The Travelling Superzoom - Roll #2

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And so, the journey of The Travelling Superzoom reaches its conclusion

This thread contains all 37 photos from the second roll of film (Kodak Colorplus) shot with The Travelling Superzoom (see this thread if you don't have a clue what this is on about, and see this thread for the photos from roll #1)

The photos are posted in chronological order and split by the person who took them.

Hold on to your hats!
Some wonderful photos in that set.
Mine weren't :(

Edit to add - a response to Des post 12
That was really interesting, definitely some very nice photos in there. And the camera sometimes worked well, too!
It was a fun little project, and great to see all the things the camera got pointed at. The camera itself is now en route to Colarado, USA as a gift for my Secret Santa recipient, so its travels continue. If anyone else has a camera they don't mind entrusting to the members here (and the postal service), maybe we can do it again next year.