The Photography Show 2020

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Well, just bought a ticket for my wife who likes to come and mooch about with me. Not taken with any of the talks on the Super Stage this year so far and no info on the talks from the major camera brands. So whose got a shopping list? I remember last year that Canon did double cashback on some lenses; no doubt other brands did too. I think we will probably go on Saturday.
Hi Chipper. What do you like talks about? There were a couple of really good ones last year but also many really bad ones. I'll be there.
Hi Chipper. What do you like talks about? There were a couple of really good ones last year but also many really bad ones. I'll be there.
I enjoyed Mary Ellen Mark a couple of years ago. I missed Sebastiao Salgado sadly.
So nobody has a shopping list?
I have a wish list depending on who is there and who they are selling through or who they are interested in. Benro didn't seem that bothered about wanting to check for availability of a £300 tripod I showed an interest in, Sirui were selling through Camera World who said any items not at the show might take a month to arrive.
I generally look for manufacturers who have a small market presence in the UK and niche advertising channels like Holdfast, Platypod, HPRC.IT who have some novel products and are hard to get hold of in the UK outside the show. Others who are easily accessible and have expansive stock available through retail outlets like WEX, Amazon Park etc I tend to look at the range they have for hands on experience however often show prices
However there is a game to play (especially on the consumer Saturday)which is count the number of people walking around with their cameras round their necks with 70-200 mm lenses on, as well as spot the person with the longest lens on their camera.
Some of the lighting tutorials are quite good to watch but seem to be geared more towards the use of the studio lighting setups whereby you need two or three lights to replicate which , with modifiers, backgrounds etc is a £5000 setup. ok if you're in that market but few will do an equivalent with speedlights.
The talks on the big manufactures stands Nikon, Canon etc are often good but you need to be there on the right day generally.
Some of the Big Stage talks that are about the working life of a world reknown photographers like Joe McNally / Scott Kelby are often good but that disconnect between speaker and viewer often occurs when they base talks around their experience spending 4 months in Mongolia documenting the migration of the indigenous x/y/z tribes, when its something the audience is ever likely to experience themselves.
The galleries of prints that are displayed in the entrance hall and often at the back of the hall behind where Canon park themselves are often worth a look at they show the equipment and the settings used.
There seems to be a plethora of 20% off codes going around at the moment with every exhibitor sharing theirs (I suspect there might be some reward for the most used code).I am hoping that as the show gets closer these might become 30% and 50%'s.

Thats my 2peneth on the show offerings that generally engage my interest. Its a good day out in general and you can spend the whole day around the hall if there are a couple of speakers session that can break up the wandering
Just to let you know - The codes haven’t gone low before; they usually stop around a week before.
I thought the one day tickets could be used any day
They can. But I suppose it depends on whether you've booked transport arrangements etc. E.g. I've got one day tickets so could use on any day but have booked the train for the Saturday so wouldn't change the day I'm going on now
I have a Trade Pass so I can go every day. I already booked to see Jarvis on Saturday and parking so it would've been good to see both at the same day.

I will be around on the same terms too. Free parking all around Marston Green and a short walk to NEC for me.
Given it some thought and I think it might be a bridge to far for me this year . Can’t yet manage a full trek round the supermarket with the wife ,pity really as I like the show
If you get in touch with the NEC, you can get into a car park much nearer the arena; you still have to pay but don't have the bus / long walk in from the car park to deal with first. I had recently had a knee op last year and went with my crutches. It was hard work and only possible because of that car park and resting at every opportunity. They might do scooters; not sure. About 3 or 4 minutes walk from that car park which was a challenge but I just took it slowly.
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I'll be going on Saturday to get my Olympus gear a spruce up and also I have a ticket for the Chase Jarvis Talk.
Hopefully I'll have earned a bit of cash with my photography before the show, then I may be able to pick up some "needs" lol
Don't forget to wear your fpp3 masks and gloves while your there!

Enjoy all. I'm hopefully going photokina this year
I'm hoping to attend this years one! I have never been before.
Are there any days that are better to go than the others or are they mostly the same other than classes/shows?

Any advice for a first timer?!
I'm hoping to attend this years one! I have never been before.
Are there any days that are better to go than the others or are they mostly the same other than classes/shows?

Any advice for a first timer?!
Every day is the same on most stands. It’s the talks and classes that change daily. There isn’t a ‘landscapers’ or ‘wedding/portrait’ specific day as such. Choose a day based on if there is a talk or two that interests you. Most talks will be run by pros on 1 or 2 days. There aren’t many that run a talk every day.
I don't want to spoil the expectations, but don't be surprised it gets cancelled due to virus threat. The show in Japan just got cancelled so did mobile phone event in Spain... If it does go ahead it looks like elevated level of risk.
I don't want to spoil the expectations, but don't be surprised it gets cancelled due to virus threat. The show in Japan just got cancelled so did mobile phone event in Spain... If it does go ahead it looks like elevated level of risk.

