The Official TP Funnies thread ( Jokes Memes etc )

If you listen very carefully, you can get anything you want...
Of all the things we were taught in Maths, Pythag has been the most used equation in real life. It's very useful when working out if I can fit wire antennas of a particular length into a given space (or how much space I need). Sadly, now living in a bungalow, it means that I need more "side B" than I did when I lived in a house!!
We can only hope...

I surf the web a lot, and I guess I was using too much bandwidth, because the other day I got an automated phone call from my service provider. It was The Rolling Stones singing, "Hey, you. Get off of my cloud!"
For those with long memories (or Challenge!)

We have a large sign on the door saying No Canvassers (etc.). When (NOT if!) they ring the bell, they get told that if they're too bleeping stupid to read the sign, they're not getting out votes!

And why do the Green Party use a printer 300 miles away and print their leaflets on glossy paper?