Too fat to work!

Let me direct you to the door if you're not happy with the place. I've read 3 or 4 of your posts today and all you seem to want to do is argue with people :shrug:

wrong ... i don't want to argue but hey are you and the others so perfect that you can slag these people off when they prob do not even know you are doing it, also did i miss something here..who are you to show me the door , all very well in words i think but maybe not in practice:LOL::LOL::LOL:
Wow, what a genralisation.
And you know what, I might be a bit of a photography anorak, In fact I'm not going to deny it. But I am a photography anorak who can
a) Pay my own way in life
b) Work
c) See a pathetic sponger who blames everyone else for their problems for what they really are. A pathetic sponger who blames everyone else for their problems

It must cost a hell of a lot to maintain their figure, and us, the british taxpayers are footing the bill. That is the sort of thing that irritates me - nearly as much as someone who appears to defend them and their actions.

prob too much generalisation but just had a sniff of the coyote's circling the kill and thought it bad, we are all anoraks over something or another
lets start with the immigrants both legal and illegal
Well this is going to be interesting, given the migrant population trend of the UK. I assume you can trace all of your ancestry right back to the first bi-peds to inhabit this island? :popcorn:
My ancestors as far back as we have been able to trace them were a mix of Irish, German, Viking, French - with probably some Roman chucked in too. I consider myself a British citizen however.

I don't have a particular issue with immigrants who apply to come and work here. There are soap dodging scum-bags I went to school with have never done an honest days work in their lives. Them I do have a problem with.

On with the lard bashing!
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wrong ... i don't want to argue

well dont then? :shrug:

bi9johnny said:
also did i miss something here..who are you to show me the door , all very well in words i think but maybe not in practice:LOL::LOL::LOL:

if you dont like it, either dont post in it, or report it.
Has there always been a 'benefit society' - in that people can earn enough solely from benefits to rival that of a family that work?
Flobmonster turned down a job live on the radio.

What a girl :bang:

This really bloody annoys me. Her benefits should be stopped immediately, that might make her get of her lazy arse and work like the rest of us have to.

I refer the honourable gentlemen to my earlier reply.

But it is if they are fat lazy ****wits who cannot be bothered to get off their arses to find work, expect everyone else to fund their lifestyle and never take responsibility for their own actions or lives.

Medical condition my arse.
This really bloody annoys me. Her benefits should be stopped immediately, that might make her get of her lazy arse and work like the rest of us have to.

I refer the honourable gentlemen to my earlier reply.

Yup she has clearly turned down a genuine offer of employment. I think you do get your benefits stopped for doing so under the terms of the new deal iirc. If she is on disability then its a different story iirc.

She has now clearly chosen, in public not to work so her right to rock n roll has gone imo. It should only be there for people who need it, not choose it.
not to do with fat pople on support, just general people on dole.....

i dunno how these people get benifit's all the time, like people who are on the dole for year etc...

year before last, i was made rundant, decided to take a time of time off (got a good payout, lasted me 9 months), to take time off with my new born. his was born day before my last day at work..

after redundany money ran out, went on dole, and started job hunting, but they stopped it after about a month, was on the contribution based one, and appaenty my congtributions ran out :thinking:
so what get's me is, how someone like me, who want's and was looking for work, with a kid and misus not working, has mine stopped yet these people who dont want to or cant be bother to look for work manage to stay on it for god know's how long :bang:

Rant mode on sorry.
Now I'm not against the state looking after those that can't provide for themselves but this sort of thing does take the p!zz out of those who do the right thing and work and save for a living

Not meant to be sob story but we're in a similar sort of position to you, Mrs S1 made redundant after 21yrs same DVD company. They closed several European sites and moved production to Poland, as it could be done better(?) and cheaper there. The Poles demanded more money straight away.
Not one to sit on her @rze gets position straight away with a semiconductor mfg, this lasts 6 mths before they lay folks off.
Now she's just this week come to the end of her 6 mths 'job seekers allowance' she/we are only entitled to her stamp, because I'm self employed, but she still has to actively seek work and prove it.
The worst thing you can do in this country is abide by the rules, work, pay your dues and save, if you do none of the above you'll be in god's pocket as the benefit system seems to work against those who work or are genuinely seeking work.
Rant over.
BTW she's got an interview next week, so fingers crossed.
I have no objection to people being fat (other than they look disgusting, but that's my problem, not thiers) as long as they fund thier obesity themselves.
I do object to an entire family funding their dole-bludging ways at my expense however.

I think 6 months of filling sandbags 'for Our Boys' in Helmand Province will thin this lot out nicely...
Is it just me or does the dad not actually look that big? I can't imagine him getting away with saying that companies won't employ him because of his size....