery. And of course I'll have to wait in tomorrow as well now.
Just received my 'your camera is on its way back to you' email.

...which hopefully means I'll have my X10 back tomorrow :)
So, all in all it is still possible to have photographic fun without your X10!

I appreciate the positive vibes, ChrisR, but there's a hint of fake bacon in it for me. The X10 is not the first camera I wanted to take everywhere, I had an S90 a couple of cameras ago. The X10 is the first camera 'I have' taken everywhere with me. I bought an A4-ish size tote bag especially (£8 BagBase eBay) and the X10 lives loose in the front pocket.

I may well pop down to Oxfam to see what they have, though. £10 you say? Is it a special branch or something? Sounds like a great investment opportunity at the very least.
Funny that! I've had one delivered today aswell.
But it was empty with a prepaid bag to send it back in!

I've already had a new sensor put in my X10, maybe they want me to send it back so they can give me that Extra, Extra special sensor. :)

Stone the crows ... a box has just this moment been delivered. From Fuji!
I may well pop down to Oxfam to see what they have, though. £10 you say? Is it a special branch or something? Sounds like a great investment opportunity at the very least.

Our local Oxfam in Kenilworth has a corner of the window that's always got some cameras in it. I think there are 3 Zenits, a Pentax MZ-30, Canon AE-1 Program, a couple of Practicas, some kind of weird Kodak with lots of metal on it (it's on a high shelf), a bunch of different lenses, half a dozen flashes, 3 or so tripods, and a bucket of camera cases. They had a Kiev, the Trip that I bought, and the XA2 that I missed. Prices from £1.99 for flashes to maybe £19.99 or so (hard to see the tickets). It's the only one around that I know that does cameras; maybe the manager knows something about them, but the staff don't!

Back to the X10, surprisingly, I was usure this afternoon whether to take my X10 out or one of the film cameras. In the end I put the X10 on the black and white settings and went out with it; I'm trying to train myself to "see" in black and white again, and it's quite useful to actually see the image on the screen (you don't get that with an Olympus Trip!).
I was usure this afternoon whether to take my X10 out or one of the film cameras.

You take them both. The X10 is little enough to go in a jacket pocket or in whatever you're carrying your film camera in. I wear my X10 on a Gariz gunshot strap across my body, I don't even notice I have it on me.

As an interesting exercise you could try shooting the same scene with the film camera and then with the X10.
You take them both. The X10 is little enough to go in a jacket pocket or in whatever you're carrying your film camera in. I wear my X10 on a Gariz gunshot strap across my body, I don't even notice I have it on me.

As an interesting exercise you could try shooting the same scene with the film camera and then with the X10.

I did try that for the first post-revival film, but found it quite awkward; not having a camera bag is probably quite a lot of the cause. My X10 dangles from my wrist, which is fine walking but distracting when you're trying to frame a shot with a different camera. It was even worse when I was trying to use my monstrous Tamron 85-210 zoom (which basically is too heavy for me to hold properly now, and will have to go).

But you're right, it IS a good exercise, especially for a more considered shot, and at least as a temporary record while waiting for the film to come back. It was useful when I was checking the weird colour casts I got scanning Fuji C200 film, too (not buying that again!).
Ooh my X10 now has all its bling put back on it. Problem is that after a 2 week separation I can't remember how the pictures are supposed to look so I'll need to dig out some of the ones from the old sensor and retake them.

My memory is a bit like that!
I suppose the benefit of not having the x10 for a couple of weeks means I have been able to learn more about my x100, which seems to have taken a back seat to the newcomer over the past month or two
I'd forgotten just how good that camera is!
Allan.i have an x100 and am thinking to get an x10 for the extra length shots.are you glad you bought both,any advice.
I think they compliment each other perfectly. The menus are the same layout for both and you can customise them so they look the same. It makes it much easier when swapping from one to the other. IQ from the x100 is definitely better, but the X10 images are very close unless you are doing heavy cropping.
My only advice is to get a bag that holds them both and isn't too big or bulky. I eventually settled on a Domke F-803. I got the Ruggedwear version. It's expensive but is exactly what I have been looking for.
Update on my X10 intermittent power issue;

I have received my camera back today. Not bad as I sent it off last Wednesday.

Opened up the box and all returned as expected.

Read the response on the fix for the problem and all it says is “The firmware has been upgraded to the latest specification”. Thinking there might be more detail I called Fuji and they confirmed after a full camera check that it’s all they have done!

Obviously I didn’t accept this (need a camera that just works in the field) as its obviously not firmware issue as others still experience it on latest firmware version and made that point. Upshot of the conversation is they have sent me out a new camera. They have also asked me to return my existing one which they will send out packaging for. I will hold onto the old one until I get a chance to test the new x10 in anger in a few weeks.

I fear that I will still experience the same issue as others like Jondc, Woodmaster, Essexash all seems to have the same problem. I will let you all know.

Just to add - credit to Fuji for taking the steps they NOW have to sort my problem.

PS Si/Duncan... haven’t seen an image posting from either of you for a while. Surely you can post a few x10 treats for us? The past few days has been all about x10 post returns rather than the images ;-)
PS Si/Duncan... haven’t seen an image posting from either of you for a while. Surely you can post a few x10 treats for us? The past few days has been all about x10 post returns rather than the images ;-)

I've been away on a drinking holiday :D
Managed some quality time with my big SLRs bonding with my latest kit.
I think I've got some of the best semi-candid images I've ever taken courtesy of the new body and lens (5DIII + 135mm f2).
Also had a decent go at startrails (5DII + 24TSE II). Battery straight out of charger, lock the cable release on and take 30s exposures till the battery runs out. Never done that before LOL. Result looks awesome and I want to do a lot more of this!
So I'm afraid the X10 took second fiddle...

Astonished to see how much activity has taken place in this thread. Which is great!
Am REALLY looking forward to seeing someone do some proper testing of the new sensor and give us an informed opinion.
I can't send mine off till after a festival I'm covering in a few weeks time as I need to be sure I've got it with me - so I'm in no hurry :)

You are right - the thread has been getting a bit light on images.
So here's one I took yesterday.
Only PP is to lift the shadows a bit as they were almost a silhouette.
Rachel is only medium build and that rail is uncomfortably low; I'm over 6ft and the rail was only hip height. This was taken kneeling down as I needed both hands on the camera and there is no way I was going to stand without holding onto the rail :puke:
In case you can't work out the scale; that's a 12 story drop...

Bonus points for anyone who can guess where it was taken :D:D
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