The world's gone mad(der)

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So this weekend I was shopping for a fridge. Since it's the only shop left standing, I went to Currys. They have a surprisingly good range and I ended up buying one there rather than from AO.

However, amongst the many upsells they tried, they were really keen for me to buy a webcam. For my fridge. A fridge webcam. A webcam for the inside of my fridge.

It doesn't matter how I write that, I still can't get it to make sense. Can anybody think of a sensible reason why I would want a camera on the inside of my fridge?

Truly, my mind is blown.
How did they justify getting one?

They didn't. TBH they barely tried to sell me an extended warranty :) But there were adverts over the entire store for it and I'm looking forward to my follow up email.

If it helps, it's liked to Alexa. It's also "reduced" to £100.
I guess so when you are in Tesco, you think... do I need ketchup, or do I have greek yogurt and you can take a look. However, I get no signal in my Waitrose!
It doesn't matter how I write that, I still can't get it to make sense. Can anybody think of a sensible reason why I would want a camera on the inside of my fridge?

Beats me too. I assume the only use would be as Simon has suggested but, even given a good signal in the supermarket, you'd need at least one (and possibly more) camera per shelf to be able to see what you do and don't have.

It reminds me of the quote from Jurassic Park - "Your scientists were so preoccupied with whether they could, they didn't stop to think if they should."

I guess so when you are in Tesco, you think... do I need ketchup, or do I have greek yogurt and you can take a look.
There was a TV advert for that very thing / reason not so long ago!

I bet no one writes shopping lists on the back of old Christmas ( sorry for the "C" word in October) cards either any more ;)
Can anybody think of a sensible reason why I would want a camera on the inside of my fridge?

So Mrs Ryan can see when you're sneaking an extra tinny or similar!!! :p

Sorry, can't think of a sensible reason, just a silly one. Surely you'd need one trained on every item in the fridge to keep an eye on sauce levels - or at least one on each shelf.


This is loopy.

It takes a picture of your fridge every time the door is closed! I have enough photos on my phone anyway without multiple, fairly similar, photos of the fridge.
Can't see how one camera can take a photo that would be a useful guide to what is in the fridge.
I can't remember the last time my fridge was a neat as the one in the ad for the camera, and
it apparently has, ".... a best before tracker. Keep on top of your fridge items’ expiry dates, so you’re reminded to use them up in time.". I love to know how that works.

There's already a device on your fridge to help you keep track of the contents.

It's called a door.
But that means they have to use their eyes not the iPhone ...
Surely a camera on the inside of your fridge makes more sense than an internet-enabled toaster?
(Did it using quotes because I'm too lazy to type : clap : [without the spaces.])
As my mum say's the lazies people take the most pains ;)

a simple quote & :clap: would have saved you 13 words :p
I could have used the button behind the smiley button too. :p
I could have used the button behind the smiley button too. :p
You mean like I did? Still typing to save time? :p
You dodntdlook for the right class of fridge!
Some Samsung's have them built in, and they text you when they think you're running low on regular items.:eek:

(You do need to programme in a list of regular items.)

Not to mention their "Family Hub" fridge/freezer.

My Samsung washing machine talks to my S9
Never quite worked out why, it can't put the washing liquid or fabric conditioner in
so don't see the point of pressing a button on the phone rather then the machine !
Silly isn't it? Solutions that are looking for problems.

I don't know about everyone else but swmbo checks the fridge, the freezer and the cupboards to make a mental note of what needs topping up just before we head off to the shops.
Will the Chinese start hacking all our fridge cams?
Where does it get it's power from? Isn't it dark inside a fridge so what iso are they using and what's the quality like, could be a terrific sensoride the camera.
I don't understand the confusion, its obviously so you can choose what you want for dinner, text the wife to let her know and you won't need to leave the couch.

In my tiny council house i can just scream at here from anywhere so im ok at the moment, but when i hit the big time as a photographer and have an east and west wing, this camera will be a lifesaver.