

TPer Emeritus
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Bit lop-sided mind you. ;)



And a Nutty for luck.


50D, 700mm, 800 ISO.
i am normally a tit man

but today i am all for the nuts lol you know what i mean

Ooo! Ooo!! Im gonna cut myself if I get to close:)
"Razor" CT, "Razor" #1, but only just :D
They're all nice and sharp.(y) So what are you going to put on for the leg people on here, Red-legged Partridge or Rough-Legged Buzzard.;)
Right - I need to start looking for leggy birds then? :D
cracking shots ct and ultra sharp. i did similer shot today at work but with blues.

Excellent again CT :clap::clap::clap:
Great tits CT!!!!! :LOL:
Very good trio Cedric... but have you been a tad over-zealous with the sharpener on the GT... :cautious:

i am normally a tit man

but today i am all for the nuts lol you know what i mean


I have to agree with MD in this instance, Nice set none the Less CT (y)
I prefer the first shot CT, beautiful colour definition and dof. Those claws look very sharp and long for such a small bird.
As usual, a masterclass in bird photography.
Exceptional quality and detail. The composition of #2 just shades it for me, truly great shot.
Thanks for the comments folks - much appreciated. :)

I'm a bit partial to the Coal Tit actually, no matter how many times you shoot these little sods, you can never be casual about getting a really sharp one, they're just so damned quick and animated.

The place where I got these has spoiled me for Nuthatch shots somewhat - they're almost too easy - they're just as quick as always, but they give you plenty of opportunities.
Thanks for the comments folks - much appreciated. :)

I'm a bit partial to the Coal Tit actually, no matter how many times you shoot these little sods, you can never be casual about getting a really sharp one, they're just so damned quick and animated.

The place where I got these has spoiled me for Nuthatch shots somewhat - they're almost too easy - they're just as quick as always, but they give you plenty of opportunities.

I've got some nice sharp coaltits now, but its the damn willowtit that eludes me. At my new reserve tehre is a resident one, but it seems to like the far feeder that is out of range for the camera.

I love the nutty btw. Is that full frame? If not, id quite lke to see that shot with a bit more space around it. Other than that, perfect shot. :)
Superb shots CT, all super sharp as ever (y)
I've got some nice sharp coaltits now, but its the damn willowtit that eludes me. At my new reserve tehre is a resident one, but it seems to like the far feeder that is out of range for the camera.

I love the nutty btw. Is that full frame? If not, id quite lke to see that shot with a bit more space around it. Other than that, perfect shot. :)

I have got a Willow Tit, but it's feeding on the ground and seems to be the only one where I go too.

The Nutty is a moderate crop, but this one is full frame...

Top notch.
One thing I note is the feathers on the back of the Nutty are a little over sharp'd, they've lost that natural look. I suspect its due to the downsizing for web.
1:1 crop from the unsharpened original...


You just can't compress that sort of detail down to 800 pixels.
10/10 for the photos
3/10 for the god awful puns :D

Mind you, if I had a 500mm with TC lens I'd probably go looking for some tits to look at through it too. ba da boom tish
I take it was the 500 + the 1.4 for these Cedric, super shots as normal (y)