This stopped me going mad last year

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I know this won't be many people's cup of tea so apologies if it isn't, but for those who might be interested:-

As I was off work sick for 8 months last year I need something to keep me occupied as I was essentially house bound for most of that time.

I have always wanted a model railway so this seemed the ideal time to get one up and running. Only having a small house I decided on one in N gauge (1/148 scale) on a 6x3ft board. Here are a few pics:-




And a couple of practise sessions in Photoshop:-


Well I for one think it's the dogs doodahs. I used to have an N guage setup years ago. In the end I virtually gave it away. How many mistakes we make LOL.

The low shots look great.

Hope you on the mend now :D
I used to model in 00 and 009, one day I will get round to building an N guage model of the Cambrian Railways. Unfortunately scratch building in N gauge I can't even do now, my eyes are already well past that and I'm only 25!
Thanks! I'm thankfully on the mend now. I've completed a course of injections and am due to start physiotherapy and psychotherapy next month. I was diagnosed with M.E. during the summer after being ill for 6 months initially caused by swine flu combined with stress. It's been a long hard road but I can finally see some light the other end.

Here are some low down shots as requested:-




A fantastic set you have created. I lover the DRS powered NR rake!

I truly hope you recover enough to get back to your day to day activities and still have enough time and energy to give you some play time with your N gauge set up!


(y) this is superb ,credit for being able to build this whilst undergoing the stress of an illnesswhen many would just sit and wallow in self pity ,3 and 9 could have been taken rail side well done ,keep ya chin up hope all goes well in 2011 and keep us up to date with this little project and your health ;)
Lovely Set up I alos do N gauge,just stripped mine down changing to 009 and recreating thet Penrhyn Railway at Felin Fawr in Bethesda

abolutely fantastic, both the detail in your railway and the shots. As previously mentioned, some could pass as tilt-shift!

Thank you for sharing.

I absolutely love it! I've always been into model railway layouts and have hundreds of old "Railway Modeller" magazines stashed up in my hobby room. Unfortunately the sheer lack of space mean I could never have a decent sized layout in my house (I live in a small terraced house) even though I do have the money to make a start on one.
My "hobby room" is already maxed out for space as it is. Of course, there is the attic but the cost and effort of converting that into a room suitable for hosting a layout would vastly outweigh the pleasure I would get out of it.

I want a train set NOW! <--- Stamps foot and pouts. :razz:

And I'm 43.
Thanks for all the kind comments. Overall my health is improving and I have a check-up tomorrow. Latest is I'm due to undergo a fitness programme to build my strength back up instead of physio as well as the M.E/CFS therapy starting next month. With any luck I should be back working again soon.

I took some updated photos in the last few days as I've done a bit more with the layout, including completing all the track work and related scenics. The next task is wiring up some lights, something I've never done before but my first test was successful...!





You are a very clever person.

The detail is fabulous & I can understand how that project would have kept you spirits up!

However if I tried I would be all fingers & thumbs

What you have so far achieved is exceptional. The level of detail is brilliant.

I wish you well in your next step back to health.

It is transportable if I have someone to help carry the board as it measures 6ft6 x 2ft8 but I don't plan to exhibit it at the moment as this is mainly a test bed for a future layout I plan to exhibit.

Here it is under floodlights, acheived using LEDs.

Just love the flood lit effect looks so lifelike, awsome job.

Also glad to hear you are on the road to recovery, been there few years ago with a heart attack. not the same i know but a long struggle still the same,
Great, now I can't stop thinking of building an N scale model of Afonwen jucntion between the Cambrian mainline and the LNWR secondary route!
Great to see a railway not full of rubbish, really great series. :clap:
Not my thing at all Im afraid.....

But that is all sorts of awesome!

Looks brilliant, I can only imagine how much time youve spent. I used to have a 4x4 diaorama of a battle field with soldiers that my dad made, but no where near this level of detail.

Amazing, well done!
Looks really good, I like the floodlights. Having worked in a goods yard under floodlights that I think is a great model, and they do look like that in real life.
Never understood the model railway, or scaletrix fascination, but then coming from a generation who spent their childhood shooting aliens and saving the world its hardly surprising.

However, I do like modelling and you've done and awesome job :D Might have to clear the garage or the attic out and start some modelling.