Hadn't thought about this, should it get cancelled due to the virus, where would we stand on ticket refunds?
I'm usually there on the Monday. Probably will this year too!
There is an update on the website regarding Corvid19.

Hadn't thought about this, should it get cancelled due to the virus, where would we stand on ticket refunds?
There was extra insurance option on ticket purchases this year. I’d like to think there would be a refund if they cancelled the event due to something like Corvid19 but then I guess there would still be costs to cover up to that point. The only other example where attendance issues occurred was because of the snow on the Sunday of the 2018 show. The show did still go ahead but I seem to think they honoured Sunday tickets on Monday and tuesday but didn’t offer refunds.

If ticket refunds were made this year I’d doubt they would cover any extras such as pre paid accommodation or travel costs unless you had the extra insurance.

Even China gp got canceled
Thats pretty understandable considering the outbreak is in China.

I don't want to spoil the expectations, but don't be surprised it gets cancelled due to virus threat. The show in Japan just got cancelled so did mobile phone event in Spain... If it does go ahead it looks like elevated level of risk.
Again quite understandable as Japan is very close to China and likely to be quite a few Chinese exhibitors attending. Wasn’t the mobile phone event in Spain a big industry event so likely to be a considerable amount of attendees/exhibitors coming from all of the world. The photography show is probably mainly limited to Europe based staff and a UK audience. It would be quite easy to reduce risk by banning an exhibitors that have been out of the UK for two weeks prior.

If you have been out of the UK in Far East countries I wouldn’t attend any events/large gatherings of people for at least two weeks after returning. That goes for events at the NEC or sporting events. It’s sensible steps like that which people can do themselves.
I can't for one minute imagine this event being cancelled.
Barcelona MWC was cancelled and they have less case of the Corona virus

We don't have a history of knee jerk reactions to these types of things.
Why exactly would we need to cancel it?
What next, champions league football matches, just don't see it happening
I'm still going, same as I would if influenza was doing the rounds.
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We don't have a history of knee jerk reactions to these types of things.
Why exactly would we need to cancel it?
What next, football matches involving Italian clubs, just don't see it happening
I'm still going, same as I would if influenza was doing the rounds.
F1 China canceled too
Barcelona MWC was cancelled and they have less case of the Corona virus
As far as I know that’s an industry conference/event where delegates will be travelling from across the world. You only have to read the initial part of their statement, “Since the first edition of Mobile World Congress in Barcelona in 2006, the GSMA has convened the industry, governments, ministers, policymakers, operators and industry leaders across the broader ecosystem”. I doubt the UK photography show gets anywhere as near as many overseas visitors or even the same type of industry and government delegates. A very high percentage of people attending the photography show will be from the UK because it’s a public show and not an industry show. The caravan and camping show was held at the NEC at the weekend. It wasn’t cancelled and is likely a more similar type of event to the photography show than MWC.

The whole face mask and gloves in this country is just scare mongering. There is no evidence to suggest FFP3 dust masks are any help at all to the general public. They may make things worse are likely to be worn too long, repeatedly touched and may end up harbouring the virus. Using standard hygiene practices of properly washing hands and using tissues would likely be much better than FFP3 dust masks or surgical masks
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F1 China canceled too
Again a specific risk that’s very different to the photography show. The China GP involves the whole F1 setup visiting the country where the virus is happening with a large industry entourage that would be in Netherlands and Spain only 3-4 weeks later. That’s pretty oblivious why the China GP was cancelled.
i'll be there, hoping there's a decent deal to be had on the sigma 70-200 and i may well look at getting a couple of pen drive presentation boxes as i am doing a couple of weddings this year so it would be nice to present the images a bit nicer than just on a dvd.
i'll be there, hoping there's a decent deal to be had on the sigma 70-200 and i may well look at getting a couple of pen drive presentation boxes as i am doing a couple of weddings this year so it would be nice to present the images a bit nicer than just on a dvd.
are branded pen drives cheaper now for the same capacity than the kit needed for DVDs?
Well the Barcelona mwc was canceled and they have less numbers of corono virus people then in the UK

Rob already explained the differences between the two events.
Can't insulate yourself from every possible risk, would never leave the house if you did.
There again probably find a lot more people in the UK will die from accidents in the home than this virus