Tight Fit

I don't know if this is for crit or not, it has sat in unanswered for a few days. Here's a couple of thoughts from me to think about next time. The horizon doesn't look straight, the sea is pouring off to the left! Also was there a reason why you kept the railings in the shot? If you'd have ducked down below the railings you'd have got a much more pleasing shot.

Hope that helps.
The shot was taken on a mobile phone, as I steered the ship in, ducking down below railings not an option Im afraid, it was just a general transport shot really to show joe public what goes on, but thanks for your comment, they are allways taken on board, so to speak.
Shouldn't you have been driving rather then taking photos? :LOL:

Its a nice seldom seen view though, I take it your fender and tyred up on the sides? So how much space do you actually have on each side?
Sara's right of course, but that is an excellent excuse, and it's still an interesting shot. Nice to see a ship for a change.