The Official Fuji X10/X20/X30/XF1/XQ1 Thread

Dunno. $700 usually equates to the same in uk money so £700 is well out of my price range tbh. All my dslr gear would barely cover that if I were to sell it. :LOL:

As Terry says, probably no discernable difference in IQ over the x20 but it may do a little better at higher iso perhaps? Maybe not. Has some nice features though for sure.
Oh, I do like to be beside the seaside.:banana:.
A trio from a few weeks ago.
All X20, Jpegs, with some PP.

1. An in camera pano, f11, 1/500th sec, ISO 100.

2. Zoom 120mm, f8, 1/1000th sec, ISO 100.

3. Zoom 120mm, f8, 1/1200th sec, ISO 100.

The X30 looks nice, though I’m not keen on EVFs, the tilt screen would be good for me, I use a homemade angled mirror that screws into the tripod head at the moment.
Is it £700 worth of improvements? Camera or holiday….Daddy or chips. :).
I think I’m with Terry for now.

Settings for the Fujifilm XF-1 in Video mode in Low light with moving subjects

Has anyone got any tips on how best to set up the XF-1 for moving subjects in low light conditions such as dancers inside a dimly lit hall?

I found that using "Continuous focus" (wide open at F1.8) the XF-1 struggles to lock onto and stay locked with a subject and the resultant video is constantly out of focus...............
I tried using “Centre Focus” which was a little better, but still the camera struggled to focus consistently, any settings suggestions please or is it just a limitation of the camera in low light conditions?

Oh, I do like to be beside the seaside.:banana:.
A trio from a few weeks ago.

Got some nice saturated colours there Rhodese, are they Cornwall? I seem to remember that you were there. What's that they're always banging on about on the forum critiques, oh yes, "Your horizon's not straight in #1" :) :) You already know that; problem with the old panoramic stitching, I think you could straighten with the warp tool.
David, Jim.
Well what I can say about that horizon, I actually like the distortion.
Here it is redone. PS transform warp.

Jim it was taken at “Blanes Costa Brava Spain” last July.
When they came to take me away, it’s where they held me for two weeks, then when I got back home, I was decamped to Tintagel for two weeks, to test the falling down waters.
However, I have now been reinstalled in sunny Wolverhampton assigned to emptying bottles of Spanish intoxicants.

The X30 looks nice, though I’m not keen on EVFs, the tilt screen would be good for me, I use a homemade angled mirror that screws into the tripod head at the moment.
Is it £700 worth of improvements? Camera or holiday….Daddy or chips. :).
I think I’m with Terry for now.


It does look nice, I'm still using my X10, so maybe this is enough leverage for an upgrade? Tilit screen would be good for low level shots, I'm too old to be lying on the ground! If the EVF is nearly as good as that in the X-T1 it'll probably do, although there's something to be said for a VF that you can see through when the camera is off. OTOH there's not a lot to be said for a VF with no info in it!

Assuming that a X-Pro 2 is turning up soon, the X-t1 plus kit might get down closer to £700, so a X30 isn't a done deal for me!
Does anyone have an opinion on th XQ-1 as a camera to recommend for someone who would like a decent result from a smal camera but is not technically interested in photography as such? An X20 would be too chunky, and the XF-1, while the right size for a handbag and very neat with excellent images, seems a little quirky in its operation which might be a problem. The XQ-1 also seems handbag-sized, and as far as I know the same sensor, but with more conventional controls. There are other non-Fuji choices of course, but I just love the colours that come from these cameras.
More conventional controls... such as what? A on off button? :LOL:

The focusing will be better as will the IQ on the XQ1. But then it's nearly twice the price. They're really nice little cameras and has a really good screen and wifi to boot.
X20's now down to £230 in Currys...!!!! Dayuum! Cheaper than they are selling for in the classifieds all be it with a few accessories included.
I assume that is in-store, as they aren't on the web site. If so, which branch please?
The added size and flip out screen appeal to me. I dont think id ever use the wifi function though. Quite tempted...
The X10 has been my coat pocket camera since it came out. I never leave the house without it. I never upgraded to the X20 as I didn't see the immediate benefits. The X30 has quite a lot to offer so I may upgrade. The only downside as far as I can see is the removal of the OVF.
I'm not sure about that. It's an X camera that I have never researched. from my cursory look. I considered it was a camera that never met my needs.
Hi, The X30 certainly looks a fine bit of kit to me. I love using the X20 and really like an optical viewfinder but given the choice of something that is more accurate in that department and for me it's a no brainer, give me accuracy every time.

The added wi-fi for me is a plus point especially when you can control the camera from an app on your cell phone or tablet (exactly the same as the X-T1). I have found this to be very useful especially when shooting from a very low viewpoint in the upright format.

For me the only down side is that the unit is now charged via a USB lead direct into the camera. But on the plus side of that it now appears to use the same battery as the X100s meaning personally there'll be no need for me to purchase the external charger which I understand is now an extra.

Just noticed the Optical Viewfinder is very blurry on my X10, it's clear above 85mm though! It's not the diopter wheel as I tried adjusting that, and it has no effect. Just come back from camping so I am wondering if it's just damp? Had a look on other forums etc, and it seems to be a common problem, not seen any posts on a fix though! Not really too fussed, as I tend to use the LCD anyway, but just thought I would give it a mention.
Just noticed the Optical Viewfinder is very blurry on my X10, it's clear above 85mm though! It's not the diopter wheel as I tried adjusting that, and it has no effect. Just come back from camping so I am wondering if it's just damp? Had a look on other forums etc, and it seems to be a common problem, not seen any posts on a fix though! Not really too fussed, as I tend to use the LCD anyway, but just thought I would give it a mention.

I wouldnt worry. It sounds to me like you have a ready made excuse to upgrade :D